We have a new channel called ⁠burn-book-compliments-only where when you go to ⁠bot-commands📑 and type / confess-to you can compliment anyone or everyone on the server anonymously. I highly encourage you to participate because it feels nice to make someone happy and make their day. We also have ⁠mudae-room for those of you who love to get married to fictional characters~ We also have a new role called @Weekly Announcements ping that you can get for weekly updates every Monday. Keep in mind it may not happen every week but since our server is brand new there will be a lot of changes. You an get it in ⁠roles✨ I forgot to mention last time , you can set up your birthday in ⁠bot-commands📑 using /set We got socials now! We recently have created an insta and tik tok account for our server to help with it's growth. Rn it doesn't have much but feel free to give us a follow and we will follow you back!

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/28ladiesclub82?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==

Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ladiesclub.team?_t=8mJuDrqCuZk&_r=1

Other updates is that WE GOT 50 VERIFIED LADIES IN!! We also have reached our 100 tickets (if only those people verified)