Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel | Bot
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. We are collecting over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyze historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel | Bot
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. We are collecting over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyze historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
HawkWatch Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
HawkWatch: Your Roblox Game Update Tracker HawkWatch is the ultimate Discord bot for staying informed about your favorite Roblox games. With HawkWatch, you can easily track updates for selected games and receive real-time notifications in your server. Customize what types of updates matter to you, including: Game Update Date: Know exactly when a game has been updated. Game Description Changes: Stay informed about changes to the game's details. New Thumbnails: Be the first to see new game visuals. Game Name Changes: Get notified if a game's name changes. Perfect for Roblox enthusiasts, gaming communities, and anyone who doesn't want to miss a beat in the world of Roblox! Set up HawkWatch today and start keeping tabs on your favorite games with ease. 🌟
Free Game Is A Free Game Icon
Gaming | Bot
The home for the Free Game Is A Free Game bot. Get notified of free games for all kinds of platforms at your own leisure!
SwizBot Icon
Bot | Anime
-The bot has many advantages like moderation, fun commands ,public commands, delete some bad words,Swiz have some games like rps, and the bot is very safe,you can use it for more than one thing,and if you cannot use anything, you can go to the support and ask them there is a support 24 hours.Swiz has also a good dashboard so what are you waiting for,add swizbot and have fun. -Dashboard:https//swizbot.ga
2c#4226 Icon
All in one discord bot made by PaymentCancelled#1000 Made using node.js The bot is a non-nsfw bot
League Guides Icon
Gaming | eSports
The bot gets data straight from Mobafire and op.gg so it has up to date results at all times. Mobafire features: - Guide lookup - Item lookup - Rune lookup OP.GG features: - Match lookup for 20 matches back - League profile stats Original fun commands: - Guess the skin - Guess the ability name - Guess which champion’s ability this is Also offers: - Global leaderboards for the amount of guesses people have - Account linking (for shorter commands) The bot incorporates images into it's embeds for users to understand what they're reading more easily.
RennyBot Icon
Mature | Community
For invites. Sends new members to the new joining channel for the YNS discord server. Is going to available starting now.
sharky Icon
Entertainment | Social
# sharkie is a blahaj-themed economy and fun bot, that will bring plenty of joy to your server :3 ### sharkie's features include: - economy system where you can acquire blahajs - fun economy games - `/blahaj` command to view a blahaj ### inviting sharkie is sure to bring fun, joy, and friendly competition to any server!
Animation Buddy Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
Animation Buddy is a fun and games focused bot with amazing commands and nice responses when you @ him at the start of your message! Opt in with his amazing !poll command which can make the poll of your choice! There is also a !say command! If you haven’t noticed his prefix is ‘!’
Rat Administration Icon
Gaming | YouTube
Hey welcome To the Rats club hope u get comfortable and enjoy the Club 🐀 Respect other and enjoy your time.
Cooper Public Icon
Social | Bot
🔥 Cooper Public🔥 --------------------------------------------- ⚡Ein Bot mit unzähligen funktionen 💎 Trolling 🧩 Moderation 📛 Just4Fun Commands --------------------------------------------- 📜: Website: https://cooper-studio.site Ein kleiner all in 1 Bot!
Bay Icon
Gaming | Anime
Bay – the ultimate fishing experience with self-designed Fishies on Discord. Cast your line, collect rare Fishies, sell them on the market and proudly display your fishies in your personal customizable aquarium. Dive into a world of fishing fun with simple, intuitive commands: • Get started: b help • Start fishing: b fish • Check your bag: b bag • View market: b m • View aquarium: b aqua And much more! Ready to embark on your fishing adventure? Try Bay now! [Bay is in an early state. More features will be added gradually and errors may still occur, so we appreciate every Feedback and Bugreport from Players!]
