Genshin Impact Icon
Bot | Anime
Join for an exciting journey through the world of Teyvat ~ Our bot has many exciting features - from wishing for characters to battling with slimes! Each character you summon will be stored into your inventory and can be equipped with weapons and artifacts You can build each character stats and add
Genshin Impact Discord Server Banner
Genshin Impact Discord Server Banner
Genshin Impact Icon
Bot | Anime
Join for an exciting journey through the world of Teyvat ~ Our bot has many exciting features - from wishing for characters to battling with slimes! Each character you summon will be stored into your inventory and can be equipped with weapons and artifacts You can build each character stats and add
Void Icon
Void is a small self-care and venting bot that can give you self-care tasks, walk you through grounding/breathing exercises, and let you yell into the void. Current commands: /help - gives a list of available commands /information - gives info about the bot /pop - gives the user “digital bubble wrap” to play with /self-care - gives a random self-care task out of about 40 tasks /yelling - yell something into the void /say-something - say something to have it echoed back to you, then let it go /breathing - provides an animated breathing exercise /grounding - walks the user through a grounding exercise Void doesn’t save any messages and all usage is “ephemeral,” meaning Discord users cannot see bot usage of other users. If you’d like to test the bot first, please join the support server below. The bot is in the support server and you can test out each of the functions. The support server for this bot is at Thank you!