Boas vindas ao nosso reino! Fique por dentro das novidades na aba #arauto, leiam as #leis e mantenham-se ligados aos #clãs! Esperamos que sua estadia seja proveitosa enquanto estiver por aqui, porém, quando partir, estará por conta própria...
This server is for gamers and streamers.My server is all about gaming,streaming and videos.Anyone who plays games,streams or records videos will find new people to connect with,play with,stream with,or record with.You can make a lot of friends here.Would you please join?
Official server for ConorJayy! ( )
- Gaming
- Movie nights
- 24/7 Music bot
- Assignable colours & roles
- Future Giveaways
? Anime nights, movie nights, chilling on youtube
? Friendly community where you can hangout
✔️ Official Discord of the streaming platform
Official Discord server for AmazingPeterGaming a.k.a. APG, live streamer, Legacy Mixer Partner, former Facebook Gaming Partner and now on Youtube!
He loves cake. Come hang out!