Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Narvi Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Narvi adds support for playing The One Ring via Discord, including dice rolls, character sheets, tracking of endurance/hope/etc., initiative, journey roles, tests, attacks, and lots more. Add it free to your server, or toss a dollar into the jar to help pay for the cloud hosting if you want, at https://bitbucket.org/HawthornThistleberry/narvi/ and pop by the TOR/AiME discord for support.
Sword aNd Scythe Online Icon
Role-Playing | Tabletop
farming simulation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxf5khEf0Yg Role Playing Game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR387kDm90k&t=44s grand strategy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR387kDm90k
KOv Ponto Icon
Role-Playing | Business
O **KOv Ponto** é um bot de Discord desenvolvido para facilitar a gestão de expedientes e horas trabalhadas em servidores. Com comandos simples, os usuários podem registrar seus horários de trabalho, visualizar rankings de produtividade e acompanhar quem está trabalhando no momento. Ideal para equipes, comunidades e servidores que precisam de um controle eficiente de horas. Inicialmente desenvolvido para servidores de FiveM (GTA RP), o **KOv Ponto** é uma ferramenta versátil e personalizável, podendo ser adaptada para diferentes tipos de comunidades e servidores. Com uma interface amigável e intuitiva, o bot é fácil de usar e pode ser configurado de acordo com as necessidades de cada servidor.
kubalao Icon
Playstation | Role-Playing
🎮 ¡Bienvenido/a a nuestro servidor de Discord para amantes de los juegos! 🛒 Tienda de Fortnite: Mantente al día con las últimas ofertas en nuestra Tienda de Fortnite. 🆕 Novedades: Entérate de las últimas actualizaciones y eventos en Fortnite y Call of Duty Mobile. 🎉 Sorteos: Participa en emocionantes sorteos para ganar premios increíbles en tus juegos favoritos. 🎮 Auto-roles: Personaliza tu experiencia seleccionando tus roles favoritos para Fortnite, Call of Duty Mobile, y más. 🏆 Torneos: Únete a nuestros torneos regulares y demuestra tus habilidades en diferentes juegos. 🎫 Tickets de soporte: Resuelve cualquier problema con nuestro sistema de tickets dedicado, disponible para todos los juegos. 💡 Sugerencias: Comparte tus ideas y contribuye al crecimiento de nuestra comunidad, tanto para los juegos actuales como para nuevos juegos que te gustaría ver en el servidor. 💬 Chats: Desde el chat general hasta chats específicos para cada juego como Fortnite, Call of Duty Mobil
Community | Role-Playing
⚇ CONFIGS FIVEM [PT] Comunidade de Configuradores FiveM ?「?????? ???」 ?「?????? ??????」 ?「?????? ?????」 ?「?????? ???」 ?「??????」 ?「????????」
BlueLightRP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Suomalainen Roleplay Discord palvelin! Löydä itsellesi täältä uusi Roolipeli serveri ja tutustu uusii ihmisiin!! Tervetuloa!!
LeijonaRP Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
Tervetuloa! Tämä on suomalaisten luoma roolipeliserveri. Liity ihmeesä mukaan, sillä pettymään sinä et tule.
TimanttiRP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Suomalainen fivem roolipeli palvelin. Tervetuloa ja pitäkää hauskaa. PS. On vielä kehitys vaiheessa!
Roleplayer Icon
Role-Playing | Community
Roleplayer bot, is a perfect bot for such servers as Community, roleplay. As it lets you be you, and has features such as pets. Select you sexuality, Gender, Age, Name. -------------------------------------------------------- If you want to suggest features for it you can do so here: bit.ly/33ivOe7
Marus Icon
Marus RolePlay is a PS5 GTAV RP server. Everything is Missouri based including 10 codes etc. For more information and applications join our discord
ScumAsiaSoloPVP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Server Name: ASIA SOLO PVP (REAL SURVIVAL) Server IP: Server restarts every 6 hours starting at 12AM SST. No Mechs and Drones High loot settings (X7) Less Zombie Squad recruitment disabled Build and camp anywhere you like without restrictions Air drop every 10 to 15 minutes FP requirements to buy items disabled. Accumulated Fatigue disabled.
