Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Protect Icon
Language | Support
The art of Protecting ! Anti Raid, Anti Selfbot, Antispam, Antiraid, Blacklist, protection roles and channels. Our Captcha is ANTIVPN / PROXY!
Armageddon® Icon
Bot | Support
🤖 Μερικά Bot Features 🤖 📊 Server Stats και με γραφήματα ✅ Verification System 🎫 Ticket System 📞 Προσωρινά Κανάλια ❌ Warning System 🎁 Giveaways 🤖 AI Chatbot 🎶 Music System 💹 XP System ⛅ Weather System 🛡️Auto Moderation 📝 Server Logs 🎨 Reaction Roles 🪀 Auto react σε μηνύματα ⭐ Reviews
Tony Bamanaboni Icon
Bot | Support
Support server for Tony Bamanaboni
Rabbit House Coffee ☕? Icon
Bot | Support
Bem-vindo(a) ao Rabbit House Coffee, um servidor com o foco nos fãs de GochiUsa e o servidor de suporte da Chino Kafuu, um bot cheio de funções que pode ajudar no seu servidor.
\~Cerbère support~/ Icon
Bot | Support
Welcome to the Cerberus support server
Server Guardian Icon
Support | Community
Server Guardian was created on 06/30/2021 in efforts to ensure everyone enjoys their time on discord! Server guardian has a newly built feature that prevents spamming and raiding Server Guardian also has a ban database that ensures toxic/racist/trolls don't join your server!
FrontLines Icon
Community | Support
**THIS IS THE NEXT STEP IN MENTAL HEALTH PERIOD** One of the things we've noticed being on discord for the last three years is that people sometimes can vent on a channel or server that doesn't focus on this kind of support, leaving the staff members very overwhelmed or don't know how to handle these types of situations, well also the venting user not feeling listened to. That's why we started FrontLines, as many server owners/staff members want to support their community and focus on their server's vision. The only thing you, as the server owner/admin, need to do is run the ` /setup ` command; this command is effortless and asks you to choose a category and channel name; if you feel you don't want a different type, you can simple deleted the class after the bot is setup. Feel free to contact us at any point, as we will be more than happy to help get your community connected with our volunteers!
Shorty Icon
Support | Technology
A Link Shortener Bot That Lets You Shorten Your Links From The Comfort Of Your Server! List Of Commands: adfly - Shorten Your Link Using Adfly. nullpointer - Shorten Your Link Using Nullpointer. isgd - Shorten Your Link Using Isgd. bitly - Shorten Your Link Using Bitly. chilpit - Shorten Your Link Using Chilpit. clckru - Shorten Your Link Using Clckru. cuttly - Shorten Your Link Using Cuttly. dagd - Shorten Your Link Using Dagd. osdb - Shorten Your Link Using Osdb. shortcm - Shorten Your Link Using Shortcm. tinyurl - Shorten Your Link Using Tinyurl. exeio - Shorten Your Link Using Exeio. rebrandly - Shorten Your Link Using Rebrandly. gplinks - Shorten Your Link Using Gplinks. zagl - Shorten Your Link Using Zagl. shortest - Shorten Your Link Using Shortest. earn4clicks - Shorten Your Link Using Earn4clicks. vurl - Shorten Your Link Using Vurl. firebase - Shorten Your Link Using Shorty's Firebase. invite - Invite The Bot To Your Server suggest - Send A Suggestion To The Developer Of Th
NitroBot Icon
Bot | Support
Discord Bot with over 400 commands and made for large servers It can do Moderation, Tickets, Radio, Games, Giveaways, Customisation, Economy, Leveling, Invites, Messages, Utilities, Suggestions, Server Stats etc.
Photo Showcase Icon
Photography | Support
The bot will showcase/store member photos in a seperate channel. Allows your community to highlight the best photos.
Zeus Bot Icon
Zeus Bot is a community bot with a lot of commands --community commands-- /countdown /enlarge /coinflip /hangman /invites /meme /poll /support --Premium Feature-- /remind /translate /weather /ytmp3 /counting setup --Moderation Commands-- /addemoji /steal /addsticker /timeout /untimeout /kick /ban /warn /unwarn /warnings /create-invite /dm /add-role /remove-role /unban /mass-unban /purge-messages /purge-links /welcome setup /slowmode /transcript
Moon 🌙 Icon
Community | Support
Featured Functions: 🛡️ Efficient moderation to maintain a safe environment. 🎲 Fun entertainment commands to liven up your chats. 🌐 Practical utilities to make server management easier. 🎵 Music commands so the fun never stops.
