Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Servidor Oficial Pro5M BOT Icon
Bot | Programming
Servidor Oficial Pro5M BOT
MagiQ Icon
Programming | Bot
Prefix: . Send .help to get Bot Commands This bot made by MagiQ Team ( Iranian Professional Developers ) MagiQ fits your discord server needs with many moderation commands you can get some information with information commands have a good day with Fun commands Aparat & Twitch stream Notifications This bot is online 24/7 to use in your server supports 3 languages ( Persian, English, Turkish ) 1- Online 24/7 2- Quick Response 3- High Security 4- Completely Safe 5- High Quality Music Player So invite me Now :D
D1scord Mod Icon
Community | Programming
Discord Moderation Bot ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎.
CreeperBOT Icon
Bot | Programming
A multi propose discord bot, now powered by Botghost...still in development, feel free to join our support server (still in development, so you wont be able to write anything now)
Lunify Icon
Programming | Music
# Lunify Bot - Do you want to use my advanced moderation and artificial intelligence commands? Then add me to your server and I will protect your server :) - Advanced music system! - Use the `/chat` command to use GPT-4 for free - Use the `/imagine` command to use DALL-E 3 for free - I protect everything in both English and Turkish! - You don't want members to nsfw on your server? Then you can prevent them from nsfw on your server with Anti-NSFW!
Security Bot Icon
Programming | Design
Our advanced discord bot provides comprehensive server protection by actively thwarting any attempted nuke attacks and proactively blocking all potentially harmful links, ensuring a safe and secure environment for all members. With our bot's robust security measures in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that your server is effectively shielded from external threats, allowing you to focus on fostering a positive and thriving community.
ProteCat Icon
Bot | Programming
🛡DiscordProtectBot🛡 可愛さと安心をすべてのサーバーに! Prefix = pc! (サーバーごとに変更可能です。) ProteCatはDiscordServerをスパムなどから保護する日本語対応のモデレーションBotです。 Webダッシュボードからではなく、Discord上でコマンドでの操作ができます。 Developed by @otoneko. Docs: https://protecat.otoneko.jp/
Bypass Icon
Programming | Technology
This bot is out to bypass the game robot can / and then select / bypass menu to enable the bot never die if I don't update support multiple bypass see what is supported in command / bypass menu.
Zarco Icon
Programming | Support
Zarco is your ultimate Discord companion, designed to enhance and streamline your server experience. As a multipurpose, all-in-one Discord app, Zarco provides everything your community needs to function smoothly and efficiently. Whether you're managing a small group of friends or a large, thriving server, Zarco has the perfect set of features to make your job easier. With powerful moderation tools, Zarco helps maintain a safe and friendly environment by handling bans, mutes, warnings, and automated moderation filters. Personalized welcome messages ensure new members feel at home, while autoroles automatically assign roles upon joining. The Private Voice Channels (PVC) feature lets members create temporary voice rooms with custom settings. Ticketing provides an organized way to handle inquiries and support requests. Utility tools such as message logging, customizable commands, and advanced permissions management further enhance your server's functionality. Plus, exciting new features
Kepi Icon
Community | Programming
Home of the simple, multi-purpose bot, Kepi.
Zyke Network Icon
Programming | Bot
Zyke Network is an organization of developers and hosting lovers, who aim to provide top quality services with great support.
Wasteland Bot Support™ Icon
Support | Programming
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Come join] Wasteland Bot Support [Founder:] ToggleSpeed✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ#5221 [Information] A bunch of new commands and server addons coming soon for the bots and the server! Wasteland bots come with, Music, Games, Memes, Moderation, Level System, Commands a bunch more commands are going to be added soon! [Additional Info] While you are in the Wasteland Support Sever you can have perms to self advertise! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➬- Self-assignable roles! ➬- Self Advertising ➬- Custom Music bot ➬- Partnerships (should we have them?) ➬- Minimal Rules ➬- NSFW channel (for bot commands) ➬- Custom Bots! ➬- Active Bot Support ➬- Active Chat! (Active Chat-mods) ➬- 24/7 Uptime (Bots Uptime) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [ https://discord.gg/t8dCpFv ] Pings: @/here @/everyone
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Carbon Discord Server Banner
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Catzilla Community Icon
Social | Programming
Do you want free discord nitro? We have the server for you! Join today!