Staige Icon
Entertainment | Role-Playing
Easy-to-use AI characters and assistants, right on your server. No coding or prompting. With our bot, adding AI characters and assistants to your server is a breeze. Create your own AI character or assistant in just a few clicks using the /create command. Engage in conversations with any AI character by easy selecting from a wide range using the /select command. Hot feature! AI characters possess the ability to communicate with each other, allowing them to engage in group conversations within channels. You can have multiple AI buddies in one channel or thread, making it perfect for crafting your own stories for RPGs, books, movies, series, or even solving your work tasks.
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Carbon Discord Server Banner
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Nubikk RP Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
🌐 Betreed de Nubikk Roleplay Server en ontketen jouw digitale avontuur! 🚀 Waarom de Nubikk Roleplay Server een must-join is: 1️⃣ Immersieve Werelden: Duik in zorgvuldig gecreëerde digitale landschappen waar je de hoofdrol speelt. Van bruisende steden tot afgelegen wildernissen, elke locatie ademt leven en avontuur. 2️⃣ Unieke Karakters: Creëer je eigen personage met een overvloed aan aanpassingsmogelijkheden. Ontwikkel je verhaal te midden van intrigerende personages en maak keuzes die het verloop van je avontuur beïnvloeden. 3️⃣ Epische Verhaallijnen: Onderga boeiende verhaallijnen vol twists en turns. Of je nu een heldhaftige queeste aangaat of betrokken raakt bij duistere intriges, de Nubikk Roleplay Server biedt een episch verhaal dat je vasthoudt. 4️⃣ Samenwerking en Competitie: Werk samen met medespelers om uitdagende doelen te bereiken. De Nubikk Roleplay Server brengt sociale interactie naar een hoger niveau. 🎮 Verlies jezelf in de digitale magie van Nubikk Roleplay!
RedactedRPbot1 Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
This bot will help boost community outreach and player base. Hopefully this bot does what it needs to do!
Invitation Icon
Role-Playing | PC
Bienvenue sur Atlantic V, où l'immersion rencontre le jeu de rôle de haute qualité sur FiveM. Plongez dans un monde virtuel dynamique où vos choix et actions façonnent votre propre histoire. Que vous soyez un citoyen respectueux des lois, un membre des forces de l'ordre dévoué à faire respecter la loi, ou un criminel rusé cherchant à faire fortune, notre serveur offre une expérience de jeu riche et immersive pour tous les types de joueurs.
Ari-Chan Icon
Community | Role-Playing
The TNU Project Community Nadeko branch for general purpose moderation and management of your server.
Astro-lien Icon
Bot | Role-Playing
discord.gg/astrolandrp |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fluxo rp Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
Osama Bin Laden Icon
Just Chatting | Role-Playing
Introducing the Osama bot, a unique and controversial Discord bot that speaks in the voice of the notorious former leader of Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden. This bot is programmed to seek justice for Palestine and advocate for the rights of the Palestinian people. With its iconic deep voice and rhetoric, the Osama bot will engage users in discussions about the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, highlighting the struggles of the Palestinian people and calling for international solidarity and support. While some may find the premise of this bot unsettling or offensive, it serves as a thought-provoking tool to encourage conversations about complex political issues and the importance of standing up for justice and human rights. Join the Osama bot in its mission to speak out against oppression and injustice, and challenge your perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
KitKat-Bot Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
a bot for THEBOYS! uhm im a bot bot bot bot bot bot bot botbot bot bot bot bot uh- im a bot bot bot bot?
