Below is a list of all events we do in the ANB Hangout!

✧ Last 2 Leave: If you're unfamiliar with this event, let me break it down for you since it's quite simple. A bunch of participants join a VC and compete to be the last person in the call. You are allowed to be on deafen if you need to be afk. Sometimes the rules change and you can be disqualified for being on deafen or mute.

✧ Movie Nights: During movie nights all participating members join a VC where someone from the Event Management Team stream a movie (typically on Netflix). Everyone will be server muted to keep disruptions to a low, but you can use the VC chat to text fellow members about your opinions or express yourself.

✧ Server Games: When this event is hosted we play the built-in games on Discord such as Gartic Phone, Truth or Dare, Death by AI, and many others. These are always very fun to participate in!

✧ Game Nights: When we host game nights we pick a game for us to play such as, Roblox, Minecraft, Fortnite, etc. During game nights we may add challenges within the game to spice it up a bit, other times it may be to jus chill and have fun.

✧ Quiz Nights: There are many different way to host quizzes but some of the ones we use are the following, Kahoot!, Quizizz, Blooket, and others. As boring as a quiz may sound I can assure you that they are very fun.

✧ Challenge Events: Challenges are always fun and engaging so we try to host some every once in a while. Some of the challenges are, Cooking Competitions, Art Challenges, Message Goals (Compete to reach a message goal [ex: 500 Messages] whoever reaches the goal first while following the rules wins the prize, etc). If you have any challenge idea always feel free to recommend them.

Server Events are always fun and we hope to see you join and take part in them. They always make great bonding experiences. If you can come up with new event be sure to let us know in our server suggestions channel. Thank you all!