Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Kepi Icon
Community | Programming
Home of the simple, multi-purpose bot, Kepi.
Zyke Network Icon
Programming | Bot
Zyke Network is an organization of developers and hosting lovers, who aim to provide top quality services with great support.
GRiM™ Support Icon
Bot | Community
This is the official support server for the Discord bot 'GRiM'
Utopia Icon
Bot | Community
Utopia! The main focus of this server is the bot going by the same name. Your main goal is to build your Empire and conquer others! I develop it and we are a small community, I'm listening to your feedback and implementing all your suggestions (or at least most of them). If this sounds interesting for you, feel free to join ;)
Webhook Master Icon
Bot | Programming
Webhook Master is an easy-to-use Discord bot made to utilize and manage webhooks. In addition to creating and editing webhooks, Webhook Master can delete and send from webhooks in the form of an embed or a normal message. It makes use of 24/7 uptime and certain Discord libraries.
Lucira Icon
Social | Role-Playing
No Repetition, No Limits, No Prewritten Answers! Lucira is Discord's most advanced AI chatbot. No ratelimits of chatting, AI-Powered, Image recognition. Chat in Servers or In DMs.
DiscordMeBot Icon
Community | Programming
If you’re a game developer, aspiring or professional, then here’s a safe space waiting for you! Connect with hundreds of other game devs who share the same burning passion for game development and design. Meet the geniuses behind the most creative, immersive worlds that will keep you hooked from the start and playing for hours. Who knows, you might even learn a thing or two that will take your game to the next level. (No more bugs and spaghetti codes!) We’re currently holding virtual meet-ups via Discord, and we can’t wait to see you all in person someday! Join our ever-growing community of the coolest (and sometimes nerdiest) humans on planet Earth - because wouldn’t it be nice to surround yourself with people who understand and speak your language for once?
Hanekawa's Wonderland Icon
Bot | Anime | Programming
Hanekawa is a highly customizable multi-purpose bot with a focus on extensive moderation tools and user activity rewards. Customizable Leveling, Economy, User Profiles and Welcome banners!
Peaches Icon
Bot | Programming
Peaches is a programmable slash command and trigger bot. You can add it to your server and then customize its behavior to suit your community. It supports the creation and edit of custom slash commands which can respond to users in various ways including direct response, ephemeral response, sending a DM or creating a message with button components. Triggers allow you to run code on the bot whenever certain events happen in your server. This is a growing list and currently includes user join/leave, channel or thread create/delete, member muted, member banned, etc. In addition you have access to a small database for storing information. This allows your commands to remember certain things about your users so that the bot's behavior can change from run to run. Feel free to join the support server if you have any questions and be sure to check out the documentation website for more information!
MR.0xBOT Icon
Programming | YouTuber
➤ About Rules ┊- صورة واسم حسابك يجب أن تكون لائقة وغير مخالفة للدين سيتم تنبيهك واذ لم يتم التجاوب سيتم طردك ┊- احترام الجميع وعدم السب والشتم ┊- عدم مشاركة الروابط التي بها خلل ديني أو أمني او تخالف شروط الدسكورد ┊- لا تجاوب على سؤال أي شخص إلا وأنت تعرف الإجابة تجنباً لنشر المعلومات الخاطئة ┊-ممنوع نشر روابط مشبوها ┊-لو كنت سوف تنشر خلفيه كمبيوتر ,على صوره ان تكون , ┊Full HD : دقه عاليه و حجم 1920 ┊-عند نشر مقالات في مكتبه عليك نشر مقال في للغه العربيه لي اجل المبتدئين يفهمو ┊-ممنوع تكلم في دين لي اجل عدم انك تفتي في امور دين ╰➤ [0xROBEE]
PomPomPurin Icon
Technology | Programming
PomPomPurin is a powerful and privacy-centric Discord bot designed to promote online security and help users safeguard their personal information. At its core, the bot provides a breach-checking service that allows users to verify whether their email addresses have been involved in known data breaches. By using advanced privacy controls, the results are visible only to the user who initiates the check, ensuring confidentiality and reducing the risk of sensitive data exposure. Key features of PomPomPurin include: Data Breach Monitoring: Easily check if your email has been part of a data breach and receive real-time alerts about the safety of your information. Privacy Protection: Slash commands and private responses ensure that breach information is only shared with the requesting user, promoting a secure user experience. Security Awareness: PomPomPurin offers helpful security tips and information, empowering users to take proactive steps to protect their digital identities.