The year is 3907 of the Iron Imperial Calendar. Humanity has reached new heights and traveled beyond its own star utilizing the FTL engine or faster than light. On these new worlds different species have been found and negotiated with as humans traveled the milky way. War rages as 3 main powers, Human, Vorc, And Griashu, fight for dominance and control of the Galaxy, Using Mecha units known as Xen to take battle to new heights.
Iron Skies is a 18+ Erp server that offers a fun combination of Science fiction, Mecha, and a lot of races to choose from, along with welcoming staff, and a world that revolves around the actions of the characters that inhabit it. From waging war in one of the battlefields to having a bit of fun at the Lucky Star Casino and Brothel, There's a lot to be seen in our server!