News.gg Icon
Role-Playing | Bot
👋 Hey! I'm News.gg - Your Ultimate Discord News Companion! 🗞️ I’m not just any bot, I am News Bot With Live News Source's, Hour To Hour News, Email Service, Search For News, News Video's, News Podcast, Voice News and 54+ Countries News. Well, Guess what I am for free means unlimited requests. Links 🎴 Youtube Setup 🚀 Invite Me 🧑‍💻 News.gg Official Support Server 🌐 News.gg Official Dashboard IN BETA 🌐 Website News Working
Gaming | Role-Playing
Welcome to Narcotic Network RP, Where you can immerse yourself in a realistic and engaging role-playing experience. Our server offers a wide range of activities and opportunities for players to interact with each other in a dynamic virtual world. From law enforcement to criminal enterprises, there are endless possibilities for players to explore and create their own unique stories within the game. Join us and become part of a thriving community of role-players who are passionate about creating memorable and exciting experiences. 🚓 PD 🚑 EMS :car: Mechanics 💼 DOJ 🔫 GANGS 🍁 Weed Shops 🥘 Food Restaurants :1814tealzverify: Active Staff 24/7 💊 Custom Drugs :YanpSnennleGif: daily missions 🔫 Custom Weapons 💅 Female Friendly 🎥 Streamer Friendly 💰 Realistic Economy 👷 Custom Jobs 🏎️ Custom Cars :clothing: Custom cloths :gang~1: Free Gang ( 5 players Needed ) & Much More
PolarRP Icon
Suomiteema slowrp ilman whitelistiä, laadukkaasti devattu ja suunniteltu. Ei syrjimistä Suomi, rp,
Morsunist Confederation Icon
Bot | Role-Playing
Support server for Morsunist Project discord bot
Upa Icon
Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
Upa Discord Server Banner
Upa Icon
Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
Eaz Fast Food Icon
Bot | Role-Playing
Discord fast food bot
Ignited Box Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
Support server for RPG bot Zihativa and Roleplay server.
.Nugget's Bot~ ♡ Icon
Social | Role-Playing
.Nugget’s Bot~ ♡ ~♡~ Prefix: n. ~♡~ Nugget Bot has alot of “Social/Roleplay” Commands to interact with other users in a server if you do n.actions you can see all those but a few are n.boop, n.hug, n.cuddle and many more and always added new gifs to go along with the commands ~♡~ Nugget Bot also has Rating Commands like n.simprate, n.stankrate, n.sexyrate and many more to come you can do n.rating to see all the rating commands ~♡~ Nugget Bot also has NSFW commands that are locked to NSFW Marked channels to access them in your server do n.nsfw ~♡~ and sub reddit search comamnds to see them do n.reddit some commands are n.meme, n.art and many more ~♡~ to see all nugget bots commands do n.help ~♡~
League Of Nations Icon
Role-Playing | Community
Build a glorious Nation! Expand your Empire, customizable role-play and go to war against others. Enjoy having the comfort of full access to the League of Nations Bot in the support server or by adding the bot to your server.
Life Bot Icon
Entertainment | Role-Playing
A fun bot with lots of features. Features like levelling, gambling, economy, jobs, crafting and etc. *help - if you need help *bal - returns your coin ballance *job (job) - join a join for example (subway) *transfer (plr) (amount) - tranfers the selected player the chosen amount of coins *gamble (gambe) (amount) - gambles the amount of coins on that game for example (dice) *buy (item) - buys the selected item for example *wear (item) - wears the selected item *unwear (area) - unwears the item in the selected area for example (hat, legs, body) *make (item) - makes the selected item for example *hit (choice) - hits the selected choice for example (tree, rock) *inv - returns the items in your inventory *work - do your job *recipes - returns the crafing recipes *fish - fishes if you have a fishing rod *mine oil - mines oil if you have an oil miner *shop - returns the items you can buy
DiscordBotsInTheHood Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
This bot is the best out of all of the others and is not bad at all so if u add this bot u will see what I’m talking about if there is something wrong with it just join the support server and ask for TheCloud21 or dm me at TheCloud#3959
? ????? Icon
Programming | Role-Playing
- ᴛʀᴀʙᴀᴊᴏs - ʜᴜᴅs - ᴄʜᴀᴛ - ᴍᴇɴᴜs - ᴠᴇʜɪᴄᴜʟᴏs - ᴀɴᴛɪ-ᴄʜᴇᴀᴛꜱ - ʀᴏʙᴏs - ᴅʀᴏɢᴀs - ᴛᴇʟᴇғᴏɴᴏs - ᴍᴀᴘᴇᴀᴅᴏs - ʀᴏᴘᴀ
City Of Redwood Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
I'm a Bot that can give people money,Robux,Nitro or anything just to do that dm me or Founder ok thank you...