Nix Icon
Bot | Support
My bot is a general system that contains all the commands that the user needs to facilitate his work and organize his server and protect it as well via a dashboard dedicated to commands or via direct commands in the chat dedicated to his server Current features: - Feedback - Autoline - Autoreaction - A somewhat integrated Islamic bot - Welcome - Giveaway - Ticket - ​​Create rooms and ranks from the site - Create a new server from the templates available on the site - Coin for the bot (Nix Coin) Upcoming features: God willing - An integrated store system for regular stores and anime - Community server system - Programming server system - Management presentation bot - Premium for the bot - Other additions as well - Don't miss your chance to get badges inside the bot and collect coins. Let's go
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Carbon Discord Server Banner
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Community | Gaming
Eaz Fast Food Icon
Bot | Role-Playing
Discord fast food bot
Blade Bot Icon
Bot | Community
A cool bot for moderation and fun commands on your server..................
The Magic Conch Bot Icon
So you remember who is the magic conch from SpongeBob SquarePants? So she came to Discord as a fun and nice bot that will make you laugh! So the magic shell has some commands, From paper stone and scissors until it joins your voice channel and sounds memes! A very funny bot, it has a lot of commands and makes you funny! Commands: (Soon will be more commands) !help - shows all commands! !8ball - ask a question and the bot will answer it! !coinflip - flips a coin! !joke - sends a random joke! !meme - sends a random meme! !rpc - make a game of rock paper scissors! !bruh - joins your channel and sounds the "bruh" meme! !nani - joins your channel and sounds the "Nani!?" meme! and more existing commands! (and more new soon!)
SpiderBot Icon
Entertainment | Financial
A fun Economy bot. You can work, rob, gamble, and buy things from the store! New things are being added in order to make it even better!
Leek Icon
Bot | Support
A basic bot aimed to help out with entertainment, moderation, economy, and much more. Overall making your server much better.
Divulgador Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Aqui na GOLD_COINS nois realizamos eventos onde todos os membros podem ganhar dinherio de verdade.... temos eventos de Games, Desenhos, HQs, Criadores de História, Cantores, Batalha de Rap entre outros!!
Sylvriss Icon
Gaming | Music
Hey there, this is Seth, Sylvriss's Developer. I'd like to introduce you to my multipurpose bot. Sylvriss's main feature right now is the music commands. We also have a command that works like Carl-bot's "purge", ours is called mop, you can delete up to 2000 messages without the 2 week limit. I also am hoping to add a currency system eventually. I hope you enjoy my bot and the support server is always open!
Erisly Icon
Entertainment | Anime
View my full website at: https://erisly.com/ Hiya! My name is Erisly, your friendly neighbourhood goddess! I use my powers and talents to play as a "Discord Bot", where I provide you some quality features and commands for your Discord Server! My commands include NSFW commands, a global economy and idle game, cleverbot, various Discord lookup commands for members, invites and servers, lookup commands for Minecraft, Overwatch and the largest game database RAWG, GIF searching, various meme generators, and so much more! I also know multiple languages, support customizable prefixes for every server, and don't lock any commands or features behind upvotes or donations!
Activisty Icon
Bot | Gaming
Activisty, the discord activity bot. A beautiful designed bot for opening sessions like game sessions or watch together sessions etc. (and some more!) Activities; - Awkword (NEW!) - Betrayal.io - Checkers in the Park - Chess in the Park - Chess in the Park Dev - Doodle Crew - Fishington.io - Letter Tile - Poker - Spell Cast - Watch Together (aka YouTube Together) - Watch Together Dev (aka YouTube Together Dev) - Word Snacks Fast & 24/7 Online Discord Bot. If you have issues, questions or suggestions, feel free to join my server.
Moonlitlliance Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to the Moonlit Alliance, a Community/Gaming server. We pride ourselves on being open to anyone regardless of status and boast a friendly chatting environment. Our server includes the following: —Easily obtainable roles and rewards — A friendly community! —24/7 moderation to keep everyone safe —A highly active staff team —Giveaways
Wordity Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
A way to play a wordle-like game in Discord. Play individually or cooperatively, with words of size 4 to 7.
