18+ XXX - NSFW Goon Discord! Free PORN & HENTAI content refreshing every hour, free AI bots for sexting and NUDE image creation, mini-games, a custom economy, active text chats, frequent Goon VCs, PNP+, and much more! Look inside for more details, and join us today!
hii 🧚♀️✨ this is the goon garden! we're excited to have you 🏡🪻🌷 feel free to chat about anything under the moonlight, discover hidden treasures in our various channels, and find your way through our not so secret NSFW section.
as a goon-friendly server, NSFW content is the main focus here. if that's not something you are okay with, this isn't the server for you.
🍃 whether you're here to explore the mystical, or simply unwind with like-minded souls, you've found your sanctuary. 🍃
🔞 please be aware we are an 18+ only server NO MINORS