Rust trial game server called rustyboys. We have active admins to deal with hackers and just get you use to the game are admins are frendly and funny and some times will pop up on you and give you a jump.
Wanna flex with us? You came to the right place! Join us every once in a month with our own created tournament and get a prize for just playing with us. There is so much more to see. Feel free to discover it by yourself. "We are mainly foccused on League Of Legends"
Share your art, music or anything, get advice and critique on your creative works, participate in big upcoming events!
From gamers to artists we have all the hobby enjoyers on our server!
A truly laid back and fun community
Welcome to Epic Gaymers! Just because it's called 'Epic Gaymers' doesn't mean you have to be part of the community, everyone's welcome here! If you're looking to make new friends who share similar interests to you then this is the server for you! We host gaming events and offer mental health support for those who are interested. If you have any suggestions for the server then we'll listen, because it's the members that make the server!