Our mission statement is to do the Kingdom work and to do it effectively with Holy Spirit for he is the one that gives us the ability to do these great things. Also to equip the body of Christ and allow new believers to be on fire for the lord, and to protect the sheep (babies in Christ) from diverse attacks that the enemy tries to throw at them. We don't stand for Luke warmness; we raise up end time warriors and send them out!! If you’re in here to waste yours and my time and you think this is just another Christian server you are mistaken and you may leave. I want people that are serious about God and that we all can get closer to God together not lagging behind amen, but wanting to really be serious and to seek the Lord. We have many chats that will help you to progress and stay in the things of God. We do deliverance, bible studies, prayer sessions, Men/Women fellowship, and more. Feel free to ask questions and to explore the server and be sure to invite more people as God leads. God has many big plans for this ministry including an organization were other ministries will be underneath us since we are called "Gods Ministries". God has also said that the organization is going to be global and churches are going to be planted globally.