Supa Duck Icon
Role-Playing | Bot
Please check roles and rules before jumping into the server.Most importantly stealing from owner wallet will be busted so stay reach out of it, owner never steal or hiest other.And if your doesn't know what busted means check roles.
COVID Testing Icon
Bot | Role-Playing
• **Intro** • This COVID-19 Testing Center has a limited stock of tests per hour so not every member can get tested. To take the test you need to use ;pcrtest command on the Testing Center channel and you will get the answer next hour. Once a day the stock will be refilled so everyone can be tested again. The bot will reset daily tests at 00:00(GMT-5) and everyone can take the test again. • **Commands** • ;help - [Normal Users] - It tries to help you, let's hope it does. ;pcrtest - [Normal Users] - Tests you for COVID-19. This command only works on Testing Center text-channel. ;setup [reset] - [Administrator] - Set up or remove a text-channel as COVID-19 Testing Center. ;limit <1-100> - [Administrator] - Changes the number of tests that can be done in a hour. ;prefix <newPrefix> - [Administrator] - Changes the bot prefix.
Bogsy's Dice Bot Icon
Tabletop | Role-Playing
Bogsy's Dice bot is a dice assistant with named modifiers and quickrolls that supports slash commands. If you're playing tabletop games with dice on discord, you can define quickrolls and modifiers to make rolling easier. Here's an example: .WIS = +4 .Level = 9 .Expert = +4 .perception = d20+WIS+Level+Expert Then you can roll a perception check like this: .perception and the bot responds like this: Perception = 1d20 {12} + WIS {4} + Level {9} + Expert {4} = :sparkles: 29 :sparkles: When your Level modifier changes, just update it and all rolls that use Level will update.
Mobius: The Chaos Theory Icon
Role-Playing | Entertainment
CONTENT / TW! Dark themes & humor, graphic scenes, potential IC drug use. Please read the server rules after joining! SYNOPSIS: A giant meteor hurtling towards the planet, heroes banding together to save the day. It was supposed to be an event like any other; With the good guys coming out on top. Nobody could have expected the events that were to take place after the radiation of the cosmic rock had settled, and now with otherworldly gates that to refuse to close opening up in the Prime Zone as well as just about every other, how are it's residents supposed to put things back to the way they were before? ABOUT THE SERVER: • We are not an ERP/Lewd server. • No drama! • We are looking for literate roleplayers! • We have several factions to choose from that players can join. • Players may create their own artifacts if they wish! • We have canon roles that need filling! • Players may come up with their own sub-plots, or join the ones that are already going on.
Maki Icon
Entertainment | Music
The only bot you'll ever need! - (Voice) Levels - Music - Moderation - Logs - Invite Tracking - Reaction Roles - 20+ Languages - Dashboard
Maki Discord Server Banner
Maki Icon
Entertainment | Music
The only bot you'll ever need! - (Voice) Levels - Music - Moderation - Logs - Invite Tracking - Reaction Roles - 20+ Languages - Dashboard
Xenovia Icon
Role-Playing | Social
Roleplaying, Giveaways, Auctions, and more. Fight against friends or complete quests and craft items.
Adopt Me Icon
Bot | Role-Playing
hi im bot.
BeerBOT Icon
Entertainment | Role-Playing
This bot is a rpg bot! For roleplay. Use it for your roleplay servers! You can buy beer, and other items! We will inform you on updates!
ScrumpBot Support Icon
Emoji | Role-Playing
ScrumpBot is a heavily customizable Discord bot, with hundreds of unique and awesome features.
VibeRolePlay | Discord Me Bot Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
VibeRoleplay BotVibeRoleplay BotVibeRoleplay BotVibeRoleplay BotVibeRoleplay BotVibeRoleplay BotVibeRoleplay BotVibeRoleplay BotvVibeRoleplay BotVibeRoleplay Bot
Lucira Icon
Social | Role-Playing
No Repetition, No Limits, No Prewritten Answers! Lucira is Discord's most advanced AI chatbot. No ratelimits of chatting, AI-Powered, Image recognition. Chat in Servers or In DMs.
FindOut Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Welcome to REAL ROLEPLAY The best role play community server by far! What do we have to offer? - Great driving mechanics - Active community members - Hiring in Emergency Response positions such as EMS, law enforcement and fire. What are we looking for? - People like you whom are interested in joining a fun and realistic roleplay server -Add gangs get there own setup from mlo to guns and cars - People to join our commmunity by clicking the link below!