Comunidade AT | Support Icon
Bot | Programming
?⠀Comunidade ATㅤ? Uma comunidade inspirada em um Bot para discord. Aqui podes conviver, testar e socializar com pessoas e bots dos mais diversos temas. ?Obrigado!?
Mediapedia - Support Icon
Bot | Programming | Technology
Official support server for the mediapedia discord bot, a bot that searches the web while staying in the comfort of discord.
LogicFlame Icon
Programming | Support
To set up the bot do =setup(this will create the role/channels needed and permissions) This server is for a Moderation/ticket Bot called LogicFlame This Bot is always being updated as well as new features added This bot can do, muting, tempting, unmuting, ban, unban, warnings These can not use the auto-moderation yet, but I am looking to get the bot to eventually do this. The bot also includes tickets and moderation roles. The bot would require the auto role to be dragged above the members and the channels and categories which the bot would create cannot be changed as the bot relies on this name to work.
MAGIC ✨ Icon
Bot | Programming
A Multipurpose Bot Translated Into All World Languages With More Than 250 Commands
Acey Icon
Bot | Programming
It's a level Bot that works over multiple servers. So if you are level 10 in one Server you're level 10 on every server. It has the commands: help rank shop(still in development) inventory buy and some other. It also shows on how many servers the bot is on. Not only that, but it is default set to st
Webhook Master Icon
Bot | Programming
Webhook Master is an easy-to-use Discord bot made to utilize and manage webhooks. In addition to creating and editing webhooks, Webhook Master can delete and send from webhooks in the form of an embed or a normal message. It makes use of 24/7 uptime and certain Discord libraries.
? ????? Icon
Programming | Role-Playing
- ᴛʀᴀʙᴀᴊᴏs - ʜᴜᴅs - ᴄʜᴀᴛ - ᴍᴇɴᴜs - ᴠᴇʜɪᴄᴜʟᴏs - ᴀɴᴛɪ-ᴄʜᴇᴀᴛꜱ - ʀᴏʙᴏs - ᴅʀᴏɢᴀs - ᴛᴇʟᴇғᴏɴᴏs - ᴍᴀᴘᴇᴀᴅᴏs - ʀᴏᴘᴀ
discordz.xyz Icon
Bot Rules one Please do not use your bot's code in your description, Instead add a Git Repo. two Keep your bot's description SFW. three Every bot should have more than 7 commands ( Excluding basic commands ). If your bot has less, please notify us. four Advertising in the Discord or in DM's is strictly prohibited, use dbots.ml instead. five Bots should not mass DM users or advertise in / spam chats. six All Bots should have a working help command or obvious point of entry. seven Bots should be online at time of review. If your bot is offline it may be declined. eight Your bot should not send any GIF's or Emoji's that could cause seizures or epileptic fits. Important Links one Our Website: https://discordz.xyz/ two Adding Your Bot: https://discordz.xyz/bots/new three Adding Your Server: https://discordz.xyz/servers/new four Your Dashboard: https://discordz.xyz/me/dashboard five Server Link: https://discord.gg/XmMU6PXN9t six Website Docs: https://docs.discordz.xyz/
Revision Icon
Community | Programming
Revision Bot is one of the bots that offers many things without costing a penny. This bot can be used in any category available on Discord! ▶️ https://revision.laleagane.ro/ ◀️
Starrus Icon
Bot | Programming
Starrus 18.05.2020'de moderasyon, müzik, eğlence ve daha birçok amaç ile oluşturulmuş ve tamamen Türkçe bir Discord botudur.
Stello Bot Icon
Bot | Programming
If you are looking for bot that can monitor products availability (restock bot), price checker and send you notification on any platform of your choice, then Stello bot is what you need. Can monitor popular stores like amazon, ebay, target, costco, walmart, disney, shopify, bestbuy etc. Join the Stellobot Support Server [https://discord.gg/3J5UNbU4] for a custom need and a seamless setup.
lukassidauruk66 [bot] Icon
Programming | Community
coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon
IceBot Icon
Community | Programming
【 Icebot 】 • Moderation commands. • Welcome and leave system. • Entertainment commands • English language • Host 24/7 • IceBot is a bot dedicated to the security and moderation of your server, it also has entertainment commands. If you find any error or bug, please enter our support server and report it to the staff so that the error can be fixed.