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Carbon Discord Server Banner
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Tickify Icon
Support | Bot
Tickify creates tickets for your discord server and support team. Tickify is a very simple bot by just using " / " to create the tickets. With Tickify you can add a description to any of your tickets. You can add logs for your tickets with Tickify.
Galaxy Support Icon
Community | Support
Dieser Bot Hilt Dabei wenn man einen Server erstellen will oder wenn man ein Server Moderieren will und wenn man ein Server hat wo ein Guter Bot benötigt wird
Double security Icon
Bot | Support
Discord automod bot with moderation functions and verification system, auto purge a certain member and many more ONLY 3 STEPS FOR EVERYTHING TO WORK ! ( BAN THE BOT IF IT IS FAKE OR NOT REAL )
Education | Support
Your local First Aid bot, acts as the local First Aider, giving advice and talking about First Aid. sjadev is the owners discord if you need it.
Ning Icon
Social | Support
Meet Ning, your all-in-one Discord bot designed to simplify server management by combining essential features into one tool. Say goodbye to juggling multiple bots—Ning handles it all! 🚀 Features: - 🎫 Ticket System: Streamline support with easy ticket creation. - 🗩 Welcome System: Greet new members warmly and automatically. - 🤖 Automod: Keep order with automatic content moderation. - 🌟 Leveling System: Reward active members and boost engagement. - 🌈 Role Commands: Automatically assign default roles upon joining. - 🪙 Economy System: Earn, spend, and compete with virtual currency. - 🎶 Music Commands: Enjoy and share music in your server. - 🔧 Utility Commands: Access useful tools for server management. 💪 Support: Join our Discord Support server for active assistance and updates!
VAL-Elogs Icon
Social | Support
Welcome to VAL-Elogs, your ultimate Discord bot for community engagement and server management! Our bot stands out with its interactive voting system and comprehensive logging features. Commands: - /help - Displays this help message with a list of available commands and how to use them. 32++ commands Future Development: We're committed to continuously improving VAL-Elogs with exciting new features and enhancements. Stay tuned for future updates that will bring even more functionality to your server management and community engagement toolkit. Our bot is designed to enhance your Discord community by providing tools for better decision-making, server management, and transparency. Join the hundreds of servers already benefiting from VAL-Elogs and experience a new level of control and engagement!
FullBot | البوت الكامل Icon
Bot | Support
This bot is for testing [FullBot](https://github.com/DisQada/FullBot) code template | هذا الروبوت مخصص لاختبار قالب الكود [FullBot](https://github.com/DisQada/FullBot) Check out the open-source code on [GitHub](https://github.com/DisQada/FullBot) | قم بإلقاء نظرة على الكود مفتوح المصدر على [GitHub](https://github.com/DisQada/FullBot)
Minter Icon
Support | Bot
A security bot that can help manage your server with ban commands and raid prevention use ! To use commands
Nix Icon
Bot | Support
My bot is a general system that contains all the commands that the user needs to facilitate his work and organize his server and protect it as well via a dashboard dedicated to commands or via direct commands in the chat dedicated to his server Current features: - Feedback - Autoline - Autoreaction - A somewhat integrated Islamic bot - Welcome - Giveaway - Ticket - ​​Create rooms and ranks from the site - Create a new server from the templates available on the site - Coin for the bot (Nix Coin) Upcoming features: God willing - An integrated store system for regular stores and anime - Community server system - Programming server system - Management presentation bot - Premium for the bot - Other additions as well - Don't miss your chance to get badges inside the bot and collect coins. Let's go
Bot | Support
Szukasz bota, który ułatwi zarządzanie Twoim serwerem? Poznaj BOTTERA – wielofunkcyjnego pomocnika, który spełni wszystkie Twoje oczekiwania! BOTTER to nowoczesny bot, który nie tylko pomaga w administracji, ale także wzbogaca komunikację na serwerze. Jego proste komendy są łatwe do zrozumienia i dostępne dla każdego użytkownika. Działa 24/7, więc zawsze masz wsparcie na wyciągnięcie ręki. 🛠️ Dlaczego warto wybrać BOTTERA? Rozrywka 4Fun dla urozmaicenia serwera! Intuicyjne komendy, które każdy opanuje w mgnieniu oka. Pełna konfiguracja logów, systemu antyspamowego, antyflooda i ochrony przed niepożądanymi linkami. Błyskawiczne wsparcie techniczne. BOTTER nieustannie się rozwija – regularnie dodajemy nowe funkcje i usprawniamy jego działanie. Dzięki temu masz pewność, że Twój serwer zawsze jest dobrze chroniony i zarządzany. Nasz zespół wsparcia jest gotowy pomóc w każdej sytuacji. Nie czekaj! BOTTER to Twoje kompleksowe narzędzie do zarządzania serwerem!
