Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Buttergolem Icon
Memes | Community
Dieser Bot scheißt dir zufällige Zitate vom Arschgebirge aus der Schimmelschanze direkt in deinen Discord-Server.
Lanayru Shop Icon
Community | Entertainment
Hello à tous ! Pourquoi rejoindre la communauté Lanayru ? • Discussion : Que tu sois passionné de jeux vidéo, de séries, de musique ou tout simplement de la vie, tu trouveras toujours quelqu'un pour discuter avec toi. • Un espace de partage : Partage tes créations, tes astuces, tes connaissances avec les autres membres. • Gaming : Discutez de vos jeux préférés et jouer ensemble. • Concours et Événements : Participez à nos concours, jeux et événements spéciaux. • Une équipe d'administration active : Nous sommes toujours là pour t'aider et répondre à tes questions. Rejoignez-nous dès maintenant !
Stellar Icon
Stellar is the ultimate all-in-one Discord utility bot. With it's wide selection of features, Stellar tends to stand out. Use our features to control your server with tools like server event logs, chat filter, timeouts, join verification, warnings, autoroling, giveaways, and much much more. Stellar also introduces a command that allows you to scan your server's members. Want to see if you possibly have scamming users in your Discord? Use the scanmembers command to find if anything is wrong with your server.
Spark Icon
Community | Bot
(En) French community waiter. Also available for other nations. (Fr) Serveur communautaire français. Disponible aussi pour les autres nations.
Rocket Planet Icon
Gaming | Community
? Rocket League - ? Ranks, Shops, News & More | ? Giveaways | ? Trading | ? 24/7 Middlemen | ? Events
Love Giveways Icon
Bot | Community
This Is A New Giveaway bot we made If You Love Doing Giveaways Our Bot Is Here For You Faster And Easy To Use
Matax Icon
Community | Technology
Matax is a community server based around Surge, gaming, and bot development. Come join Matax for a chill environment!
Community | Role-Playing
⚇ CONFIGS FIVEM [PT] Comunidade de Configuradores FiveM ?「?????? ???」 ?「?????? ??????」 ?「?????? ?????」 ?「?????? ???」 ?「??????」 ?「????????」
Anime Recommendator Icon
Anime | Community
You love anime. You are interested in anime. You watched a lot of anime, or you didn't, it doesn't matter, you like animes. If you don't know what to watch, then just invite this bot to your server, and use ">help", and you will get a lot of anime recommendations. ;) Note: Bot is still under development, the lists will grow. If you have any recommendations, hit me on pm "Revo#4903", I will add it to the list, changelog, and list you on credits.
Server Guardian Icon
Support | Community
Server Guardian was created on 06/30/2021 in efforts to ensure everyone enjoys their time on discord! Server guardian has a newly built feature that prevents spamming and raiding Server Guardian also has a ban database that ensures toxic/racist/trolls don't join your server!
Pokelandia Icon
Community | Streaming
Tää on tälläinen community palvelin ja olen streemaja. Pidän streameja twitchissä ja haluan kasvattaa communityäni Twitch: Poke__pvp
Arctyc Icon
Hey there Arctic is a basic moderation discord bot the prefix of the is a! type a!help for the bot commands.
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Nitrado.DEV Icon
Gaming | Community
Killfeed.DEV is the #1 Dayz Killfeed for your Discord. It works with Xbox and PS4 DayZ servers. This DayZ mod lets you post all your servers log events to a Discord server. To activate the BOT create an account at https://killfeed.DEV
Zuly Icon
Community | Bot
## ? A multifunctional bot for discord - Anime - Economy - Music ## ?‍? Less work and more fun! Star is a bot focused on anime, where you get all kinds of things. Music (you can play anime songs with z!animu). ## ✨ Zuly... is to eat? No, but I was made to help on your server, developed in the eris library using [JavaScript](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript) & [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/) ## ? What if I need help? You can enter my support server here: [Click Here](https://discord.gg/pyyyJpw5QW) ## ? Convinced me, how do I add? If you want to use star on your server, you can [Click Here](https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=880173509077266483&scope=bot&permissions=805432446) <iframe src="https://zulybot.xyz/" height="660" width="1200"></iframe>
Discor Me Icon
Community | Hobbies
On this server we talk about the most paranormal things that happened to us, we also talk about movies, you can send your creatures and many other things, let's go in!
