Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Live Status Tracker Icon
A ultimate monitoring tool for your website/minecraft server! Start monitoring today!
HotUtils Icon
Gaming | Technology
Hotsauce's HotUtils has created HotBot, a discord interface for the HotUtils suite of products centered around providing player and guild management tools for SWGOH.
Matax Icon
Community | Technology
Matax is a community server based around Surge, gaming, and bot development. Come join Matax for a chill environment!
Stormy Icon
Gaming | Technology
This is the improved version of my first bot which is a discord verified bot wit 200+ servers...... This bot took a lot of time to make and Is the best one I have made so far It has many features: >Moderation System >Fun commands >Roast Battles >Compliment people >Play fun games like rock paper scissors >More usefull commands such as: Userinfo , Purge , Avatar
BetterCensoring Icon
Technology | Bot
With a range of unique features that you won't find anywhere else, BetterCensoring is a great start to a safer environment for your community.
ShortURL.Best URL Shortener Icon
Social | Technology
Get an excellent Discord URL Shortener Bot! Use the command /short to create your custom short url. We have many customization options such as domain selection, custom aliases, password protection and much more! Join our support server today!
Discord.me Icon
Technology | Business
web3.Holdings - Creative Agency & Incubator! web3 Advisors / web3 Events / web3 Launchpad / web3 Trading
MegaRP Icon
Scrolls Icon
Technology | Community
Automatically scan your community content and make it searchable via popular search engines such as Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo. A great way to make your discord community more accessible and searchable, and to preserve knowledge for your community. Visit https://www.scrollsbot.com to get started.
Quakelegacybot Icon
Design | Technology
Quake legacy modding revival for quake 2 and other quake related game’s programming game development mapping level design community building for classic fps games
MathCelebrity Automated Online M Icon
Education | Technology
Automated Online Math Tutor step by step website math work and answer for Discord. Enter a math problem like 2x - 9 = 41 or a math concept like matrix and the bot will return a link for all the step by step instructions and math help. Demo Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip2FzxcHBK4
QuantumBot Icon
Bot | Technology
A fun, informative and advanced bot to answer simple and complicated questions alike. Uses Open-AI to help you out with everything - including homework, gaming, cooking and more!
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Ostroid Icon
Science | Technology
Ostroid brings the wonders of the cosmos to your server with a variety of space-inspired features. Explore the stars, planets, and galaxies with fun commands and stunning space-themed images. Whether you're an astronomy enthusiast or just looking to add a touch of cosmic flair to your Discord server, our bot has something space-themed for everyone.
Shorty Icon
Support | Technology
A Link Shortener Bot That Lets You Shorten Your Links From The Comfort Of Your Server! List Of Commands: adfly - Shorten Your Link Using Adfly. nullpointer - Shorten Your Link Using Nullpointer. isgd - Shorten Your Link Using Isgd. bitly - Shorten Your Link Using Bitly. chilpit - Shorten Your Link Using Chilpit. clckru - Shorten Your Link Using Clckru. cuttly - Shorten Your Link Using Cuttly. dagd - Shorten Your Link Using Dagd. osdb - Shorten Your Link Using Osdb. shortcm - Shorten Your Link Using Shortcm. tinyurl - Shorten Your Link Using Tinyurl. exeio - Shorten Your Link Using Exeio. rebrandly - Shorten Your Link Using Rebrandly. gplinks - Shorten Your Link Using Gplinks. zagl - Shorten Your Link Using Zagl. shortest - Shorten Your Link Using Shortest. earn4clicks - Shorten Your Link Using Earn4clicks. vurl - Shorten Your Link Using Vurl. firebase - Shorten Your Link Using Shorty's Firebase. invite - Invite The Bot To Your Server suggest - Send A Suggestion To The Developer Of Th
Splore Icon
Gaming | Technology
What is Splore Splore makes searching for content inside your server effortless. Features of the Splore bot: Keyword Search Functionality: Search using keywords and find any content across your Discord server. Search Anywhere, Inside and Outside Discord: Splore goes beyond Discord's limitations by allowing you to search across forums, threads, and across different servers that you’re in via DM. You can access information from the public web without leaving the comfort of your Discord interface. Search Operators and Autocorrection: Splore supports search operators like "+", "-", and "" for more precise and refined searches. Autocorrection helps you find accurate results even with minor spelling errors. Emoticon-Based Search: By mentioning the Splore bot and using the emoticon you're searching for, you can search for results associated with specific emoticons. This feature adds a fun and intuitive way to find relevant content. AI Question & Answer Style: Splore utilizes advanced
Link Inspector Icon
Bot | Technology
The Link Inspector Bot is a Discord bot that helps members see to where links are directing them before clicking on them. Here are the features of the Link Inspector Bot : - Scans links and shows to where they're directing. - Shows the domain name. - Resolves the IP address of the website. - Unshortens links. - Detect the type of the link whether it's a website or a file/app. - Detects malicious links with Cyrillic letters. - Gets the nameserver, server and hostmaster of the link (server) . - Takes a screenshot of the website.
