Progressives & leftists is a broadly leftist server comprised of progressive leftists from all corners of the world.
- The server has a reasonable strict but brief vetting.
- Zero tolerance policy for all forms of bigotry. Racism, sexism, homophobia, chauvanism is not tolerated.
- Zero tolerance policy for imperialist apologia of any kind.
- Modrated channels for serious discussions or edicational discussions.
- A forum to specifically discuss parts of theory.
- A forum to discuss all kinds of media from movies, music and video games to books, mangas and anything else. A lot of our members are into discussing movies.
- There is an open channel where members can choose to talk to users who dont make the vetting or are just curious about the left.
- Leftists of all stripes welcome, from Marxists and collectivist anarchists to democratic socialists and social democrats.
- Minimalist design of channels fit for discord mobile.