SlickBot Icon
Bot | Community
SlickBot is the best bot you can ever have! the best features all in one bot. We are updating the bot actively with new features too! With this bot, you can finally set up your discord server professionally!
Fays Spielplatz Icon
Community | Gaming
Official Moderation Bot die FaysSpielplatz Dieser Bot ist ein selbstentwickelter Bot für denn Discord Server FaysSpielplatz
Musicophile Icon
Music | Community
An Epic discord music bot, supports Spotify, Soundcloud, YouTube with Shuffling, Volume Control and Slash Commands support!
SDM Icon
Community | Music
Local music artists, songwriters and their most ardent fans are invited to join Socially Driven Music and be connected with each other and social good causes they are equally passionate about. We connect artists, songwriters, fans and causes and create communities to enable working together for reciprocal benefit. Music creators will discover new opportunities to expand their fan bases and impact social good. http://www.sociallydrivenmusic.com http://bit.ly/SDMMailChimp
Baldur Icon
Bot | Community
Yo yo I am blitz's bot, Baldur. I am smart and handsome. And you are ugly. Joking you are loved, you are talented, you are beautiful, you are needed, you are the best person.
Pearlium Bot Icon
Crypto | Community
Pearlium Cryptocurrency Project. A peer-to-peer economy towards digital business transformation. The Pearlium Token (PEARL) is a digital currency built for business and commercial utility, likewise as an investment and trading derivative. CoinPearls, also known as the Pearlium Xchange is a decentralized tool in development serving as its carrier. Our goal is to create an open, fairly-balanced and people-centric ecosystem that provides remunerative potential and equal opportunity for everyone.
Community | Gaming
O servidor mais realista de Portugal. Staff ativa, 25K iniciais, Policia, Juiz, Advogado, Mecânico, Reboques, ORGS CRIMINOSAS. FiveM- GTA RP (Roleplay)
Mr Maçã Icon
Music | Community
O Mr Maçã, é um bot de música para quem gosta de ouvir uma música sem precisar de assinar serviços.
TLB NFT Bot Icon
Crypto | Community
The Lost Bitcoins: A haunting NFT tribute to the unmoved 1,826,206 Bitcoins. We are building the worlds first Bitcoin Cemetery in the Metaverse. 10,963 NFT Collection Dropping in April. Join our Server and other socials today! Check out our medium post to learn more https://medium.com/@thelostbitcoins/the-lost-bitcoins-48ee81a0ddd9
Discord me Icon
Crypto | Community
Have you heard the news? Crypto invincible is back. Crypto invincible has entering the NFT space, set apart from the rest, C•I is a unique project that will rock the NFT space ?. Join now!!! ?All the info is in our Discord ?Join our community now?
Maníacos Icon
Community | Gaming
Servidor para se divertir com vários chats. Também inclui canais gaming para se divertir. Vem fazer parte desta comunidade.
Riverflo Icon
Art | Community
Welcome to Riverflo! We are the largest marketplace for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and crypto collectibles. NFT is a unique digital asset that defines ownership of real-world objects such as artwork, images or digital avatars, video clips, music. etc. They are usually traded (bought and sold) online through cryptocurrencies. Collectibles are valuable items that collectors can find and obtain. Collectors could be anyone, either the traders searching for short-term profits or the crypto giants who prefer gathering stuff. The categories it includes are not limited to sport, clips, games, art, etc.
Roleplayer Icon
Role-Playing | Community
Roleplayer bot, is a perfect bot for such servers as Community, roleplay. As it lets you be you, and has features such as pets. Select you sexuality, Gender, Age, Name. -------------------------------------------------------- If you want to suggest features for it you can do so here: bit.ly/33ivOe7
Heep leo Icon
Community | Music
This is a good server... We need more members... U can enjoy.....wedont want anyarguements....... Everyone should be friendly:)
CroizyBot Icon
Streaming | Community
Serveur de la Team Croizz. Vous voulez passer en live, jouer avec nous, poser des questions,... Bienvenue sur le serveur de ton streamer préféré !