Zarco Icon
Programming | Support
Zarco is your ultimate Discord companion, designed to enhance and streamline your server experience. As a multipurpose, all-in-one Discord app, Zarco provides everything your community needs to function smoothly and efficiently. Whether you're managing a small group of friends or a large, thriving server, Zarco has the perfect set of features to make your job easier. With powerful moderation tools, Zarco helps maintain a safe and friendly environment by handling bans, mutes, warnings, and automated moderation filters. Personalized welcome messages ensure new members feel at home, while autoroles automatically assign roles upon joining. The Private Voice Channels (PVC) feature lets members create temporary voice rooms with custom settings. Ticketing provides an organized way to handle inquiries and support requests. Utility tools such as message logging, customizable commands, and advanced permissions management further enhance your server's functionality. Plus, exciting new features
Scam Bot Icon
Support | Trading
Scam Bot is an anti-scam bot for discord, you can add it to your server then users can run a report command and report people who have scammed, time wasted, or users that you need to deal with caution when dealing with them. The bot also has a command where you can toggle on or off an auto-role then the bot will role any new users or old users the role you chose for reported users.
Support Bot  | Discord créateur Icon
Bot | Support
Bonjour/Bonsoir 》 Tu en à marre de faire des serveurs à la main ?? 》Tu cherche une solution et la plus rapide ?? **J'ai la solution !!** ```Voici un bot qui peux faire ton serveur à ta place avec une seul et unique commande !!```
Filo Icon
Support | Anime
Filo is a powerful multipurpose Discord bot. Customizable, multiple languages, report, logging, welcome and farewells, member counter, anti-invites, auto-mod, anti-evasion. +190 commands.
EasySystem Support Icon
Support | Gaming
Support Server for the Discord Bot EasyFortniteStats & EasyApexStats
GiselleBot Support Center Icon
Bot | Support
Official Support Server for GiselleBot
Wasteland Bot Support™ Icon
Support | Programming
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Come join] Wasteland Bot Support [Founder:] ToggleSpeed✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ#5221 [Information] A bunch of new commands and server addons coming soon for the bots and the server! Wasteland bots come with, Music, Games, Memes, Moderation, Level System, Commands a bunch more commands are going to be added soon! [Additional Info] While you are in the Wasteland Support Sever you can have perms to self advertise! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➬- Self-assignable roles! ➬- Self Advertising ➬- Custom Music bot ➬- Partnerships (should we have them?) ➬- Minimal Rules ➬- NSFW channel (for bot commands) ➬- Custom Bots! ➬- Active Bot Support ➬- Active Chat! (Active Chat-mods) ➬- 24/7 Uptime (Bots Uptime) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [ https://discord.gg/t8dCpFv ] Pings: @/here @/everyone
Trello Talk Icon
Bot | Support
Manage Trello Boards Straight From Discord! The support server for Taco!
Argo Official Support Server Icon
Community | Support
This Is Argo Official A Amazing Community
Static Development Icon
Support | Bot
Overall This server is for testing & support for the bot Static Junior. Once i get verified there will be a give away for nitro. To enter just test my bot out and invite it. It's a good bot. Stopped about 33 raids so far.
Graphite Icon
Bot | Support
Graphite Official
Cadu Suporte Icon
Bot | Support
Cadu is a small Brazilian robot for Administration and Economics that intends to completely change the way you see Discord.
