Before we even begin, we are sorry due to the lack of recent updates. School has really kept many of us busy lately for the past month, so progress has on Swift Elite has been a bit slow.

In the time from the last post to now, Afghanistan fell, the Delta Variant came into the US, and China basically banned gaming for people under the age of 17! Even though Swift Elite hasn't changed as drastically as the world has, we have come up with new dreams and ambitions for the server! We usually post the monthly bucket list in a channel called "『?』patch-notes", but we decided to skip it this month. We noticed that we were promising a bunch of stuff each month, but not completing them. Because of this, we are working on those promised tasks.

Some of the things that we finished/completed/did since the last post include: ・Creation of Events and Competitions ・Creation of a FAQ channel ・Made a new Logo for SE (lots of community support for the new logo!) ・Better organization of roles (When you now join, you also get the "Achievements" section) ・Use of and (again) for server promotion

Some of the things we are actually working on that were promised/advertised/etc...: ・Creation of the "Swift Store" with items (really in-depth with UB) ・Better advertising of Swift Elite ・Offline Mod Control ・Holding Events and Competitions

Some of the things we want to work on, but are either on hold or need more research: ・Achievements with increasing difficulty ・Creation of a "Bot commands" channel (shows the cmds for the bots in the server) ・Creation of an achievements channel ・Better automation for Events and Competitions

Hopefully with time, tons of effort, and support from the community, we may one day finish these ideas! From the first post we made on (around 6 months ago), we had some crazy ideas. The same can be said with the post labeled as "SE Patch-Notes 3: Recent Accomplishments!" that was posted around 4 months ago. In the post, we had some ideas about having a custom economy, embeds for organization and cleanliness, etc.... Those ideas were finished within a couple of months aswell. Although Swift Elite is still relatively small with ~70 members, the server will go into Phase 2 hopefully soon!

To those who read through this entire post or have been following us, thank you for giving us a chance! If you want to check out our accomplishments for yourself, join the server with the link listed below!

Discord Server: