Development Discord to help others learn and improve in their knowledge of coding. Most of our work is based around Discord Bots and FiveM (Specifically Standalone and ESX Frameworks.)
Olemme suomalainen roolipelipalvelin, joka sijoittuu Pohjois-Amerikkaan, Los Santos, Utah, Idaho. PohjoisRP:llä panostamme RP laatuun, sekä ylläpitäjiin. Tule ihmeessä kokeilemaan mitä palvelimellamme on tarjota.
Terveisin PohjoisRP:n Ylläpito!
The Lavish Lifestyle RP contains a wide variety of high quality custom & unique vehicles for you to cruise through the streets of Lavish Los Santos city in. Hundreds vehicles are available at the dealership and more are being added & removed weekly in limited quantities.
Redýý Dev | Shop consiste numa loja de venda de produtos direccionados a configuraçoes, como servidores de FiveM e/ou CS:GO. Estes produtos trazem à comunidade portuguesa mais qualidade e performance