!help Displays all the commands of the server !ban Ban's a User from the Server !mute Mutes a user in the server !unmute Unmutes a user in the server !afk Set's an AFK message for a user !warn Warns a user. !warnings Displays all the past warnings of a user. !clearwarnings Clears all the warnings of a user. !status Changes the status or presence of the bot. Only premium users can change their bots presence. !report Allows users to report another member. All reports will be stored in a channel named 'reports'. Bot must have permission to create channels. !suggest Allows a user to make a suggestion. All suggestions are stored in a 'suggestions' channel. Bot must have permission to create channels. !invite Generates the invite link for the bot and posts it in the server. !kick Kicks a User from the Server !say Broadcasts a message in the channel !addrole Adds a role to a User !removerole Removes a role to a User !softban Soft Bans a User from the Server. Removes all their messages from chat and kicks them. !purge Deletes a number of messages in a channel. !ping Gets the Ping of the Server and Bot. \