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50 years have passed since the demise of sauron, aragorn rules as the king of the reunited kingdom. the elves have revived and purified sauron in his elven form and through the great wizards magic, have turned mordor into a green and beautifull forest, turning orcs back into elves and creating a new elven nation. gondor and the new mordor are curently going through a golden age, new ideas are spreading and a renaissance has started. Rohan is thorn by religious disunity between valar worshippers and followers of the old horse gods and civil war looms. In the east the empire of rhun, led by the jade empress Aichi Gurun Xia and the Sublime Raj of Harad have formed an alliance, plotting to end the peace and stability in the land this is LOTR: A new era a 18+ without ERP community for semi to advanced litterate writers
We offer:
-the possibility to create your own cultures and religions for the factions of middle earth expanding on our already made lore!
-Early gunpowder weapons while ke
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