Aloha, cousins!
We are a Lilo & Stitch community (previously known as /co/hana) that originally formed as a weekly thread on a certain imageboard in August 2020 thanks to an Angel (Experiment 624) worshiping thread. Come join our 'ohana if you're looking for fans who actually talk about the Lilo & Stitch franchise and the experiments (instead of just sharing merch and heaping love on just the titular cute blue alien alone). We also like to discuss some nerdy stuff, run streams of the movies and TV shows (yes, even those two spin-offs), and play with a fun bot that retrieves information and images of the experiments. We are primarily SFW but with a slightly risqué sense of humor. Because of that, you must be at least 18 years old to join this server.
We are happy to have any Stitch fans who wish to join our server.
Come join us if you're looking for some friends to chill with and talk about.