We are fun and supportive gaming community looking for new members to join! When you join you can find: daily and weekly giveaways, active and sympathetic chat, fun bots, music channel, voice channels and much more! Our current project is: opening of a brand new 10X EU Rust server. So hop on RustRoyal and enjoy the ride :)
This is my server for my community to hang out while I am not live. We will do plenty of community events, gaming together, and having fun. As the server continues to grow we will do valorant tournaments weekly. I will alert everyone when a new video goes live and when I am live on twitch.
This server is meant for valorant players, to talk about the game, the state of the game, anything about the game! And anything else! You can talk about anything in this server! It is a community/gaming server! We hope to see you here!
Hier findest du viele Gamer , die gerne mit dir zocken würden! Alle verschiedenen Games wie Fortnite, Valorant, Rust, Minecraft ETC. Wir würden und Freuen wenn du dich uns anschließen würdest, wenn der Server erfolgreich wird, wird es wöchentlich Giveaways geben von Fortnite Battlepässen, Vbucks, Valorant Points ETC. Wir Freuen uns auf dich!! Zurzeit läuft auch ein Giveaway, also komm rein und nimm daran Teil!
Are you looking for people to play valorant with? This is the server to join. We are on track to become a very big community. Join the server so you don't have to solo que again!