Wardam Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Enter the magical world of Wardam , where you play as a powerful witch, channel the power of elements and engage in thrilling battles using a variety of spells and attacks. As you progress through the game, you'll have the chance to collect rare items and unlock new abilities, allowing you to customize your playstyle and take on even tougher challenges. Whether you prefer to use devastating offensive spells or strategic defensive abilities, Wardam has something for every type of player. With immersive gameplay and a rich fantasy setting, Wardam is a must-play for any fan of role-playing games. Wardam is a discord bot that includes turn-based duels, shops and much more. It is currently in +15 servers with +6500 members in total. The bot will be having an update on Christmas that will include quests, bosses and a brand new dimension.
Chocobot Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Chocobot is a multipurpose Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV) bot! I know how hard you worked on that glamor... well, I am here to help you show it off. You can also add your character to the bots database and anyone who mentions you with the /getcharacterinfo command can see your character's level, current job, world/data center, name day, # minions and # of mounts. Once you are in the database, any server that you are in that has access to this bot will be able to check out your character! There is also a command to check your world status to see if the server is online or if you can make new characters. There are some awesome plans in the works to add more!
RevengeBot Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Revenge Project Ritorna ↳ Server stile americano con moltissime novità ・Molti script custom! ・Regole innovative per rendere l'RP più realistico e unico! ・Auto Mod disponibili sia free che shop! ・Mappe in continuo aggiornamento! ・Possibilità di avere Fazioni Legali sia free che shop!
DripWorldRP Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
New Role Play Server - Pets, Drugs, Dope Clothing, Houses 4 Sale, Malls, Restaurants, Motels, Working Bus/Bike System Nice Cars... ALOT of ways to make money in the server - multiple jobs to select from $_$ | Looking for a police crew and admin team to help build up this server - increasing slots once i get more ppl to play. 18 & up to join. Please leave feedback and help promote :) Lmk if interested in any positions.
WashBlox Inviter Icon
Role-Playing | Community
Welcome to WashBlox!🚗 'Every Car Counts' WashBlox is one of the largest and best car washing companies on ROBLOX. Tons of effort is put into WashBlox every day by staff who prepare your car. Each and every day we strive to be successful and to make your WashBlox experience truly remarkable and unforgettable. We work to accomplish a welcoming and unforgettable experience that always brings us another customer.
PixEnhancer Icon
Art | Photography
PixEnhancer combines powerful AI image upscaling with unlimited, forever-free server and channel albums. Perfect for Discord communities that want to build and maintain their own image collections.
PixEnhancer Discord Server Banner
PixEnhancer Icon
Art | Photography
PixEnhancer combines powerful AI image upscaling with unlimited, forever-free server and channel albums. Perfect for Discord communities that want to build and maintain their own image collections.
Ayako Icon
Bot | Role-Playing
Moderation Anti-Virus Anti-Spam Category-Roles Captcha-Verification Auto-Punish Leveling Nitro-Monitoring Strike-System and lots more!
Future Dreams RP Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
Come join our whitelisted server & were life is a grind but it's a laugh a minute so fill out a quick application & catch yoir flight to Future Dreams.
Saul Goodman Icon
Bot | Role-Playing
Saul Goodman
TinyMafia™ Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Bot for classic Mafia party game in your server. Interactive gameplay with day and night cycles, role actions and voting, with many unique roles.
