Upa Icon
Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
Upa Discord Server Banner
Upa Discord Server Banner
Upa Icon
Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
Boost boy Icon
Bot | Community
AutoDS Icon
Community | Business
Fueling the Dropshipping Revolution. Unleash your eCommerce prowess in our vibrant community. Join us for insights, automation, & entrepreneurial success.
Lolipop Icon
O nosso Bot de Moderação do Discord em 2023 é a peça-chave para manter o seu servidor Discord organizado e divertido! Ele se destaca por sua ampla gama de recursos, incluindo comandos de moderação robustos para manter o controle, como banir, expulsar e silenciar usuários de forma eficaz. Além disso, oferecemos recursos de entretenimento, como comandos de música para embalar as suas festas no servidor e jogos interativos para manter todos entretidos. Com atualizações constantes, estamos sempre adicionando novos recursos para garantir que o seu servidor esteja no topo do jogo em 2023. Não perca a oportunidade de ter o melhor em moderação e diversão no seu Discord!
Bumpbot Icon
Gaming | Community
elcome to The Modding Community Come and join our Specialist team of modders in the creation of modding tools and trainers used to help you get through those tough games! Anyone is welcome here whether you are into coding or just like to chat about the games you play!
Pixel system Icon
Business | Community
Bot manager ele ainda está no começo Mas ele tem um sistema de criar embed Só usar *criarEmbed se der algum erro entre. No servidor de suporte. Pretendo adicionar muito mais coisas Ele é um bot privado ninguém tem só vocês poderão ter
Saint martin management bot Icon
Community | Anime
# -==-×->>**༺ সেন্ট মার্টিন ༺ ** > »»———==——==———===——× > |====|। ।|====| > ╰┈➤ ** এটা একটা বাংলাদেশী কমিউনিটি সার্ভার । এই সার্ভার টা একটু নতুন সার্ভার এজন্য আমরা এই ইনভাইট লিঙ্গের মাধ্যমে আপনাদের আমন্ত্রণ জানাচ্ছি সার্ভারে ** । ` <3 ` > । > »»—===——==—————==——×  > ╰┈➤ __**বাংলা সার্ভার**__ > ╰┈➤ __**সপ্তাহিক এবং মাসিক > ইভেন্ট**__ > ╰┈➤__**ফ্রেন্ডলি কমিউনিটি**__ > ╰┈➤__**অ্যাক্টিভ ভয়েস চ্যাট**__ > ╰┈➤ __**স্টাফদের জন্য রয়েছে আকর্ষণীয় উপহার**__ > ╰┈➤ __**সার্ভারে চ্যাট করলে পয়েন্টস পাওয়া যায় এবং সেই পয়েন্ট দিয়ে OwO cash কিনা যায়**__ > ╰┈➤ __**রয়েছে ধরনের চিল গেমস টাইম পাসের জন্য**__ > ╰┈➤ __**রয়েছে লেবেল আপ রোল**__ >  ×—==————==—==———-«« > ×—==————==—==———-«« > **তো আর দেরি না করে আজকেই হয়ে যান "সেন্ট মার্টিন" সার্ভারের সদস্য** | https://discord.com/invite/FPpnTEXj2D
MusicMaker Icon
Music | Community
Discord Professional Music Bot ## About Bot - Turkish, Dutch, English, French, Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic, Italian, Indonesian, Spanish, Germen, Japanese language support. - The excitement of listening to non-stop music 24/7. - Customizable commands. - Shuffle commands. - Chance to set customizable dj role. - A chance to loop the music you want so it doesn't end. - Create your own playlist. Use it if you want, share it with everyone. - Add your favorite music to your playlist with one click and listen later. - Open music from dozens of supported audio platforms. - Add color to music with special sound filters. - Specify the specific channel in which the command will be used. ## Supported audio playback platforms: - YouTube - Spotify - SoundCloud - Vimeo - Reverbnation - Facebook - Attachment Links - TikTok - and 742+ other platform. ## BOT COMMANDS: - /back | /statistic | /clear | /dj | /filter | /help | /loo
grimreaper Icon
Community | Gaming
it doas alot of things for example helps do giveaways talks with members and can do bot commands and the part everione has is have fun
100% DZ Icon
Bot | Community
Jjdkn’d’s’d’s’d’sw’s’´dw’wnnwkwkwjwjssnnd nov j’ai lit du Js dis ce th no oh du jvois du g du C C g et lit c je c j
WEG Icon
Gaming | Community
official walt effect gaming discord bot that has all your moderation tools to run a discord server invite this bot for moderation only.
