When you join, you will see in the text category that there is memes. Please feel free to post as many as you please, but if you really wanna flood the chat with pictures of Yandere Dev there is a spam channel.
A place for cool people to go to talk about whatever they want.
Games, Music, Vibes.
Swearing so 13+ preferably.
All people welcome.
When you join, you will see in the text category that there is memes. Please feel free to post as many as you please, but if you really wanna flood the chat with pictures of Yandere Dev there is a spam channel.
Our roles do contain swearing. There are 2 roles without swear words, being 'innocent bb' and 'pog'. That is why we advise everyone who joins our server is over the age of 13. While they are meant to be jokes, if a 6 year old kid goes up to his parents like 'Hey dad, I got the Enormous P*nis role!' that wouldn't be too swag. You can pick whichever role you like within the choice of 7, that may change in the future but so far there is only those.
Damn Chad gonna make me act up. He has much more pick up lines up his bot sleeve. He can also tell dad jokes, and have an existential crisis.