We recently went through some major changes: Changing the style of the server from PvE/RP to a more PvP focused server with lots of opportunities for all play styles! Loot has been modified as well as spawns (few coastal spawns; most are now central, so more MILITARY BASEs near you for that sweet sweet loot you want!) We also added in the concept of "Control Points" - places you can capture by yourself or with a faction to receive benefits in the form of Supplies, or Vehicle/Weapon and gear spawns!.

In addition to this, we have multiple factions and a dedicated admin team who will assist in all the coding and server problems! Our many factions have opportunities to join, and they offer varying playstyles depending on what you prefer to see in DayZ!

We have added in Kits in various bags across the map that will give you some nice starting loot to get your journey underway, and have helpful players willing to assist you in starting your adventure and story in the world.