A&T | BOT Icon
Bot | Community
Tervetuloa palvelimelle A&T | MODDING tämä on palvelin missä teemme suomiteemaisia Autoja sekä kaikenlaisia asuja realistisia autoja sekä virka asuja
Eclipse-inv Icon
Social | Community
✧˚ · . ☽ WELCOME TO ECLIPSE ☾ . · ˚✧ • We are a brand new 18+ community Things we offer •Fun vibes ,(Eboys/Egirl friendly) •Vc's ☏ •Make friends! •Fun events! •Game nights! •Emotes!! ♡ ☽ We're a growing community come be part of the journey ☾ ♡
FrontLines Icon
Community | Support
**THIS IS THE NEXT STEP IN MENTAL HEALTH PERIOD** One of the things we've noticed being on discord for the last three years is that people sometimes can vent on a channel or server that doesn't focus on this kind of support, leaving the staff members very overwhelmed or don't know how to handle these types of situations, well also the venting user not feeling listened to. That's why we started FrontLines, as many server owners/staff members want to support their community and focus on their server's vision. The only thing you, as the server owner/admin, need to do is run the ` /setup ` command; this command is effortless and asks you to choose a category and channel name; if you feel you don't want a different type, you can simple deleted the class after the bot is setup. Feel free to contact us at any point, as we will be more than happy to help get your community connected with our volunteers!
D1scord Mod Icon
Community | Programming
Discord Moderation Bot ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎.
Blitz Ticket Icon
Bot | Community
Blitz Ticket Created By @TeroxzStudio ============================ The Best Discord Advanced Ticket! Bot Prefix = b! Bot Menu = - b!help - b!setup-ticket - b!ping - b!close Invite The Bot! For Public Ticket! Dashboard : https://cutt.ly/1ByympI Thanks Powerfull By Vinzzyy#2006 / Teroxz Studio
Arcade Assault Server Icon
Bot | Community
Hello this is Arcade Assault I created this discord account because I wanted to create discord servers. And I have experience with creating designs of graphics and I can share it here.
Scrolls Icon
Technology | Community
Automatically scan your community content and make it searchable via popular search engines such as Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo. A great way to make your discord community more accessible and searchable, and to preserve knowledge for your community. Visit https://www.scrollsbot.com to get started.
Kirito Play § Discord & Interaçõ Icon
Social | Community
Divulgação Do Servidor: Kirito Play § Discord & Interações Conteúdo do Servidor: * Divulgamos Outros Servidores * Temos Um Canal Exclusivo Para Jogos * Canal De Música Para Os Membros Do Servidor * Várias Salas De Voz e Texto Para Os Nossos Membros * Não Aceitarmos Palavrões, Conteúdo NSFW e Racismo Dentro e Fora Do Servidor * Todos Os Membros São Respeitados De Forma Igual *Sempre Tentarmos Ajudar os Membros Para Melhor a Experiência Dos Nossos Membros *Fazermos Parceria Com Outros Servidores *E Varias Outras Coisas Que Vão Aparecer Aos Poucos
Business | Community
Divulgação Do Servidor: KIRITO STORE § VENDAS DE CÓDIGOS DE BOTS & HOSPEDAGEM Conteúdo Vendemos Códigos De Bots Do Discord, Vendemos Hospedagem De Bots e Sites.
King Icon
Community | Gaming
If you’re looking for a server with gaming making new friends and having fun you should join our server?
RennyBot Icon
Mature | Community
For invites. Sends new members to the new joining channel for the YNS discord server. Is going to available starting now.
Kevin-Robot-Bot Icon
Community | Entertainment
Hello there! Welcome to the Asian American club, where you can freely express yourself. You can share your culture, music, religion, history, politics, controversial topics, and more. ENJOY!