Frodo Icon
Gaming | Bot
### Features The bot will currently has quite a few games. The full list currently is * [Akinator](https://frodo.fun/commands#Akinator) * [Anagrams](https://frodo.fun/commands#Anagrams) * [Connect Four](https://frodo.fun/commands#Connect%20Four) * [Hangman](https://frodo.fun/commands#Hangman) * [Othello](https://frodo.fun/commands#Othello) * [Rock Paper Scissors](https://frodo.fun/commands#Rock%20Paper%20Scissors) * [Trivia](https://frodo.fun/commands#Trivia) * [Tic Tac Toe](https://frodo.fun/commands#Tic%20Tac%20Toe) * [Fact](https://frodo.fun/commands#Fact) * [Fortune](https://frodo.fun/commands#Fortune) * [Insult](https://frodo.fun/commands#Insult) * [Joke](https://frodo.fun/commands#Joke) ### Leaderboards * Frodo also features public leaderboards * Currently, the only command featuring a leaderboard is trivia and it can be viewed online [here](https://frodo.fun/leaderboard) or in discord by using the command `/leaderboard`
senfonyy Icon
Gaming | Social
Senfonyy youtube discord kanalıdır.Sunucu içerisinde kurallara uymamak sunucudan kalıcı olarak uzaklaştırılmanıza sebep olacaktır.
Voice Master Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
Features: Voice Party (!addvc) Private voice party w/ friends system (Join to create VC channels). Voice Roles (!bind [role] [channel]) Add roles to users who join voice channels. Voice Cloning (!link [channel]) Automatically create or remove unnecesary channels for a cleaner server look. Voice Logging !logsetup A detailed logging system to log all voice channel actions, eg starting a stream. YouTube Together and Games Launch YouTube Together and 11 other games in your voice channel. Music Voice Master has a powerfull music system with premium commands that's 100% free, inluding filters!
RoboStux Icon
RoboStux - The Robot That Can Do Everything in One. Contains Music, Games, Moderation, Reaction Roles and so much more.
Nord Icon
Bot | Entertainment
T Bot Icon
Bot | Support
Bot designed to meet the multiple needs of administrators, moderators, users and anyone who regularly uses discord, from basic moderation commands to ticket system through custom prefix, role reaction and much more.
ClansBot Icon
Bot | Gaming
ClansBot - a bot with a unique economy, many achievements, clans, alliances and development interests! Clan wars and tournaments between textures! Trophy league, daily and monthly rewards, automatic events will rise to the new Discord server! Join alliances and participate in rating battles so that the whole world knows about your profile! Так же поддержка Русского и Украинского языка
IAKuro Icon
Anime | Entertainment
Les commandes du bot IAKuro Modérations : Expulser un utilisateur. Bannir un utilisateur. Révoquer le bannissement d'un utilisateur. Logs modérations. Les jeux : Deviner un nombre et gagner des points / XPs. Deviner la citation du bot le plus vite. News birthday anime : Affiche les anniversaires des animes. Utilitaires : Informations. Afficher les infos sur l'utilisateur. Afficher les infos sur le serveur.
Gangster Game Bot Icon
Gaming | Community
Quests, Missions Crime commands Trade with another players in auction Shop, black market Leadboards Drugs trade Battle with others And more!
Game Bot Icon
Gaming | Social
Game Bot A discord bot to play numerous amount of games in. Board nothing to do while talking to your friends in your Discord server? Game Bot will fix that! Games: - Connect Four - Guess a Number - Quiz Game Commands: - /help - Brings you to Github Readme - /connect-four @opponent - Starts a connect four game with @opponent - /guess number - Starts a Guess a Number game with number amount of tries - /quiz number - Starts a Quiz Game with number amount of questions
Chocobot Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Chocobot is a multipurpose Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV) bot! I know how hard you worked on that glamor... well, I am here to help you show it off. You can also add your character to the bots database and anyone who mentions you with the /getcharacterinfo command can see your character's level, current job, world/data center, name day, # minions and # of mounts. Once you are in the database, any server that you are in that has access to this bot will be able to check out your character! There is also a command to check your world status to see if the server is online or if you can make new characters. There are some awesome plans in the works to add more!
