AOE IV 2v2 Community Cup

Registration until 17.12.2021 Date: 19.12.2021 Start time: presumably 14:00 o'clock

The prize money for the

  • 30€ each

  • 10€ each per player.

  • Winner + Looser bracket (the losers from the winner bracket will go to the looser bracket in later rounds and play against the winners of the looser bracket)

  • played 2v2 BO1; final BO3

  • after victory the Civ may not be played again (only final BO3)

  • all victory conditions allowed


  • Game 1: Pick phase - Team 1 Player 1; Team 2 Player 1; Team 2 Player 2; Team 1 Player 2.
  • Game 2: Winner Picks first (only finals)
  • Game 3: Winner Picks first (finals only)

Maps: Please vote for the maps in the channel "Voting" !

  • Game 1: randomly from the 5 maps of the vote
  • Game 2: randomly from the 5 maps of the voting (only finals)
  • Game 3: randomly from the 5 maps of the voting (only finals)

We wish you a lot of fun and hope for a lot of participation.