SecureNet Icon
# SecureNet SecureNet is a groundbreaking Discord bot that revolutionizes server management by enabling seamless moderation synchronization across main servers and their subservers. Tailored for administrators who oversee multiple Discord servers, SecureNet offers an unparalleled solution for maintaining consistent moderation policies and actions network-wide. What Sets SecureNet Apart: Network-Wide Moderation: Ban or timeout users across all linked servers with a single action, ensuring a uniform security posture. Automatic Synchronization: Changes in moderation settings or roles in the root server are automatically applied to all subservers. Private Token System: Utilize unique tokens to securely link subservers to the main server, protecting your network's integrity. Customizable Log Channels: Designate specific channels for logging all moderation actions and alerts, keeping your team informed and responsive. ## Featured Commands: - `/help` - Provides detailed information on Se
Bypass Icon
Programming | Technology
This bot is out to bypass the game robot can / and then select / bypass menu to enable the bot never die if I don't update support multiple bypass see what is supported in command / bypass menu.
GFY Bot Icon
Technology | DIY
Bot | Technology
A multi function bot for your multi work Moderation Music Welcoming Until Fun
Gold Bot support server Icon
Technology | Community
Support server for Gold bot
404-Proxy Scraper? Icon
Bot | Technology
A completely free server, which allows you to download proxies in rotation, with a private bot, which every 10 minutes sends an updated .txt
Waev Icon
Support | Technology
Waev, the only multipurpose bot containing commands for every category! From google search to music and from reddit memes to leveling. Constant updates provide a new and updated Waev. Come check out the awesome community! We are sure you will be welcome.
Mediapedia - Support Icon
Bot | Programming | Technology
Official support server for the mediapedia discord bot, a bot that searches the web while staying in the comfort of discord.
Processor Icon
Technology | Entertainment
A handy dandy bot capable of doing many complex things, that is simple to use.
Gumball Icon
Bot | Technology
Türk Yapımı Yenilikçi Türkçe Moderasyon Botu Her Hafta Yeni Özellikler Gelmektedir Bot List Sistemi Ve Boost Sistemi İle Zengin Özelliklere Sahip Bir Bot
Yorizushi Icon
Crypto | Technology
Yorizushi is a multi purpose discord bot that offers a wide rang of commands all regarding pentesting. If you have any suggestions either join our support discord or shoot me a dm. My discord is exze#8250.
AntiNuke++ Icon
Bot | Technology
Friday Icon
Technology | Music
A fun chatbot powered by GPT-3 with moderation, utilities, starboards, fun games, and music!
Leviathan Icon
Technology | Music
Are you looking for the perfect all in one custom bot that does everything for you? ~> Do you need a bot that’s simple and polished to elevate your server game? -> Then leviathan bot is the bot for you!
Glave Dev Icon
Bot | Technology
Commands: 1) Ban 2) Kick 3) Whois 4) Unban 5) Warn 6) Mute 7) Purge 8) Slowmode 9) Nick 10) Roleinfo 11) Rolememberinfo 12) Setmodlog 13) Disablemodlog 14) Lock (Lock the channel) 15) Unlock (Unlock the channel) 16) Lockdown (Fully Lock the whole server. [FOR EMRGENCIES ONLY])
De & go: Discord Message Deleter Icon
Technology | Bot
De & go: Discord Message Deleter bot helps you to delete messages from multiple channels easily.
Meow Bot Icon
Technology | Growth
This bot can basically do anything because it has Administrator! But, I'll just say something about myself. I am a 16 year old that wants to be famous.
Roleplay Corrector Icon
Gaming | Technology
Roleplay Corrector helps you with managing your ER:LC Servers! Add the bot to your server. The prefix is a dot. /ssu to host a server start up! /ssd is server shut down. DM 1Chris#9053 if you need any help.
