Trust me. I know.
You're a roleplayer looking for a unique but nostalgic server; one focused on building a mature community which captures the wild and fiery Golden Age that you've missed ever since that first post all those years ago. Enter: "DAYSTAR SAGA."
As someone who has being text-based roleplaying in the comic genre since 2017 (ALMOST A DECADE!), I have made it my mission to take my experience and form a narrative revival in the CRP community unlike any seen before!
-8 "COMPLETELY Customizable"(!) & Balanced Builds, based on different interconnecting themes from DC & Marvel Comics. Create a Cold-Gun-Toting Patriot, or an Uncannily Evil Dark Lord.
-"SCENE Cutting", Or Action Interruption, is uniquely banned in our server! Gone are the days of writing 3,000 words just for some meta-gamer to respond to 200 words of it! We value skill and equity above all things!
-Enjoy a "REACTIVE Plotline" highly based around Incursions! Various threats come from across the multiverse!