FFSociety Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Final fantasy all games discussion and help society. Here we all gather and talk about any Final Fantasy to help you achieve and get your outcome. Please join by comingo to https://discord.gg/rdm2CNdc
Rick's Activities Icon
Community | Bot
Rick's Activities have a Command's Bot, and it's the utility bot, games, music 24/7 for free, reaction roles & Actvities as a Command's to make Discord Server Wondeful. Made by SN E KY#6824 using JS(JavaScript), env, npm,...
Stuby Pomodoro Icon
Education | Language
Having trouble studying? Stuby might be the solution for your community! The pomodoro will help your community to study. On discord.gg/university you can contact us if you need any help regarding studying or the bot. During the pomodoro one of the characters will slowly hatch. After finishing you receive one of the study characters! The higher level you are the more characters you will unlock! Join a voice channel and use /pomodoro 50 10 2, for a 50 min pomodoro with 10 min break and possible repeats! For better concentration join the voice call and leave discord and open the pomodoro on https://pomo.stuby.org
Asra Icon
A very customizable multipurpose Discord bot for your Discord server. Fully configurable including custom welcome messages, Tickets, Reaction Roles, Automod, Logs, Moderation, Giveaways, Economy, Levelling and so much more...
astro dog Icon
Memes | Music | Entertainment
Astro Dog is a Discord server manager that provides Music, Moderation, Anti-Raid, Tickets, Suggestions, Verification, Economy, Fun. etc
Social | Music
The BITNW MUSIC Bot A bot that is an all in one bot which welcomes everyone, this bot can litteraly do anything as it is an all in one bot this includes: games. welcome messages, goodbye messages, music and so on.
Games Icon
Gaming | Social
# 🎲 Table Games Bot for Discord! Bring the joy of **tabletop gaming** directly to your Discord server! 🕹️ Whether you're looking to create events, challenge friends, or enjoy a solo game, this bot has you covered. ## 🎮 Current Games ### 👫 Multiplayer Games: 1. **Tic Tac Toe** (Classic strategy game 🤔) 2. **Connect Four** (Line up your four discs 🟡🔴) 3. **Chess** (For the grandmasters ♟️) 4. **Domino** (Match and win! 🁾) 5. **Battleship** (Sink their ships! 🚢💥) 6. **Hangman** (Guess the word together! 🅰️🔠) ### 🧩 Single-Player Games: 1. **2048** (Combine tiles to reach 2048 🧮) 2. **Rubik's Cube** (Solve the cube in virtual form 🔲) 3. **Minesweeper** (Find the bombs 💣) 4. **Sudoku** (Challenge your brain with logic puzzles 🧠) 5. **15 Puzzle** (Slide the tiles to order them 🔢) ## 📊 Stats and Insights Track your **game history**, **command usage**, and overall **performance** with detailed statistics! The bot provides a **personalized dashboard** where you can: - **V
Matchmaker Icon
Gaming | Community
Breach Bot offers a transformative matchmaking experience for multiplayer gaming, catering to both indie and AAA games. By facilitating skill-based and casual matchmaking, it ensures an engaging gaming experience for players of all levels and preferences, from freshly released indie titles to iconic AAA games. Breach Bot addresses the issue of limited player pools in private multiplayer gaming communities by implementing both skill-based and casual matchmaking. This integration aids indie and AAA game developers in expanding their player base and helps players find their ideal matches, thereby fostering a dynamic and versatile gaming environment. Get rewarded for leveling up your gaming skills on the Breach platform. As you progress, earn incentives that can enhance your gaming experience and push you to strive for higher ranks. Embark on an exciting multiplayer gaming journey with Breach Bot today!
Battle Van Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
A fun and frequently updated idle game bot! Drop in and claim rewards later with /drop, see events with /event, etc, etc.! The bot is frequently updated with new events and commands suggested by users to maximize the experience and enjoyment. Help is frequently available and bugs are quickly fixed!
