Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Buttergolem Icon
Memes | Community
Dieser Bot scheißt dir zufällige Zitate vom Arschgebirge aus der Schimmelschanze direkt in deinen Discord-Server.
MagiQ Icon
Programming | Bot
Prefix: . Send .help to get Bot Commands This bot made by MagiQ Team ( Iranian Professional Developers ) MagiQ fits your discord server needs with many moderation commands you can get some information with information commands have a good day with Fun commands Aparat & Twitch stream Notifications This bot is online 24/7 to use in your server supports 3 languages ( Persian, English, Turkish ) 1- Online 24/7 2- Quick Response 3- High Security 4- Completely Safe 5- High Quality Music Player So invite me Now :D
GymRat Icon
Bot | Fitness
Do you want to share your current goals and PR? This bot is for you, you can share your stats and update your goals. You can also add your age, weight and height.
Meme X Icon
Memes | Entertainment
Meme X | MemeX Elevate Your Discord Server with Top-Tier Memes 24/7 Looking to inject some humor into your Discord server? Introducing Meme X – your ultimate source of top-tier memes, available round the clock! Whether it's images or videos, we've got you covered with a constant stream of hilarious content. Features: 24/7 Meme Delivery: Meme X tirelessly scours the internet for the freshest memes, ensuring your server is always entertained. OCR.Space Integration: Every meme goes through OCR.Space for quality assurance, guaranteeing no bad words are present within the memes. Discord NSFW Filtering: Rest assured, Meme X Bot keeps it clean with built-in NSFW filtering, so your server stays safe for all members. Easy Setup: With simple commands like /setup, /setup_video, and /setup_image, configuring Meme X Bot to your server's preferences is a breeze. Customization Options: Tailor your meme experience by specifying channels for image or video memes.
Mayco Kush Icon
Gaming | Memes
We are here just to have fun. Come and join.
Spike Icon
Bot | Memes
The simplest multi-purpose bot featuring powerful moderation commands, MANY fun commands including 10+ meme generation commands, amazing economy, epic giveaways, typeracer, scramble game, minesweeper, built in Wikipedia support, logging deleted messages and more!
Processor Icon
Technology | Entertainment
A handy dandy bot capable of doing many complex things, that is simple to use.
Octo-Cow Icon
Community | Entertainment
This bot does a lot of commands like running polls, memes, getting youtube videos and tons more on the /help command or /AllCommands.
Coconut Maller Icon
Music | Memes
This bot has multiple features including coconut malling (also in earrape version), image generation, misc, and
The Magic Conch Bot Icon
So you remember who is the magic conch from SpongeBob SquarePants? So she came to Discord as a fun and nice bot that will make you laugh! So the magic shell has some commands, From paper stone and scissors until it joins your voice channel and sounds memes! A very funny bot, it has a lot of commands and makes you funny! Commands: (Soon will be more commands) !help - shows all commands! !8ball - ask a question and the bot will answer it! !coinflip - flips a coin! !joke - sends a random joke! !meme - sends a random meme! !rpc - make a game of rock paper scissors! !bruh - joins your channel and sounds the "bruh" meme! !nani - joins your channel and sounds the "Nani!?" meme! and more existing commands! (and more new soon!)
Yulan Icon
Bot | Music
Estamos sempre a atualizar o nosso bot com comandos para os usuários se divertirem! BOT tem: musica, comandos de divertimento. logs, tockets etc... We are always updating our bot with commands for users to have fun! BOT has: music, fun commands. logs, tockets etc ...
CrystaL Icon
Memes | Bot
This Bot Is a moderator + fun bot. Make sure to mention the bot and do the following steps . Many Updates Will be done on this bot . Please suggest what should i do Thank You CrystaL | Developer
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Carbon Discord Server Banner
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
FunnyBot Icon
Memes | Bot
This bot will add some fun to your server. Prefix: & This bot will be getting updates soon. For command info type &help
BruhBot Icon
Memes | Music
BruhBot has Many Useful and Fun Commands, for example Steal Emoji to steal an emoji from a different server, or over 20 image manipulation commands!
SpeakerBot Icon
Bot | Entertainment
I am a robot created for the most shy people who may not have to talk to them make the robot speak for them, cool isn't it? I had nothing to do and I had this idea I thought it occurred to me to create this bot, funny and ignorant I admit! I have to get it working is very simple: First step connect in voice channel and type in text channel! Enter to make me enter the channel where you are connected. Second step type !s followed with what you want the bot to say and I will speak for you !! Example "!s Hi man" the bot will speak saying what you typed ie now "HI MAN". and now it's time to make him say what you want enjoy !! For any problem please contact me @Lo_spe#4373
Slio Icon
Support | Memes
<p><strong>Slio has everything from Moderation to entertainment! <a href="https://link.selectdev.xyz/invite/slio">Invite her here!</a></strong></p> <iframe src="https://dylster.gitbook.io/slio">If you are seeing this that means that your browser does not support iFrames. Consider upgrading it or visit our doccumentation at https://dylster.gitbook.io/slio</iframe> See our Privacy Policy [here](https://selectdev.xyz/bots/slio)
Erisly Icon
Entertainment | Anime
View my full website at: https://erisly.com/ Hiya! My name is Erisly, your friendly neighbourhood goddess! I use my powers and talents to play as a "Discord Bot", where I provide you some quality features and commands for your Discord Server! My commands include NSFW commands, a global economy and idle game, cleverbot, various Discord lookup commands for members, invites and servers, lookup commands for Minecraft, Overwatch and the largest game database RAWG, GIF searching, various meme generators, and so much more! I also know multiple languages, support customizable prefixes for every server, and don't lock any commands or features behind upvotes or donations!
Top Shagger Icon
Memes | Entertainment
Hello!! Top shagger is a multi-purpose, generally fun and unique Discord bot. The bot features a variation of commands from simple moderation to advanced currency commands like slots with more still in the works. Now with the best part of 30 commands there is something for everyone and with active development much more to come! Top Shagger, granted, is no Mee6 but it isn’t meant to be! It is just my project, I’ve spent 100 or more hours on and I would just appreciate the support of you adding it to your server, I can imagine that you won’t like it!!
Waylon bot Icon
Community | Bot
an easy to use bot with supervisory commands, comprehensive server protection, entertainment commands, and many other commands
Cookie Icon
Community | Bot
Type !cookie to add a cookie to your server's cookie jar, and get the most cookies! You can type !help to see all the bot functions. It's a super simple game where you just click to add a cookie, then you can check how many cookies your server has! Easy peasy. - Also, join our support server (or go to our linktree) to get help or see our projects! Thank you for using this wonderfully simple and stupid game bot! Cheers