Questo bot ha svariate utilità!
Serve per moderare il proprio server, proteggerlo con comandi super efficaci in caso di Raid, ha un sistema di Economia per divertirsi, altri comandi per giochi, sistemi di warns, reports...
Molto altro in arrivo...
Prefix is /
do /help for a list of commands
more and more commands will be added in the future but as of right now, there is only a few such as moderation commands like kick, ban, clear, add role, remove role (add and remove role command is a bit glitchy at the moment)
and basic commands.
Nate bot is small but striving to grow. It already incorporates a few essential features, although we are currently focusing on other aspects. We strive for uniqueness in our Discord server, Google Docs, and beyond. My bot may not offer as much as others, being small and with only a few commands, but we value people's feedback and are not actively seeking major issues or bugs.