Hello! Welcome to Koin Cafe!
Why should you choose us as your first cafe?
You should choose us because you can get trained to work on your experiences in real life such as Developing for a website, Customer Support, Operating a POS, being a manager, Getting promoted, and more!
Where is your game/group???
Our game and group can be located in three different ways, way one which is pretty obvious by the name "Koin cafe". You can go on https://koin.cafe for the link to both games/group.
How do we know it's just a random regular game?
You can see that our picture isn't a Roblox one but we are working on getting thumbnails for the games and more! Stay tuned for that.
Can we trust this game?
Absolutely! You can trust our game as it doesn't have any advertisements or any fake Robux or gift card things that can hack your account! We do not hastate any promotion in Robux or anything.
How do I become staff?
You can become staff through the website/group.