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Hello gamers this server is called VC Gaming and we are a fortnite ,advertising and giveaway discord server you should read our rules #?rules and check out our updates #?updates weekly because you do not want to miss out on the cool events i will be doing in this server and when we do a giveaway all the info about it will be there.
there are lots of levels that can earned and you get rewarded for doing so .every week i will check the level leader board and who ever is on the top of the levels will get vip permanently witch will give you access to all the level perks #?level-perks and a special chat for only @vip and vip advertising (coming soon)
we have 3 fun bots so fare and you can use them #?-commands #?-commands-2 #?dank-memer #❤idle-miner and #?counting please use the right channels for the right game bots i will be adding more and if you want me to add a bot go to #?ideas and give me an idea of witch bot you want and then i will do a vote in the #?updates if you wa
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