Clear-Bot Icon
Community | Bot
I was bored so i created this bot. It is a very simple script but it would be amazing if u invite the bot to your own server. If u have any questions join my Support Server: https://discord.gg/8uthDWQjgQ
Gabbito-Bot Icon
Bot | Community
Itzgabo comunity 1.- Quieres apoyarme a crecer? 2.- Quieres ver videos/streams entretenidos? En este sever podras 🙂 Algunos Beneficios 🤖 •︱Bots de todo tipo ⭐ • ︱Buena estética 📷• ︱Videos y Directos Constantes 🎟️• ︱Sistema de tickets ✅• ︱Podras Apoyarme 😀• ︱Memes 🍄• ︱Champicraft NUEVO SERVER INVITACION https://discord.gg/HsXbJaQ6
Bumper Icon
Community | Anime
Herzlich Willkommen bei Treffpunkt Enton, einem gemütlichen Communityserver, auf dem es nie langweilig wird! Was ihr bei uns findet: Eine offene und freundliche Community Servereigene Emotes! Giveaways und Events, bei denen ihr tolle Preise absahnen könnt Chats zu verschiedenen Themen Ein allzeit hilfsbereites Team Und natürlich Enton Wir freuen uns über jedes neue Mitglied, Euer Team Enton!
Bot thing Icon
Gaming | Community
This is a server based around the game geometry dash. We have feedback channels, Collab channels for both me and you. There are other games too, I will add more just give suggestions and I will add it. If the server just isn't for you at times, give me some suggestions of what to change in server suggestions. I have made this server for you guys more than for me so join up and have fun. The link to the server just in case the one for the button doesn't work. https://discord.gg/XYgDBJqGEA
Academic help Icon
Education | Community
Welcome to our legit community where you can meet qualified and highly skilled individuals with verified and tested tutors skills to help you handle your quizzes, assignment and exams. please be sure that you will work with our verified staffs to avoid being scammered out there!. chat with verified,expert or trainee tutors apart from that be very cautious and report any body who dm you first. Thanks enjoy your stay here.
Boost boy Icon
Bot | Community
AutoDS Icon
Community | Business
Fueling the Dropshipping Revolution. Unleash your eCommerce prowess in our vibrant community. Join us for insights, automation, & entrepreneurial success.
Lolipop Icon
O nosso Bot de Moderação do Discord em 2023 é a peça-chave para manter o seu servidor Discord organizado e divertido! Ele se destaca por sua ampla gama de recursos, incluindo comandos de moderação robustos para manter o controle, como banir, expulsar e silenciar usuários de forma eficaz. Além disso, oferecemos recursos de entretenimento, como comandos de música para embalar as suas festas no servidor e jogos interativos para manter todos entretidos. Com atualizações constantes, estamos sempre adicionando novos recursos para garantir que o seu servidor esteja no topo do jogo em 2023. Não perca a oportunidade de ter o melhor em moderação e diversão no seu Discord!
Bumpbot Icon
Gaming | Community
elcome to The Modding Community Come and join our Specialist team of modders in the creation of modding tools and trainers used to help you get through those tough games! Anyone is welcome here whether you are into coding or just like to chat about the games you play!
Saint martin management bot Icon
Community | Anime
# -==-×->>**༺ সেন্ট মার্টিন ༺ ** > »»———==——==———===——× > |====|। ।|====| > ╰┈➤ ** এটা একটা বাংলাদেশী কমিউনিটি সার্ভার । এই সার্ভার টা একটু নতুন সার্ভার এজন্য আমরা এই ইনভাইট লিঙ্গের মাধ্যমে আপনাদের আমন্ত্রণ জানাচ্ছি সার্ভারে ** । ` <3 ` > । > »»—===——==—————==——×  > ╰┈➤ __**বাংলা সার্ভার**__ > ╰┈➤ __**সপ্তাহিক এবং মাসিক > ইভেন্ট**__ > ╰┈➤__**ফ্রেন্ডলি কমিউনিটি**__ > ╰┈➤__**অ্যাক্টিভ ভয়েস চ্যাট**__ > ╰┈➤ __**স্টাফদের জন্য রয়েছে আকর্ষণীয় উপহার**__ > ╰┈➤ __**সার্ভারে চ্যাট করলে পয়েন্টস পাওয়া যায় এবং সেই পয়েন্ট দিয়ে OwO cash কিনা যায়**__ > ╰┈➤ __**রয়েছে ধরনের চিল গেমস টাইম পাসের জন্য**__ > ╰┈➤ __**রয়েছে লেবেল আপ রোল**__ >  ×—==————==—==———-«« > ×—==————==—==———-«« > **তো আর দেরি না করে আজকেই হয়ে যান "সেন্ট মার্টিন" সার্ভারের সদস্য** | https://discord.com/invite/FPpnTEXj2D
MusicMaker Icon
Music | Community