WarMatch.US Support Server Icon
eSports | Support
WarMatch is the clan stat tracking tool for Clash of Clans. Our Discord Bot & website record random matches & Clan War Leagues with no purchase required!
Dinosaur Support Icon
Support | Bot
Welcome to my Support, user! I'm Dinosaur, a multipurpose BOT! Here, in my support you can report users, bugs, and ask for help.
Waev Icon
Support | Technology
Waev, the only multipurpose bot containing commands for every category! From google search to music and from reddit memes to leveling. Constant updates provide a new and updated Waev. Come check out the awesome community! We are sure you will be welcome.
Spirit Icon
Bot | Support
A discord bot support server!
zink support server Icon
Bot | Support
a support server for the bot i made.
Any Bot Support Icon
Bot | Support
The Any Bot support server where you can ask for help related to the bot or chat with the community about your tastes.
JDBot Icon
Support | Bot
A bot that has many features, you can see which ones in the help command. It's a bot designed to do many things. It's essentially an all in one bot.
LogicFlame Icon
Programming | Support
To set up the bot do =setup(this will create the role/channels needed and permissions) This server is for a Moderation/ticket Bot called LogicFlame This Bot is always being updated as well as new features added This bot can do, muting, tempting, unmuting, ban, unban, warnings These can not use the auto-moderation yet, but I am looking to get the bot to eventually do this. The bot also includes tickets and moderation roles. The bot would require the auto role to be dragged above the members and the channels and categories which the bot would create cannot be changed as the bot relies on this name to work.
The Hidden Studios Icon
Community | Support
Welcome to The Hidden Studios, the support/community server for The Hidden Studios!
Brainbox.cc Official Server Icon
Gaming | Support
The indie game developer Brainbox.cc, creator of Mr Boom's Firework Factory, TriviaBot and Sporks!
Scout Icon
Gaming | Support
Scout is an ARK: Survival Evolved Discord Bot created to assist players with tedious tasks
BanHammer Bot Official Server Icon
Bot | Support
Thank you for checking this bot make sure to invite this bot in your server and help you moderate your server. This bot is a safe bot. So feel free to use it.
Melody Icon
Music | Support
Melody is an advanced feature-rich music bot that comes with 24/7, bass control, multiple commands at once, guild and personal music history and other premium features for free, invite Melody now!
Shrek Icon
Bot | Support
Um bot programado em node.js (javascript) e feito interamente pelo repl.it O bot começou mais ou menos como um "meme" mas se tornou algo mais sério, e bom aqui estamos nós com o bot no top.gg. Ele consta com comandos de utilidade, moderação e diversão, mas terá mais comandos no futuro. Seu criador é Lobefut#0001 Mas seguinte se você for humilde vota e adiciona ele :)
Ullmina Icon
Bot | Support
Ullmina is a unique bot in all discord but with basic commands and easy to interact with the user, it has commands that help entertain the user and help him, what differentiates Ullmina is that it is a unique and easy-to-use bot to accompany
Leek Icon
Bot | Support
A basic bot aimed to help out with entertainment, moderation, economy, and much more. Overall making your server much better.
NightyBot Icon
Music | Support
Hello! While Rythm is down I decided to make my own music bot! Prefix is "." (.help for help)
Kiki Icon
Support | Growth
KiKi bare dogs can share your joys and sorrows with you. - $help: Kiki will show you my talent, aw-aw. - $list: Show Kiki's knowledge. - $new + "encouragement": Add your favorite quotes and Kiki will keep them for you. - $del + "the number of motivational sentences you want to delete": Delete the words of encouragement you do not like, your joy is also Kiki's. - $Kiki: Call Kiki's name and I'll bark for you. - $inspire: Mr.Kiki will give you a maxim to solve your problems. - $dog: See Kiki's family, guau-guau. - $respond on/off: Enable/disable Kiki's negative sniffing mode. - If the sniffing mode is on, when catching a negative sentence, Kiki's friends will appear to encourage and give you advice.