Stellar - Twój bot reklamowy! Icon
Bot | Community
Stellar - Twój bot reklamowy! Czy marzysz o dynamicznie rozwijającym się serwerze Discord? Poznaj naszego rewolucyjnego bota reklamowego - Stellar! ✨ Co oferujemy?: 🚀 Promocja bez Granic: Stellar automatycznie promuje Twój serwer w wielu serwerach, przyciągając nowych, aktywnych członków. 🌐 Precyzyjne Targetowanie: Dzięki inteligentnym algorytmom, Stellar dociera do osób zainteresowanych treściami Twojego serwera, zwiększając szanse na zdobycie lojalnej społeczności. 📊 Statystyki Skuteczności: Śledź efektywność reklamy dzięki zaawansowanym statystykom, dostępnym w prosty sposób. 🤖 Wysoka Interaktywność: Stellar zachęca do interakcji, co przekłada się na aktywność członków, tworząc silną społeczność. 🚀 Dodaj Stellar i zobacz, Jak Twój serwer zaczyna w ekspresowym momencie rosnąć! 🔗 Dodaj Stellar Teraz! 🔗 Discord [SUPPORT]: https://discord.gg/NERMQgUAU6
Yakuza Icon
Yakuza is a multifunctional Discord bot with over 600 commands. Start with basic information, music system, economy, administration system, automod, setups and so on. The bot it’s perfect for your Discord server. This is a bot created for all user needs, Yakuza can compete with Mee6, ProBot and other big bots.
Xi Bot Icon
Art | Technology | Gaming
💎 All-in-one AI assistant: ChatGPT-4, GPTs, VHQ image generation, AI editor and other! ⭐ Start using for free! ⭐ Payment with crypto! ⭐
Xi Bot Discord Server Banner
Xi Bot Icon
Art | Technology | Gaming
💎 All-in-one AI assistant: ChatGPT-4, GPTs, VHQ image generation, AI editor and other! ⭐ Start using for free! ⭐ Payment with crypto! ⭐
ImperialSMP | Bot Icon
Community | Gaming
# Imperial SMP **Minecraft Somente Java Original** **Aqui temos:** [🇧🇷] **Servidor (24hrs) on! Java Original versão: 1.20.4** - [📜] **Diversos plugins** - [📠 ] **Host paga e sem lags** - [📕] **Temos um belo sistema de regras e somos um servidor focado no survival** - Venha participar do nosso servidor sem lags e com muitas aventuras! Temos nosso servidor do Discord interessados me chamem no Privado! Todos são bem vindos no nosso servidor!
Local Arma Icon
Gaming | Community
Бот который поможет вам ориентироваться на нашем сервере, изучить команды, слушать музыку, получить информацию, а также поддерживать модерацию
AutoDeleteWizard Icon
Bot | Community
Introducing the AutoDelete Wizard – Your Ultimate Discord Server Maintenance Companion! 🧹✨ Key Features: ✅ Auto-Delete Messages: Set up rules to automatically delete messages after a specific duration. No more manual clean-up! 🚀 Easy Configuration: Customize the bot's behavior with a few simple commands. No coding or complex setups required. 🧙‍♂️ Magic Commands: Use magical commands like "zap" to instantly clear unwanted messages. 📊 Statistical Insights: Get detailed statistics on message activity in your server. 🔒 Security: Rest assured, your server's data and privacy are our top priorities. The AutoDelete Wizard operates securely and respects your server's settings. 🌟 Fun and Interactive: With its magical theme and engaging features, your community will enjoy every moment with the AutoDelete Wizard. 🤖 24/7 Support: Our friendly support team is here to assist you whenever you need help or have questions.