Discord Professional Music Bot ## About Bot - Turkish, Dutch, English, French, Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic, Italian, Indonesian, Spanish, Germen, Japanese language support. - The excitement of listening to non-stop music 24/7. - Customizable commands. - Shuffle commands. - Chance to set customizable dj role. - A chance to loop the music you want so it doesn't end. - Create your own playlist. Use it if you want, share it with everyone. - Add your favorite music to your playlist with one click and listen later. - Open music from dozens of supported audio platforms. - Add color to music with special sound filters. - Specify the specific channel in which the command will be used. ## Supported audio playback platforms: - YouTube - Spotify - SoundCloud - Vimeo - Reverbnation - Facebook - Attachment Links - TikTok - and 742+ other platform. ## BOT COMMANDS: - /back | /statistic | /clear | /dj | /filter | /help | /loo
100% DZ Icon
Bot | Community
Jjdkn’d’s’d’s’d’sw’s’´dw’wnnwkwkwjwjssnnd nov j’ai lit du Js dis ce th no oh du jvois du g du C C g et lit c je c j
Yakuza Icon
Yakuza is a multifunctional Discord bot with over 600 commands. Start with basic information, music system, economy, administration system, automod, setups and so on. The bot it’s perfect for your Discord server. This is a bot created for all user needs, Yakuza can compete with Mee6, ProBot and other big bots.
ImperialSMP | Bot Icon
Community | Gaming
# Imperial SMP **Minecraft Somente Java Original** **Aqui temos:** [🇧🇷] **Servidor (24hrs) on! Java Original versão: 1.20.4** - [📜] **Diversos plugins** - [📠 ] **Host paga e sem lags** - [📕] **Temos um belo sistema de regras e somos um servidor focado no survival** - Venha participar do nosso servidor sem lags e com muitas aventuras! Temos nosso servidor do Discord interessados me chamem no Privado! Todos são bem vindos no nosso servidor!
Local Arma Icon
Gaming | Community
Бот который поможет вам ориентироваться на нашем сервере, изучить команды, слушать музыку, получить информацию, а также поддерживать модерацию
AutoDeleteWizard Icon
Bot | Community
Introducing the AutoDelete Wizard – Your Ultimate Discord Server Maintenance Companion! 🧹✨ Key Features: ✅ Auto-Delete Messages: Set up rules to automatically delete messages after a specific duration. No more manual clean-up! 🚀 Easy Configuration: Customize the bot's behavior with a few simple commands. No coding or complex setups required. 🧙‍♂️ Magic Commands: Use magical commands like "zap" to instantly clear unwanted messages. 📊 Statistical Insights: Get detailed statistics on message activity in your server. 🔒 Security: Rest assured, your server's data and privacy are our top priorities. The AutoDelete Wizard operates securely and respects your server's settings. 🌟 Fun and Interactive: With its magical theme and engaging features, your community will enjoy every moment with the AutoDelete Wizard. 🤖 24/7 Support: Our friendly support team is here to assist you whenever you need help or have questions.
VisionX Icon
The features of our bot are as follows: ## Utility: afk , membercount , invite , list , list roles , list invoice , list bans , list emojis , list activedeveloper , list createpos , list bots , list joinpos , list moderators , list early , list inrole , list invite , list boosters , list admins , list muted , snipe , servericon , avatar , banner , banner user , banner server , ping , firstmessage , botinfo , userinfo , serverinfo , roleinfo , channelinfo , translate , uptime , setup , setup reqrole , setup list , setup create , setup delete ## Moderation: ban , clear , clear embeds , clear emojis , clear files , clear bots , clear images , clear mentions , clear reactions , clear contains , purge , purge invites , purge startswith , purge endswith , purge user , purge contains , kick , mute , unmute , unban , unbanall , nick , role , role all , role cancel , role bots , role humans , role status , rrole , rrole all , rrole cancel , rrole bots , rrole humans , rrole status , hide ,
Moon 🌙 Icon
Community | Support
Featured Functions: 🛡️ Efficient moderation to maintain a safe environment. 🎲 Fun entertainment commands to liven up your chats. 🌐 Practical utilities to make server management easier. 🎵 Music commands so the fun never stops.