Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Sword aNd Scythe Online Icon
Role-Playing | Tabletop
farming simulation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxf5khEf0Yg Role Playing Game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR387kDm90k&t=44s grand strategy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR387kDm90k
DiscordMeFQ Icon
Tabletop | Role-Playing
THIS is a Text-Based and westmarch-style DND 5E RP. Players, like Sword Art Online, log into a DND 5e MMORPG called Farquest! Embark on quests, and challenge powerful bosses! An old god named Bujang threatens to destroy the world. It is up to you, and the community to fight back evil. You are apart of an Adventurers Guild called the Silverheart Guild. Join today to make your mark on our growing world! What we have to offer: • Start at Level 6, with an uncommon magic item! • Friendly/Welcome Staff • Crafting/Economy System. Buy & Sell with other players! • Ability to go on quests with other players, any time of week!
Bogsy's Dice Bot Icon
Tabletop | Role-Playing
Bogsy's Dice bot is a dice assistant with named modifiers and quickrolls that supports slash commands. If you're playing tabletop games with dice on discord, you can define quickrolls and modifiers to make rolling easier. Here's an example: .WIS = +4 .Level = 9 .Expert = +4 .perception = d20+WIS+Level+Expert Then you can roll a perception check like this: .perception and the bot responds like this: Perception = 1d20 {12} + WIS {4} + Level {9} + Expert {4} = :sparkles: 29 :sparkles: When your Level modifier changes, just update it and all rolls that use Level will update.