Programming | Gaming
CFX Finder bot you can find fivem server ip port host and more info server Bot commands: >cfind [cfx code] "CFX Server Info" >cip [cfx code] "Get Server IP" >clogo [cfx code] "Get Server Logo" >ctags [cfx code] "Get Server Tags" >cresources [cfx code] "Get Server Resources"
SV-Studios Icon
Bot | Programming
#English Hey! We're offering free custom bots for your server. Just join our server to request one. #German Hey! Wir bieten kostenlose Custom Bots für deinen Server an. Joine unserem Server, um einen zu beantragen.
DiscordMeBot Icon
Community | Programming
If you’re a game developer, aspiring or professional, then here’s a safe space waiting for you! Connect with hundreds of other game devs who share the same burning passion for game development and design. Meet the geniuses behind the most creative, immersive worlds that will keep you hooked from the start and playing for hours. Who knows, you might even learn a thing or two that will take your game to the next level. (No more bugs and spaghetti codes!) We’re currently holding virtual meet-ups via Discord, and we can’t wait to see you all in person someday! Join our ever-growing community of the coolest (and sometimes nerdiest) humans on planet Earth - because wouldn’t it be nice to surround yourself with people who understand and speak your language for once?
Nicki™ Icon
Bot | Programming
Oi, eu me chamo Nicki™, fui criada com o propósito de ajudar dentro do seu servidor. Tenho Slash commands (/) que vão de ticket, até relatório de staff. Gostaria de testar? me adicione, caso tenha alguma dúvida, venha até meu servidor de suporte, ok?
Moodie Icon
Programming | Technology
Moodie is a Discord Bot capable of replacing the most popular bots like Mee6, Dyno, and Dank Memer. With Moodie offering 99% of the features that the other bots offer, plus their premium features all for free, we can assure you won't be disappointed.
Hanekawa's Wonderland Icon
Bot | Anime | Programming
Hanekawa is a highly customizable multi-purpose bot with a focus on extensive moderation tools and user activity rewards. Customizable Leveling, Economy, User Profiles and Welcome banners!
Anime | Programming
a simple, anime-themed little bot to moderate and interact with ...........................................................................................................................
A$troTools Icon
Programming | Technology
AstroTools, meticulously crafted by developer Douxx.exe, is a multifaceted Discord bot tailored to enrich your server. Dive into a world of utilities, server management, and engaging interactions. Whether you seek server insights, informative user profiles, or engaging games, AstroTools delivers. Elevate your server's ambiance with dynamic streaming statuses, offering a unique touch. Join a bustling community and access an array of commands. For further support, questions, or just to hang out, join our vibrant AstroCrew support server. Let's explore and enhance your Discord journey together.
News Targeted Icon
Technology | Programming
A publication dedicated to bringing the latest news about copyright, privacy, and everything related to filesharing. And IT News.
Império Roleplay Bos Icon
Bot | Programming
E bot servidor samp que vai ajudar nas mensagens e personalizadar servidor deixa mais divertido ainda mais que a bot vai ter várias funções etc ..
100% Ромхак — стримы хаков игр Icon
Gaming | Programming
Romahck — we dont play the games, we play with them! Weekly livestreams of the romhacks and the mods for classic retro-games.
