Jedi Order of VCR

This Is a VRC Star Wars RP community For PCVR and Quest Users you must be 13+ to join this server And Meetings are every Tuesday and Thursday from 5pm to 6pm and RP is Every Monday And Friday from 5:30pm to 7:30pm

About Server

This Is a VRC Star Wars RP community For PCVR and Quest Users you must be 13+ to join this server And Meetings are every Tuesday and Thursday from 5pm to 6pm and RP is Every Monday And Friday from 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Recent Posts

New members


We are looking for new members for our star wars RP server plus anyone 20+ can take an admin trial you pass you become admin of the server

New members

We are looking for new members for our star wars RP server plus anyone 20+ can take an admin trial you pass you become admin of the server

New members

We are looking for new members for our star wars RP server plus anyone 20+ can take an admin trial you pass you become admin of the server

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