there's not much of a reason for you to join this server, but at the same time there's not much of a reason not to. There really isn't much you can lose by stopping by given how easy it is to join and leave a server. This one's quality in particular is one that's a double edged sword, on one edge is the fact that the server's infancy and primitive state allows for people who join to determine the direction the server goes in, as well as what is should be. On the other edge, the fact the server's so young and primitive allows for less of the standard inane or banal banter people typically crave, and due to that there's only a few people, maybe even just me. So in the end, it depends on whether or not you're willing to join, honestly there's not much of a reason not to when you can leave a server so easily, and if you read through all of this, kudos, thanks for your time and have a tolerable remainder of the week.