Server focus is on bring you the best and cutest anime amotes! We will be constantly adding a new ones over time. Pokemon, Marin, Ganyu, Pochita, Elaina and more!
Serveur rempli d'emotes du manga/anime "Frieren" ! N'hésitez pas à nous rejoindre pour en profiter !
Server full of emotes from the manga/anime "Frieren"! Don’t hesitate to join us to take advantage of it!
A server for those who love Jujutsu Kaisen Emojis you can use these on other servers if you have nitro. This server is purely only for emotes there is no chatting channels.
Serveur rempli d'emotes du Manga/anime "moi, quand je me réincarne en slime/Tensura" ! N'hésitez pas à nous rejoindre pour en profiter !
Server full of emotes from the Manga/anime "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime/tensura"! Don’t hesitate to join us to take advantage of it!