VisionX Icon
The features of our bot are as follows: ## Utility: afk , membercount , invite , list , list roles , list invoice , list bans , list emojis , list activedeveloper , list createpos , list bots , list joinpos , list moderators , list early , list inrole , list invite , list boosters , list admins , list muted , snipe , servericon , avatar , banner , banner user , banner server , ping , firstmessage , botinfo , userinfo , serverinfo , roleinfo , channelinfo , translate , uptime , setup , setup reqrole , setup list , setup create , setup delete ## Moderation: ban , clear , clear embeds , clear emojis , clear files , clear bots , clear images , clear mentions , clear reactions , clear contains , purge , purge invites , purge startswith , purge endswith , purge user , purge contains , kick , mute , unmute , unban , unbanall , nick , role , role all , role cancel , role bots , role humans , role status , rrole , rrole all , rrole cancel , rrole bots , rrole humans , rrole status , hide ,
Semy Icon
Community | Bot
Hello everyone, Have you ever searched for a bot that comes with a built-in shop/marketplace? Let me introduce you to Semy. It features an integrated marketplace where you can add your own products and sell up to 100% more than ever before. Commands: /market - the entire marketplace of all servers where Semy is present. /market-add - allows you to add your own product visible to everyone, wherever they are. /market-edit - lets you edit a product you added earlier. And many more features! *Continuous updates* Add Semy Bot now by clicking on it to the right and then add [ADD NOW](https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1070027320158593144&permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands) or join the bot support server and ask for assistance [here](https://discord.gg/PaCRtpKsQs).
Moon 🌙 Icon
Community | Support
Featured Functions: 🛡️ Efficient moderation to maintain a safe environment. 🎲 Fun entertainment commands to liven up your chats. 🌐 Practical utilities to make server management easier. 🎵 Music commands so the fun never stops.
Arche Icon
Crow Bot who do everything Made By Sized .gg/arche +help for commands (DM s6ze for any problems) :)
Setaur Icon
Bot | Community
Setaur 24/7 Open 🔰 Information - Bilgilendirme invite ’ ping ’ stats ’ uptime ’ help 🎵 Music - Muzik autoplay ’ clearqueue ’ evolume ’ filter ’ jump ’ loop ’ lyrics ’ move ’ nowplaying ’ pause ’ play ’ playprevious ’ playskip ’ playtop ’ eplay ’ queue ’ remove ’ removedupes ’ replay ’ resume ’ search ’ seek ’ shuffle ’ skip ’ stop ’ unshuffle ’ volume ⚙️ Settings - Yapılandırma 247 ’ autoresume ’ config ’ dj ’ prefix ’ reset ’ setupmusic
Welcome Icon
Community | Gaming
Soooo I don’t wanna write a houngred words so I will do this:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
TurkiyeFastSmsBomber Icon
Pierry bots Icon
Community | Gaming
Olaa👾 esse servidor é uma loja/comunidade aonde vendemos de tudo e mais barato, nitro, gerador, assinaturas, métodos,robux,free fire e etc..
Community | Gaming
Bot Pleno o bot Pleno ele é um bot que vai ajudar com configuração ajeitar canais cargos e muita coisa
Genshin Impact Icon
Bot | Anime
Join for an exciting journey through the world of Teyvat ~ Our bot has many exciting features - from wishing for characters to battling with slimes! Each character you summon will be stored into your inventory and can be equipped with weapons and artifacts You can build each character stats and add
Genshin Impact Discord Server Banner
Genshin Impact Icon
Bot | Anime
Join for an exciting journey through the world of Teyvat ~ Our bot has many exciting features - from wishing for characters to battling with slimes! Each character you summon will be stored into your inventory and can be equipped with weapons and artifacts You can build each character stats and add
Server Whitelist Icon
Community | Growth
Hi! I can help you with anything you need. Please let me know if you have any questions. Welcome to First Responders FPD. Come Have fun and adventure with us!.
