A free discord bot to help manage your channel and provide entertainment functions. (inc music) All features are free to use with no commands locked behind a premium paywall. if you need help type!help and the bot will help you.
Do you hate "XD"? Just add my bot to block it on your server. There are ways to bypass but we are working on fixing all ways.
Prefix: X
X ping
X status
X invite
Some more secret commands ?
Anti XD
Anti DM XD
Uptime 24/7 but there are sometimes outages (sometimes few minutes, sometimes few Hours)
Manage messages (to delete XD)
Read messages (to read XD)
And some more for future now not needed.
Waiting for verify
💵 | pay for premium?
bot is completely free (Noting Premium / vip bot [now!])
📝 | Prefix
A! (A! help) , a. (others cmds)
💬 | Chatbot
I can write several languages (cz,en,ru{Soon,Es,fr,pl})
🤣 | fun
I have fun commands
🕵️ | Security
moderator commands
💵 | Economy:
I know economy commands (work,balance,atd)
📨 | Fast Support
Fast support (bug,idea,Report,addbump)
VIP server podderzhki dlya podderzhki botov.
Mnogofunktsional'nyy VIP-bot s upravleniyem serverom, instrumentami administrirovaniya, razlichnymi utilitami, razvlecheniyami i mnogimi drugimi komandami.