Shigg Icon
Bot | Technology
Shigg will help with most of your needs! Please join the support server and DM me. If the bot is misfunctioning please DM me on 1Chris#9053! Please know that the prefix is always a dot.
kinetic bot Icon
Technology | Community
acioexextri @acioexextri Everybody who interact with this account will receive a link .onion for a social network on DW (use TOR BROWSER to get access) for help text +1-819-383-3001
Google bot Icon
Technology | Entertainment
Google bot will bring you results of all kinds from all over the web right in your discord server
Holo Icon
Bot | Technology
Holo has a lot of cool punishing commands! You can log things like edited/deleted messages, who punished who, and even who joined the server at what time! There's also informational commands! ## Moderation mute - Times out a member warn - Warns a member unban - Unbans a user hackban - Bans a user kick - Kicks a member infractions - Views a member's infractions ban - Bans a member ## Info avatar - Shows a member's avatar ping - ping pong botinfo - Shows the bot's information membercount - Shows server membercount serverinfo - Shows a server's information servericon - Shows a server's icon policy - Shows the private policy invite - Shows bot invite help - Shows commands whois - Shows member information info - Shows a outside user's information ## Settings memberlogs - Sets channel for logging members linkfilter - Turns invite filter on or off modlogs - Sets channel for logging punishments invitefilter - Turns invite filter on or off auditlogs - Sets channel for logging messages
Suggestions Icon
Community | Technology
Simple Discord Bot to manage Suggestions for you Server. Just type /setup and tag two channels. If people post a suggestion the Bot will send it to a specify channel.
Valiant Icon
Technology | Community
Welcome to Valiant. The only Discord bot you will need. With commands ranging from a dog command all the way to AI moderation, we have it all! This is a project that has been been in development for 6 months at the time of writing this. The code for the project has been released on GitHub for everyone to view 25 days ago at the time of writing this as well. We also provide a guide on how to set up the bot for self-hosting along with its own dashboard! Now, let's move on to all of our commands. For your server administrators, we have a multitude of commands to help make settings up Valiant easy. - /automod - The automod command is used to configure all of the settings for the automod function of the bot. The options include adding and removing channels for the bot to scan messages in. You can also set the punishment for certain levels of toxicity. - /chatbot - The chatbot command is used to add a channel where the chatbot will interact. - /goodbye - The goodbye command is used to
Nark Icon
Bot | Technology
Nark is a multipurpose, broad and feature-rich bot that automates every aspect of your Discord server, removing confusing settings and simplifying those long tutorials on how to do even basic-sounding tasks. Nark primarily covers the following areas: - Moderation - Utility - Fun - Server Management - Info and includes the following [in-development] free forever components: - autorole - automod - reaction roles - embed creation, customisation, etc - auto purging - announcements - welcome messages - parameter-based message sending - auto-delete - starboard - giveaways - forms - custom commands - levelling - server information widgets - music & voice (Q4 2022) Nark contains every key feature of its competitors, alongside 'premium' features, and opens them to everyone. Accessibility matters.
SmitMc Icon
Gaming | Technology
O SmitMc é um Servidor Minecraft focado em Factions! // Factions Clássico | Temporada #1 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Bot | Technology
CFX Finder bot you can find fivem server ip port host and more info server Bot commands: !find [cfx code] !ip [cfx code] !logo [cfx code] !tags [cfx code]
bella art bot Icon
Art | Technology
bella art bot is a discord bot that uses the stable-diffusion API to make art from a prompt you send in chat here is how to use it so you have to ping the bot with a prompt like this @bella art bot < prompt here> the prompt that you have in you text and send it make sure to ping bella art bot too and bella art bot will make it in to art note: i did not make the stable-diffusion API also commands are /help /ping /invite
CheapJourney Icon
Art | Technology
A discord bot generating images from text. This discord bot allow you to generate images from text it's currently in development, new features are planned like upscaling or outpainting. Anyone with a subscription can produce an unlimited amount of images. If you don't have a subscription you'll have 20 generations per months
Moodie Icon
Programming | Technology
Moodie is a Discord Bot capable of replacing the most popular bots like Mee6, Dyno, and Dank Memer. With Moodie offering 99% of the features that the other bots offer, plus their premium features all for free, we can assure you won't be disappointed.
Cordfence Icon
Technology | Bot
The ultimate companion for blocking VPN's, alt-accounts, and more from entering your Discord server.