PAR.pt Icon
Community | Social
Bot do Portugal Atlantic RolePlay privado!!! discord.me/portugalatlanticroleplay Bot Oficial do PAR.pt
Kepi Icon
Community | Programming
Home of the simple, multi-purpose bot, Kepi.
Yaman‘s Discord Server Icon
Community | Streaming
The official Discord Server for the Wikipedia Bot and yaman071.
Seri Support Server Icon
Bot | Community
Seri is a multipurpose bot aimed at users of all ages! Seri has over 100 commands and even features a full economy and marriage system! This is the support server for Seri and is here for you to not only be around others that really enjoy Seri but to help you with any questions or problems you may have with the bot!
GRiM™ Support Icon
Bot | Community
This is the official support server for the Discord bot 'GRiM'
Gold Bot support server Icon
Technology | Community
Support server for Gold bot
Utopia Icon
Bot | Community
Utopia! The main focus of this server is the bot going by the same name. Your main goal is to build your Empire and conquer others! I develop it and we are a small community, I'm listening to your feedback and implementing all your suggestions (or at least most of them). If this sounds interesting for you, feel free to join ;)
Engauge Icon
Bot | Community
This server is the general community and support server for Engauge, a Discord bot that allows you to gauge user participation and reward it on your Discord server. Join to seek help or to suggest features!
Konverte Icon
Bot | Community
Server support of Konvere
GO Community Icon
Bot | Community
Go Community Support Server
Pantera Beta Icon
Community | Bot
This Is a server for pantera bot in this community you can play games with bot , can talk with other people about bot or something else ,you can get informations with !info will get informations about owner and bot , server, !help for know the commands and !invite to get invite for server and for bot
Upa Icon
Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
Upa Discord Server Banner
Upa Icon
Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
Argo Official Support Server Icon
Community | Support
This Is Argo Official A Amazing Community
VIP Support Icon
Bot | Community
VIP server podderzhki dlya podderzhki botov. Mnogofunktsional'nyy VIP-bot s upravleniyem serverom, instrumentami administrirovaniya, razlichnymi utilitami, razvlecheniyami i mnogimi drugimi komandami.
light Icon
Community | Bot
Welcome to light. This is a completely new community server. -> Only join if you're seriously interested! This server is also support for the bot called light. Thank you.
Krone Community Icon
Community | Bot
This place is for people that like to use Krone & want to chat around more. Here you can hang out, make friends, and probably discuss some suggestions to Krone or Opinions. It's really just a place to have fun & meet new people, have a good time and chill. I will be seeing you around, good luck and have fun!
Unleashed Souls Icon
Community | Gaming
Unleashed Souls In Unleashed Souls we Just chill out you know like we are just a friendly community thats trying to grow so we would apricate you joining and having some fun. We do Gaming, Memes, Chatting, Programming, and more so join up and have a fun time :)
servidor de soporte de rayan bot Icon
Bot | Community
es un server de soporte de rayan bot
Impersonator Support Icon
Bot | Community
Impersonator has the coolest welcome messages on Discord. Come see and try it out in your own server!
Yõkõsuka ? Icon
Anime | Community
Yõkõsuka est un serveur communautaire basé sur l'univers et la culture japonaises, il est plus particulièrement centré sur les mangas et les animés . Le serveur est fais de manière épuré pour que tous le monde s'y retrouve. Nous sommes des personnes banales mais notre objectif est de regrouper un maximum de personnes afin que tous le monde puissent jouer et que personnes ne puissent s'ennuyer que le monde des mangas et animés soit partagé avec d'autre monde comme les jeux vidéo.
Ice Bear Icon
Bot | Community
Support my bot and my discord server!
KB - Galaxy Cowboy ? Icon
Bot | Community
A great bot for making when can you meet (RSVP) polls. As well as a status engine that posts all statuses in a configured channel. The bot is in constant development, come take a look and join the community!
