Wir haben unser Rollensystem noch einfacher gemacht um unseren Discord noch leichter zu machen. Das beste ist Ihr könnt jetzt schon ganz einfach eure ROllen über die Server Anleitung bekommen.
Mae Govannen LOTRO Community,
I would like to introduce the Community Discord for Lord of the Rings Online.
Our server started very small at that time with only a few community members, now about 400 members participate. The Discord itself is relatively simple and has a nice handling. Since our Discord is growing steadily it is time to inform you about it.
You surely ask yourselves what brings you this Discord ?
latest news of the game like update 33
Store offers of the week
Event schedule of the festivals
class point channel
Meet LOTRO Streamer
General chat to chat with other players
Voice chat support
Screenshot channel
other things are still in planning
You like this project ?
Then join this Discord today https://discord.gg/wJbsSkv7H7
We are looking forward to you If you are also interested in participating in the project just write me at
Wir haben unser Rollensystem noch einfacher gemacht um unseren Discord noch leichter zu machen. Das beste ist Ihr könnt jetzt schon ganz einfach eure ROllen über die Server Anleitung bekommen.
We´ve Updated our Rolesystem to the new Serverguide Feature from Discord. To make it easier for everyone