Just chatting- We have many channels like girls-talk to just talk in and make friends with the lovely ladies on the server. We also have a variety of voice calls to join, relax, just chat, or listen to music.
Advice and guidance- we offer help with womanly things such as periods, pregnancy, mental health, and so on. Since we're all girls here, there are moments when we need help asking questions but are too scared to approach other individuals. We share our tips and tricks to help with the troubles of womanhood.
Supportive community- We encourage a supportive and loving community amongst our members by using community-building initiatives like an anonymous complimenting confession bot. We have complement pings, in which people are randomly pinged to compliment the ladies.
Fun activities- we offer many enjoyable activities. We have a money system in place where you can buy roles that are of notable women in history. You can also learn about the many women who paved the way for us ladies. We also have art events, writing events, and gaming events. We also have leveling-up roles where over time you get to win many prizes. We have put in place a Mudan bot for those who love fictional characters. As, for those who love to spam, we have a channel for you to spam to your heart's content. We include color roles and many other roles to acquire.
Creative space- we have a great deal of artists and writers here. We place great importance on creativity. We give designated places for people to post their works whether art of any kind from digital to traditional to ceramics and more to writings such as blogs, poems, short stories, and fanfics. We don't judge on what you make we love to see creativity!
being productive- We have a productivity category where we have a goal channel to put in your short-term and long-term goals so we can help keep you on track, which also comes with a process channel to include how much progress you have made and how much you have done. This category also includes a couple of voice channels to get things done with other people so you're not distracted.
Sharing is caring- we also have a media section where we have channels to post about, random things, pets, food, shows, anime and manga, games, face-reveal, your social media, and recommendations for womanly issues. We have some great enthusiasts over here for each channel and our most taken in one being anime and manga! so if you want to share any animes and mangas here, feel free to do so!
Music- We are big fans of any kind of music so feel free to hop in and share your favorite music or listen to music with others on our voice channels.
Staff and safety- We have an amazing team of staff working hard to keep our server safe who also works on keeping our server entertaining for our members. We have a verification system placed for people to verify they are a lady which also doubles as a gate to make sure harmful people don't come in.