OwO Bot Icon
Community | Bot
OwO bot has a variety of amusing, social commands which add a fun aspect to your experience on discord. OwO bot primary commands are the ones regarding animals, which you can hunt down, sell, sacrifice, and battle against others! Hunt for animals and fight other players with them
❤️ | #SEXTOU Icon
Entertainment | Community
RPG, Moderação, Diversão e utilidades de forma única. ❤️ #SextouBaby com vários outros comandos, vem conferir!
[EU] DEER ISLAND | Solo/Duo/Trio Icon
⭐⭐Welcome to our laid-back server! Our focus is on creating a friendly environment. If you happen to take down a new player, show some kindness by reviving them. This isn't your typical cutthroat PVP server—it's all about enjoying the game together.
[EU] DEER ISLAND | Solo/Duo/Trio Discord Server Banner
[EU] DEER ISLAND | Solo/Duo/Trio Icon
⭐⭐Welcome to our laid-back server! Our focus is on creating a friendly environment. If you happen to take down a new player, show some kindness by reviving them. This isn't your typical cutthroat PVP server—it's all about enjoying the game together.
Smugy Fugy Support Server Icon
Community | Bot
A support server
The Hidden Studios Icon
Community | Support
Welcome to The Hidden Studios, the support/community server for The Hidden Studios!
Octo-Cow Icon
Community | Entertainment
This bot does a lot of commands like running polls, memes, getting youtube videos and tons more on the /help command or /AllCommands.
SpartBot Support Icon
Community | Bot
Advanced Ticket system per categories, Tickets, Verify, Multipropuse, with DASHBOARD. The most versatile ticket tool. Customizable Ticket
Crypto | Community
UZURA WALLET official discord community. ★What is UZURA WALLET. Crypto currency wallet. Token registration. You can enjoy with friends and the community at the tip and faucet. UZZ is required to use some services. ★Available Crypto currencies. #UZZ #BTC #ETH #DOGE #XRP #WAVES #SPRTS #VIPS #USDT #XEM #GBYTE #XPC #LTC #MONA #ZNY #PPC #FJC #WAVES tokens #ETH tokens etc... ★UZURA WALLET Features. tip, rain, faucet, Token registration, SNS Link(Twitter,Discord,Telegram,LINE etc...) WebApp: https://web.uzuras.net/
Community Icon
Bot | Community
EnderMusique | Bêta est un bot de musique avec un système de recherche et disponible avec toute les musiques.
Phoenix Bot Icon
Prefix is / do /help for a list of commands more and more commands will be added in the future but as of right now, there is only a few such as moderation commands like kick, ban, clear, add role, remove role (add and remove role command is a bit glitchy at the moment) and basic commands.
Pixelated Bot Icon
Bot | Community
discord bot
Mandem Icon
Gaming | Community
i help you get friends and tell you what to do if your bored so i can give you free games just dm @rahiabdullah69YT#9357
Ruang Pengetahuan Icon
Social | Community
Salam Pengetahuan bagi kita semua! Halo guys, perkenalkan kami adalah Ruang Pengetahuan, grup Facebook yang bergerak dibidang edukasi dengan anggota yang sudah mencapai 350.000 ribu ini resmi melebarkan sayapnya di Discord lho! Di sini, kalian bisa berdiskusi dengan baik sesuai topik yang kalian inginkan, dan juga mendapatkan informasi bermanfaat lainnya yang sebelumnya belum kalian ketahui. Yuk, bergabung bersama kami di Discord Ruang Pengetahuan sekarang! Panjang umur Perjuangan, Panjang umur Ruang Pengetahuan!
League Of Nations Icon
Role-Playing | Community
Build a glorious Nation! Expand your Empire, customizable role-play and go to war against others. Enjoy having the comfort of full access to the League of Nations Bot in the support server or by adding the bot to your server.
Smokeytube support server Icon
Community | Social
Deletes among us and amongus related content. It parses all messages for "sus", "amongus", and other game-related lingo and it scans images for amongus characters with AI-learning.