Waylon bot Icon
Community | Bot
an easy to use bot with supervisory commands, comprehensive server protection, entertainment commands, and many other commands
Tamo Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
Tamo is an all-in-one Discord bot that allows you to do many things. You can play games, such as Wordle, Minesweeper, Snake, Memory Match, Guess The Flag, and much more! You can also play around with the fun commands, which includes a lot of info on things, fun facts, elements on the periodic table, hex color info, and more fun things to do. Tamo allows you to have a premium experience without you having to pay anything to get more commands or features. Tamo is an all-in-one Discord bot that allows you to do many things. There is an economy where you can hunt, fish, bet, go to the shop, work, and commit fake crimes to get the currency, called Zenas. You can play games, such as Wordle, Minesweeper, Snake, Memory Match, Guess The Flag, and much more! You can also play around with the fun commands, which includes a lot of info on things, fun facts, elements on the periodic table, hex color info, and more fun things to do.
🗡MineLandeur Icon
Community | Music
Le bot parfait pour votre serveur ! Avec des commandes de musique, de modération, de jeu, de report, de suggestion, et plein d'autre encore !!!
Gaming | Bot
Join our discord group and you can give us any feedback or just chat about the game. https://discord.gg/89CGqGxHMd With the ACAT platform, you now have an all-in-one resource, complete with written insights and video assistance, to enhance your gaming journey.
100% Ромхак — стримы хаков игр Icon
Gaming | Programming
Romahck — we dont play the games, we play with them! Weekly livestreams of the romhacks and the mods for classic retro-games.
Higher or Lower Icon
Bot | Entertainment
play fun and entertaining games with the Higher or Lower discord bot! Higher or Lower is a fun bot to play that requires no permissions! some of the games that we have: Higher or Lower - try to guess what people search more on google! /play color Simon - repeat the shown colors that gets longer every time and check your memory skills matching - can you find out the four sequence colors by trying? scrambled word - solve the scrambled word and find out the original word! hear a joke - make you're day better with a joke! space picture - get cool image of space every day! chess - solve a chess puzzle bored - find something to do chuck norris - a wild story of Chuck Norris advice - get a smart advice and much more!
Clueless Icon
Entertainment | Bot
Clueless Features Clueless is a powerful and versatile Discord bot that aims to enhance your server experience. With an array of exciting features, Clueless offers everything you need to create a vibrant and engaging community, with over 400+ commands. EVERYTHING IS FREE! Leveling 🆙 Gamify your server with a rewarding leveling system. Members earn experience and climb the ranks by participating. Boost your server's retention! Unlock special perks and roles as they level up. Moderation 🛡️ Keep your server safe with advanced moderation tools using Discord AutoMod. Set up AutoMod to manage spam and offensive content. Manage roles, bans, kicks, and warnings efficiently. Music 🎵 Play the music you want! Even 24/7 live radio Games 🎮 Play a lot of custome coded games in your sevrer! This include: snake, counting, casino, blackjack, music trivia and so much more! Custom Commands ⚙️ Personalize your server with custom commands. AND SO MUCH MORE!
Cookie Icon
Community | Bot
Type !cookie to add a cookie to your server's cookie jar, and get the most cookies! You can type !help to see all the bot functions. It's a super simple game where you just click to add a cookie, then you can check how many cookies your server has! Easy peasy. - Also, join our support server (or go to our linktree) to get help or see our projects! Thank you for using this wonderfully simple and stupid game bot! Cheers
Chaos Boi Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
A Multipurpose bot with Fun Commands Games a lot more. Chat with Chaos boi, play tictactoe hangman or truth or dare with your friends Fun Commands like love calculator animal facts n action commands hug ,slap pat etc Games like would you rather truth or dare tictactoe hangman Utility commands like welcomer Netflix search roblox search
Gervase Icon
Bot | Growth
Gervase, established on July 13th, 2022, is an advanced free multi-functional Discord bot designed to enhance your server experience. Features: - 🛡️ Advanced Automod: Ensure server safety with sophisticated automoderation tools. - 🚪 Leave/Join Messages: Customize welcoming and farewell messages. - 📜 Logs: Track server activities for moderation and administrative purposes. - 🔨 Moderation: Maintain order with powerful moderation tools. - 📚 Moderator History: Transparent record-keeping for moderation actions. - ⭐ Advanced Leveling: Engage members with a dynamic leveling system. - 🖌️ Embed Generator: Create visually appealing embeds for announcements. - 🔱 Anime Integration: Stay updated on anime within your server. - 🤖 Generative Custom AI: Enjoy personalized interactions - 🆕And MANY More! Start leveling up your discord server by inviting Gervase!