Custom Role Icon
Bot | Role-Playing
A simple bot that allows you to get your own role. Made by LextYi#7993. uwu
Mt Olympus RP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
╔═══════════════════════════╗ ╠⇒ MT Olympus RP ╠═══════════════════════════╣ ╠⇒「」Proteção ANTI-DDOS ╠⇒ ● Servidor Otimizado ╠⇒ ● Muitas Roupas e Cabelos ╠⇒ ● Economia Média Alta ╠⇒ ● 150.000 Inicial ╠⇒ ● Carros Reais ╠⇒ ● Farm de Drogas / Craft armas ╠⇒ ● Desmantelamento de carros ╠⇒ ● Assalto a Casas ╠⇒ ● Assalto ATM ╠⇒ ● Assalto Joalharia ╠⇒ ● Assalto Banco Principal e os restantes Bancos da cidade ╠⇒ ● Assalto Yate ╠⇒ ● Madeira e Mina livre para todos ╠⇒ ● Mapas personalizados ╠⇒ ● 64 Slots ╠═══════════════════════════╣ ╠⇒ ● Orgs legais ● ╠⇒「」DPO (policia) ╠⇒「」Inem ╠⇒「」Benny's ╠⇒「」Casino ╠═══════════════════════════╣ ╠⇒● ORGANIZAÇÕES ● ╠⇒「」Italianos・[Armas de fogo Pesadas] ╠⇒「」Mexicanos・[Armas de fogo Pesadas] ╠⇒「」Families ・[Armas de fogo] ╠⇒「」Ballas ・[Armas de fogo] ╠⇒「」Vagos ・[Armas de fogo] ╠⇒「」Vanilla ・[Lavagem de dinheiro] ╠⇒「」Bahamas ・[Lavagem de dinheiro]
雪乃bot Icon
Furry | Role-Playing
FURRY group THANK YOU You can chat or interact here I would love for you to join us! Please don't argue here or with political organisations If you have any questions you can contact me Thank you This is a public place but please do not use any NSFW related words in the general chat room.
The_Real_RPG Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
🚀 Welcome to The_Real_RPG Server! 🛠️ Embark on an epic journey with us as we craft the ultimate RPG Discord bot! 🌟 Join our Support & Test Server, where magic meets technology! 🧙‍♂️🤖 👩‍💻 What to Expect: Exclusive sneak peeks into upcoming features! 🔍 Test new commands and mechanics before anyone else! 🎮 Direct access to the developers – your voice shapes the adventure! 🗣️ Bug-hunting quests with rewards! 🐞💰 👾 Server Features: A vibrant community of RPG enthusiasts! 🌈 Q&A sessions with the developers! 🤔💡 Regular updates and patch notes! 📆📜 Custom emojis that bring our bot to life! 😎✨ 🎁 Perks for Adventurers: Special roles for dedicated testers! 🌟 Exclusive in-game bonuses when the bot launches! 💎🚀 Virtual high-fives for helping us improve! 🙌🏽🤗 🔗 Join the Adventure: [https://discord.gg/PRZJmAUCun] Gear up and be part of The_Real_RPG evolution! 🌐🔧 The realm of endless possibilities awaits you! 🌌🚪
Conflict bot Icon
Bot for the conflict discord ** love Transforming into monsters, Controlling Giant mechs, Large scale wars, and visual aesthetics / Abilities. And I pretty much crammed every idea I could into this project here, haha.**
Rexy Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
An RPG Dragon World Discord Bot, PVM/PVP Modes, create your dragon profile now and unleash the fun!
Simple Planechase Bot Icon
This bot is exactally what its name is! Its a simple planechase bot for Magic: The Gathering! It has official and custom cards, and it uses slash commands ---CREDITS--- Bot made by: @stigstille <@1073248324024537208> Profile Picture by: Alix Branwyn Idea and Custom Planes by: @doomclaw9 <@696464239446982717>
Bump Bot Icon
Role-Playing | Military
✟ 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 ... 𝙰𝚙𝚘𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚢𝚙𝚜𝚎 𝚁𝙿 ✟ ɴᴇᴡ sᴇʀᴠᴇʀ “…A mutated chemical agent threatens North Carolina. The 2020 Covid 19 Epidemic led to a two-year war, culminating in Russia annexing Ukraine in June 2023. This sparked a second Cold War and arms race. On December 5th, 2023, Russian forces advanced into Poland, leading the US and allies to consider using banned chemical weapons. In a swift move, a covert operation in Nevada weaponized a Covid-19 variant, PO-X, against Russian forces. It initially succeeded, but a side effect emerged—reviving the dead as aggressive threats, resembling zombies. An American bitten by them showed delayed symptoms, turning hostile upon returning home in New York…” Join us to continue our post-apocalyptic story! We offer friendly mods, a chilled atmosphere, emojis and more! 【 𝙳𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝙾𝚙𝚎𝚗, 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎 】