Ultimate Music Icon
Music | Programming
🌟 **Ultimate Music Bot: Elevating Your Melodic Adventure!** 🚀🎶 Unleash the power of music with the Ultimate Music Bot, a symphony of innovation and harmony. 🎵 **Features:** - **Discord.js v14** - **Advanced Music System** - **Customizable Prefix** - **Powerful Search Engine** - **27+ Music Filters** - **Hybrid Command Handling** - **Highly Configurable** - **User-friendly** - **24/7 Music Playback** - **Playlist Commands** - **Setup Music Channel** - **All Platform Support** Join our support server for expert assistance, engaging discussions, exclusive updates, and collaborative playlist sharing. Elevate your musical journey with the Ultimate Music Bot and be part of a community that resonates with the rhythm of innovation. 🎉🤖🎵
Wither Bot Icon
Programming | Bot
Wither Bot is a Discord Bot inspired by Minecraft. It has got Moderation and fun functionalities! There are some commands for Hypixel/Skyblock (stats calculation, Hypixel stats viewer and more) This bot also includes buttons in the Applications menu of a user
Peaches Icon
Bot | Programming
Peaches is a programmable slash command and trigger bot. You can add it to your server and then customize its behavior to suit your community. It supports the creation and edit of custom slash commands which can respond to users in various ways including direct response, ephemeral response, sending a DM or creating a message with button components. Triggers allow you to run code on the bot whenever certain events happen in your server. This is a growing list and currently includes user join/leave, channel or thread create/delete, member muted, member banned, etc. In addition you have access to a small database for storing information. This allows your commands to remember certain things about your users so that the bot's behavior can change from run to run. Feel free to join the support server if you have any questions and be sure to check out the documentation website for more information!
MR.0xBOT Icon
Programming | YouTuber
➤ About Rules ┊- صورة واسم حسابك يجب أن تكون لائقة وغير مخالفة للدين سيتم تنبيهك واذ لم يتم التجاوب سيتم طردك ┊- احترام الجميع وعدم السب والشتم ┊- عدم مشاركة الروابط التي بها خلل ديني أو أمني او تخالف شروط الدسكورد ┊- لا تجاوب على سؤال أي شخص إلا وأنت تعرف الإجابة تجنباً لنشر المعلومات الخاطئة ┊-ممنوع نشر روابط مشبوها ┊-لو كنت سوف تنشر خلفيه كمبيوتر ,على صوره ان تكون , ┊Full HD : دقه عاليه و حجم 1920 ┊-عند نشر مقالات في مكتبه عليك نشر مقال في للغه العربيه لي اجل المبتدئين يفهمو ┊-ممنوع تكلم في دين لي اجل عدم انك تفتي في امور دين ╰➤ [0xROBEE]
ProBot Icon
Career | Programming
Our advanced discord bot provides comprehensive server protection by actively thwarting any attempted nuke attacks and proactively blocking all potentially harmful links, ensuring a safe and secure environment for all members. With our bot's robust security measures in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that your server is effectively shielded from external threats, allowing you to focus on fostering a positive and thriving community.
Useful Calculation Bot Icon
Education | Programming
🧮Discord Useful Calculation Bot🧮 Default prefix is c# (Prefix can be changed on any server.) Written in discord.js and mathjs. Provides various mathematical useful functions. Developed by @otoneko. Support: https://discord.gg/yKW8wWKCnS Github: https://github.com/otoneko1102/discord-userful-calculation-bot Japanese explanation: https://note.com/otoneko1102/n/n10987618eae5
Florida#7960 Icon
Programming | Support
A Quick Security And Moderation Bot For Your Server. It's Also Verified. So Don't Worry
Xi Bot Icon
Art | Technology | Programming
👑 AI for research, art, coding and more. Boost productivity with an all-in-one AI assistant. Explore AI tools, use cases, review and news on our server 💎 All AI Tools in One App ⭐ Multimodal ChatGPT+ ⭐VHQ Imagine & Editing ⭐ Music & Voice ⭐ AI Agents ⭐ Use for FREE ⭐ Payment with Crypto ⭐
MiraBot Icon
Programming | Support
MiraBot - The best bot to help manage your server! ⚙️ - Customisation at ease 🏆 - Level breaking performance and reliability 🔨 - Robust moderation tools
PomPomPurin Icon
Technology | Programming
PomPomPurin is a powerful and privacy-centric Discord bot designed to promote online security and help users safeguard their personal information. At its core, the bot provides a breach-checking service that allows users to verify whether their email addresses have been involved in known data breaches. By using advanced privacy controls, the results are visible only to the user who initiates the check, ensuring confidentiality and reducing the risk of sensitive data exposure. Key features of PomPomPurin include: Data Breach Monitoring: Easily check if your email has been part of a data breach and receive real-time alerts about the safety of your information. Privacy Protection: Slash commands and private responses ensure that breach information is only shared with the requesting user, promoting a secure user experience. Security Awareness: PomPomPurin offers helpful security tips and information, empowering users to take proactive steps to protect their digital identities.