Wizarding Cards Icon
![Wizarding Cards](https://wizarding.cards/assets/topg-banner.png) Step into the enchanting world of "Wizarding Cards" and embark on a captivating adventure through the mystical realm of the Wizarding World! Begin your journey by collecting and storing an array of magical cards that feature iconic characters, elusive creatures, and powerful spells. Discover the hidden secrets and powers within each card as you delve deeper into your collection. Unleash the true potential of your cards by mastering the art of disenchantment, transforming them into valuable resources that will aid you in crafting even more extraordinary cards. As you grow your collection, unlock exclusive achievements and rare rewards, proving your expertise as a seasoned collector. Share your most cherished cards with friends, fostering a community of passionate fans.
BWords Icon
Community | Mature
Add and remove words to a banned list the bot will auto delete any message that contains words u have banned
Pureza Icon
Community | Gaming
Conecte-se, divirta-se e faça novas amizades. Sinta-se em casa na Pureza. Sozinho? Nunca mais! Venha conhecer uma das comunidades brasileiras mais movimentadas onde você pode jogar games em call, web-namorar e criar amizades de verdade aqui no discord!
Karma Icon
Bot | Memes
This bot has alot of commands that will keep your discord server active and create a playful atmosphere. If you do not like a command within the bot you can use the /togglecommand [Command Name] [Disable/Enable] Admin Commands: /togglecommand [Command Name] [Enable/Disable] Economy Commands: /karma check Check your experience and level /karma daily Claim Daily Karma /goodmorning [User] Send a good morning message and earn karma /match [User 1] [User 2] Check compatibility between two users. If you get 90% or over, you get a huge amount of karma experience /welcome [User] Welcome new users and get a karma reward /goodnight [User] Send a good night message and earn karma Fun Commands: /8ball Ask the magic 8ball a question /meme Get a random meme /fact Get a random fact /fortune Get a random fortune /ppsize Check your PP size /rps Play Rock-Paper-Scissors /shoutout Give a shoutout to someone /tictactoe Play a game of Tic-Tac-Toe /moviequote Get a random movie quote
MeBot Icon
Gaming | Support
Hey guys im bot and i send invites to players to join us. Just come to our server and play togheder.
Galaxify Icon
Music | Community
# Galaxify is with you with its free use and comfortable music listening feature Galaxify Serves You With Both Buttons, Menus, and Prefix. Galaxify Provides Musical Pleasure Without Interruption. Here are Galaxify Popular Commands: - /play : You Listen to Music - /skip : You Skip the Song - /autoplay : Automatically opens the Song - /avatar : shows avatar - /setprefix : You Set a Custom Prefix - /247 : Plays Songs 24/7 - /volume: you adjust the volume - /leave : leaves the audio channel - /join : you add to the audio channel - /stop : closes the song - /pause : pauses the song - /nowplaying: shows the song playing - /destroy: leaves the audio channel (closes the song directly). Get Ready for a Sea Journey with Galaxify in Games, Lessons, Software, Business, etc. - [İnvite](https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=665515464868233233&permissions=8&scope=bot) Discord Bot - We are waiting for you on our server for problems and [Support](https://discord.gg/EnSXBrkDdh) about t