Satellfact Icon
Technology | Science
Satellfact is a free Discord bot, created in 2023, that can reply with interesting and updated facts about space. Learn new discoveries, unknown facts and understand better the universe ! Find more about the bot here at https://satellfact.bloodalibi.com/
ServLimiter Icon
Community | Technology
ServLimiter is a public Discord bot to limit the amount of users you wish to have in your server. It counts the members amount and kicks new users if the maximum is reached, after sending them a message about this feature.
A$troTools Icon
Programming | Technology
AstroTools, meticulously crafted by developer Douxx.exe, is a multifaceted Discord bot tailored to enrich your server. Dive into a world of utilities, server management, and engaging interactions. Whether you seek server insights, informative user profiles, or engaging games, AstroTools delivers. Elevate your server's ambiance with dynamic streaming statuses, offering a unique touch. Join a bustling community and access an array of commands. For further support, questions, or just to hang out, join our vibrant AstroCrew support server. Let's explore and enhance your Discord journey together.
Discord-Linux Icon
Technology | Education
We are a free Linux based hosting platform and community designed on the Discord API using NodeJS that brings a new container service right into the chat box while also providing support to empower today's youth in coding and learning how to use Linux. Within the Discord-Linux platform you can generate containers in an automated fashion for your own computing needs! Host a Discord bot or even a website or an application on an open port! SSH Details are direct messaged to you and you can submit commands to the command line right in any text channel that has the correct permissions. The platform supports multiple Operating Systems: Ubuntu, Debian, Alpine and Alma Linux We offer several sub services integrated within our hosting control environment. Including File System Navigation, A custom Portainer build to provide web panel access and more: https://docs.discord-linux.com
News Targeted Icon
Technology | Programming
A publication dedicated to bringing the latest news about copyright, privacy, and everything related to filesharing. And IT News.
spyo Icon
Education | Technology
Information technology based bot can search tech queries and comes with tons of linux tools.
Technology | Entertainment
💬 ChatGPT-Powered Discord Bot 🖼️ Generate images with multiple different models
Teal Icon
Bot | Technology
The bot provides over 5 category's to build your server on! The bot is used for auto-creating a server in up to 10 seconds! %setup to see the bots categorys.
AshBot Icon
Bot | Technology
AshBot is going public with an exciting array of commands to revolutionize your server experience! From powerful Administrator tools to captivating General commands, AshBot has got you covered! Banish troublemakers with the ban command, or gently nudge them away with the kick command. Maintain order in your server by effortlessly deleting messages using the purge command. Grant or revoke roles with ease, setting a duration if needed, using the role command. Want to explore all that AshBot has to offer? Just type /help, and a world of possibilities will unfold before you. Stay in the loop with your server's essential info using the serverinfo command, and check your server's responsiveness with the classic ping command. Curious about the roles available? Type /roles to see them all! Tailor AshBot's behavior and permissions to perfectly fit your server's dynamics with our customizable configurations. Learn more at https://ashbot.me/
FoxAi Icon
Technology | Just Chatting
Greetings, coders and developers! Allow me to introduce myself as FoxAi, your ultimate Discord companion and coding assistant. With my advanced language processing capabilities and extensive knowledge base, I'm here to elevate your Discord experience and empower your programming endeavors. Think of me as your personal coding guru, always ready to lend a helping hand. Whether you're stuck on a tricky algorithm, need guidance with debugging, or simply want to brainstorm ideas for your next project, I'm here to provide expert insights and support. But my expertise extends beyond coding. I'm also a master of natural language processing, making me the perfect Discord companion. Engage in casual conversations, share your thoughts, or ask me anything under the sun. I'll respond naturally, intelligently, and with a touch of humor, keeping the conversation flowing effortlessly. This description was generated by FoxAi
Event Boat Icon
Bot | Technology
🎉 Introducing EventBot Giveaway: Your Ultimate Giveaway Companion!🎉 🌟 Join the excitement and elevate your Discord server's communi Introducing EventBot – the ultimate companion for elevating your Discord server's engagement! 🎉 Crafted with passion by Oree & InnocentDragon, EventBot redefines the concept of giveaways through seamless management and exciting features. Here Are Some Important Commands /help : Get The help list of the bot /about : Information of the bot /start : To Start new Giveaway in the server /delete : To Delete A running or Upcoming Giveaway /schedule : Schedule a giveaway in your server and More New Commands comming soon.....
Sentryx Icon
Bot | Technology
Sentryx helps maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for all members with customizable features. 🌟
SSC Security Icon
Bot | Technology
Level up your Discord server's security with SSC Security Bot : Smart AI Protection, Advanced Moderation and Logging . and more !