ShoeBot Icon
This is my basic testing bot! It does almost all the things that all of my other bots do, and it usually does them first!
Ticketsystem Icon
Bot | Programming
Hallo liebe Discord User! Ich möchte euch meinen eigenen Discord Bot vorstellen und zwar den Ticketsystem Bot. Welche Funktionen hat er? Mit !ticket könnt ihr ein Ticket erstellen eure Teammitglieder können im erstellen Ticket das Ticket schließen ohne Befehl der Bot tut automatisch im Ticket eine Nachricht reinschreiben wo darunter ein button ist wo steht Ticket schließen.
Links Terminator Icon
Bot | Programming
Meet Links Terminator, the ultimate guardian of your server! 🚫 Automatically detects and removes all links, keeps your chat safe and clean, your community is in safe hands. Say goodbye to spam and hello to peace of mind! 🔒✨
UpTime Bot Icon
Programming | Community
• The UpTime Bots Support server is a Discord server that allows users to uptime their links for free. • The server helps people keep their websites, game servers, or other services running continuously. • Users can add their own links to the server and track the uptime status of those links. They can also get support for any issues with their links and resolve them. • The primary goal is to ensure the uninterrupted operation of users' services and provide them with a free uptime solution.
whitelist Icon
Programming | Bot
Protect your Community with an advanced Whitelist System, designed to keep your server free of anyone you do not know.
Vexel Icon
Bot | Programming
AI-powered Discord bot. Create stunning images from text, analyze and edit images, and advanced chatbot.
Global Icon
Bot | Programming
🌟 Découvrez Global, le bot Discord qui transforme votre serveur Bienvenue dans l'univers de Global, le bot qui révolutionne votre expérience Discord ! 🎯 Fonctionnalités de Global 🛠️ Facile à configurer : Personnalisez votre serveur en quelques clics seulement avec Global. 🤖 Chat en temps réel : Discutez instantanément avec Chat GPT pour des conversations décontractées ou des réponses rapides. 👋 Accueil chaleureux : Accueillez vos nouveaux membres avec des messages et images personnalisés pour une première impression mémorable. 📈 Suivi de la communauté : Suivez en temps réel la croissance de votre serveur et engagez votre communauté comme jamais. ⚔️ Modération professionnelle : Maintenez un espace convivial et sûr grâce à nos outils de modération avancés. 🎫 Système de tickets : Gérez les demandes de support de manière ordonnée et efficace avec le système de tickets de Global, le plus efficace que vous
Giveaway-Bot | System Icon
Bot | Programming
Giveaway-Bot | System is a Verified Giveaway Bot ❓Why use Giveaway-Bot | System? ⠀↳ Database: The bot runs on a secure database so that all giveaways can run without interference. ⠀↳ Commands: The bot has a lot of commands to help you create and manage your giveaways. ↳ DM notification: You have to mark the winners at the end of the giveaway again because the winner does not contact you? No problem, the winner will automatically receive a notification that they have won. ⠀↳ Settings: You can make changes to giveaways that are already running. For example, you can set the prize or the winners. ? Links ⠀↳ Website: https://toolbotsystem.de/ ⠀↳ Support-Discord: https://discord.gg/xmv5UfCn8s ⠀↳ Bot-Invite: http://toolbotsysteminvite.de/ ⠀↳ GitHub: https://github.com/30Msearchtime
Zynthir Icon
Zynthir focuses on moderation but has other functions as well. For example, the "<server_lockdown" command can stop a server raid in a matter of seconds, just with a few clicks. But the bot doesn't only react to "<" ! No, it also reactis to being mentioned and has slash commands. When talking about the info commands, System has more than just a server and user info command, it also has features like "<ip_info", "website_info" and more. The bot has no premium version and it's not going to have one in the future! All commands are for free Bot Banner: https://www.vecteezy.com/.