Slio Icon
Support | Memes
<p><strong>Slio has everything from Moderation to entertainment! <a href="https://link.selectdev.xyz/invite/slio">Invite her here!</a></strong></p> <iframe src="https://dylster.gitbook.io/slio">If you are seeing this that means that your browser does not support iFrames. Consider upgrading it or visit our doccumentation at https://dylster.gitbook.io/slio</iframe> See our Privacy Policy [here](https://selectdev.xyz/bots/slio)
Remindme Icon
Bot | Support
Use this bot to create (repeating) reminders for you and other users (or roles) on your server
Shinki Icon
Shinki has been developed for creators to connect their content with their community. However with a large range of features, Shinki will fit well into anyone's server! Fully controlled from our dashboard - Permissions need to be set in the panel by administrators before use. Server owner can set access to the restricted parts of the panel Moderation, including kick, ban, mute, warn, whois, and temprole. Set custom actionable words, link deletion and logging of deleted/edited messages. Comprehensive ticketing system. Security system stopping anyone from posting without reacting to a role and agreeing to the rules Donations - support your content or server by accepting donations, sell roles, text based messages including links and sell physical goods using the bot in your server. Connect your streams and various platforms directly to your server through Streamlabs, Twitch with many more to come! Stream Timer -use Shinki’s stream timer for your next subathon, every donation can add
Anti-Bot Bot Icon
Bot | Support
What I offer: - On startup create a "Muted" role and assign it to every channel. - Detect scam messages if it has 3 keywords in it, delete them, and mute the sender! - After muting the sender, I will send a private message about the situation, and mention the server's name for the sender where they were muted. - Clear the similar messages if I was added after the event with the /clear command. I go through all the channels in the server, and delete those messages. This process takes time. - Message history limit: 500 If you didn't enable role management, reinvite me and enable it or it won't work properly! For Donation: https://www.patreon.com/wonder_dev
GateKeeper Icon
Bot | Support
A Nice advanced Discord Bot! Features : Leveling, Memes, Userinfo, Ping Servers, delete messages and way more! To get a Membercount create a Voicechannel with the name : ⭐⎜All Member:
Hypo's The Bot Icon
Bot | Support
Use ''/'' Commands For The Best, If You Type ''/'' There Are Some List Of All The Bot Can Do And We Are Still Updating The Bot And Dashboard, Premium And Other, So Stay Tuned For Our Awesome Update Bot. ''/add-money'' Add Currency To A Member Balance. ''/addrole'' You Can Add Member Role. ''/ban'' Ban User. ''/check-balance'' Check The Balance Of Another User. ''/clearwarnings'' Clear All Warnings. ''/daily'' Claim Your Daily Bonus. ''/giphy'' Search For GIF's In Giphy. ''/give'' Give Another Member Dollar From Your Balance. ''/help'' Get The List Of The Commands. ''/imgur'' Search For Picture On Imgur. ''/invite'' Return The Invite Link For The Bot. ''/kick'' Kicks A Member. ''/leaderboard'' Returns The Server Economy LeaderBoard. ''/level'' Get Your Current Level. ''/levels'' Get Your Server Leaderboard. ''/ping'' Return The Ping For The Bot. ''/purge'' Purges Message In A Channel. ''/remove-money'' Remove Currency From A Member Balance. ''/removerole'' Remove A Role From A Member.
Lilac Icon
Community | Support
This is Lilac, a multipurpose bot with neat embeds that will make your server iconic. - Currently in 50+ guilds and 1500+ users. - Include with 50+ commands and 20+ subcommands to bring your experience to another level. - Advanced tools like Wikipedia, translator, YouTube and many more! - Full built in economy system. - Beautiful embeds. - With suggest command to suggest ideas for devs. Developer Team - paully$#1000 | 857932717681147954 - et3rnalx#1032 | 886238665297264660 Links and Support - [Support Server](https://discord.gg/Hp9V29m8Fs) - [Invite](https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=964904213186506804&permissions=1237222550774&scope=bot)
ApplyEasy Icon
Bot | Support
The ApplyEasy Bot is a simple application system bot where you can set up a simple application system with just 3 commands. The bot only happened on slash commands so its prefix is ​​/. With /help you can see all his commands, invite him or see the current application questions from the server. You can also see the questions with /see-questions. If you had errors with the questions you can remove the questions with /remove-questions or just update the questions with /config-questions and with /config-questions you can configure the questions! If you have problems, want to report bugs or anything else join the ApplyEasy Support server!