SharpLine Sports Icon
Sports | Community | Investing
Let us do the research so you can enjoy sports while making money. Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to change your sports betting profits forever! Members made over $500,000+ in 2023.
SharpLine Sports Discord Server Banner
SharpLine Sports Discord Server Banner
SharpLine Sports Icon
Sports | Community | Investing
Let us do the research so you can enjoy sports while making money. Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to change your sports betting profits forever! Members made over $500,000+ in 2023.
PolitikSimulation Icon
Political | Role-Playing
Ein Politik RP Server mit Wahlen und Parlament! Schaut vorbei! Der Server ist noch im Aufbau. Deswegen suche ich noch Team-Mitglieder, die mit mir die Leitung und den Support übernehmen.
Atatürk Gençler Birliği Icon
burası istediğiniz gibi sohbet edip ülkenin durumu hakkında konuşabileceğiniz kendi görüşlerinizi bildirebileceğiniz bir yer
/2hu/ Icon
Anime | Political
Server where you can post cute touhou and fumo pics. Please read the rules when joining. #SupportUkraine #DvrkBrandon
Communist Students and Scientist Icon
Science | Political
Science communication server focused on socialism, communism, and on left-wing politics. Our goal is to unite socialist and communist students and scientists from the whole world and fight capitalism, neoliberalism, and neopositivism within science communication and scientific community.
United Tankie Front Icon
Political | Community
"So left, two, three! So left, two, three! To the work that we must do. March on in the United Tankie Front, for you are a tankie too!" Discord server focused on tankie unity and on uniting tankies from the world wide against left anti-communism (also left McCarthyism) and against anti-tankieism (also anti-tankie McCharthyism). And also focused on dunking anti-tankies from a tankie perspective. Left anti-communists and anti-communists are equally satirized.
Movimento pela Criação da URSAL Icon
Political | Community
Servidor focado em unir socialistas, comunistas, marxistas e esquerdistas da América Latina que defendam a criação da URSAL (União das Repúblicas Socialistas da América Latina) e defendem manter o ideal, a esperança, a vontade e a chama da criação da URSAL viva e continuar com a mesma. Apoiadores de governos de esquerda na América Latina, como o governo do Lula e do PT, também são bem vindos. Socialistas, comunistas, marxistas e esquerdistas de outros países de fora da América Latina também são bem vindos.
Apoiadores do Lula e do PT Icon
Political | Community
Somos o servidor Apoiadores do Lula e do PT. Somos um servidor focado em unir apoiadores do Lula e do PT no Discord. Socialistas, comunistas, anarquistas, marxistas e esquerdistas como um todo são todos bem vindos aqui! Pessoas de outros países que não sejam o Brasil, também são bem vindos! Somos el servidor de Lula y PT Supporters. Somos un servidor enfocado en unir a los seguidores de Lula y PT en Discord. ¡Socialistas, comunistas, anarquistas, marxistas e izquierdistas en general son bienvenidos aquí! ¡Las personas de otros países además de Brasil también son bienvenidas! We are the Lula and PT Supporters server. We are a server focused on uniting Lula and PT supporters on Discord. Socialists, communists, anarchists, marxists and leftists as a whole are all welcome here! People from countries other than Brazil are also welcome! Nous sommes le serveur Lula et PT Supporters. Nous sommes un serveur axé sur l'union des supporters de Lula et PT sur Discord. Les socialistes, les commun
Tankie Pride Worldwide Icon
Political | Community
The Tankie Pride Worldwide is a Discord server focused on unite Tankies (including Marxist-Leninists, Bolsheviks, Bolshevik Leninists, Trotskyists, BRICS Communists, Soviet Restorationists, USSR 2.0 supporters, RSFSR 2.0 supporters, Ukrainian SSR 2.0 supporters, Comintern 2.0 supporters, World Socialist Republic supporters, World Communists, Tankie Democrats (Tankie Democracy supporters), Liberation Theologists, Revolutionary Socialists, PTs Socialist Democrats (PT's Socialist Democracy supporters), Ultravisionary Socialists, State Socialists, Third World Communists, Left-Nationalists, National Liberationists, Land Back Nationalists, Jucheists, and so on) from the worldwide in a single place in order to show everyone Tankies are proud of who they are and also focused on turn the Tankie Pride Worldwide movement into a thing as well. We are LGBTQIA+-friendly, BIPOC-friendly, Otherkin/Therian/Godkin/Divinekin-friendly, System/Plural/Endogenic-friendly, Minority-friendly, Pagan-friendly, J
RevSoc-DemSoc Alliance Icon
Political | Community
The RevSoc-DemSoc Alliance (RSDSA) is a Discord server focused on unites revolutionary socialists and democratic socialists, and build a strong revsoc-demsoc unity community online. Our alliance is focused on unite groups and comrades who would fall into the categories of RevSoc and DemSoc. We are LGBTQIA+ friendly, BIPOC friendly, Religion friendly, Otherkin friendly, Therian friendly, Divinekin/Godkin friendly, Plural/System friendly, Endogenic friendly, and so on! We are also very anti-NATO and anti-US as well as we advocate for a Socialist World Republic/Federation under the principles and politics of revsoc and demsoc. Don't worry if you have been labelled as "tankie" or "anti-tankie" or "non-tankie" once on the Internet. This server is for people like you who would very likely fall into the categories of RevSoc or DemSoc.
Political | Social
We are the Communist Party of Socialist World Republic (CPSWR) Discord server! We are a world communist, Trotskyist and world federalist server focused on build a worldwide communist movement prepared for the future of world federalism and for the world federation in the next decades. We are world communist and Trotskyist by default, and we struggle for the creation of the Socialist World Republic, or, at least, for a Socialist World Federation, considering how much globalization and globalism are getting stronger nowadays and the need of we socialists and communists must prepare our struggle for our world federalist future and for our unified World/Earth/Humanity in the next years or decades to come. We are also focused on VHSMT (Voluntary Human Survival Movement) and we stand for the human survival and the development of plans and measures for countering stuff like Global Warming, Climate Change, Technological Singularity and so on. We are LGBTQIA+ friendly, BIPOC friendly, Religi
Apatheist People's Republic Icon
Political | Community
Welcome to the Apatheist People's Republic server! We are a server focused on unite apatheists, agnostics, atheists and antitheists who are socialist and communist and vice-versa. We are a server focused on create a safe space for atheist/apatheist/agnostic/antitheist socialists/communists/Marxist/leftists, as well as help socialists and communists who suffer from religious trauma and who are struggling for leaving religion, spirituality, divinity, metaphysics and theism for once and for all. We are LGBTQIA+ friendly, BIPOC friendly, System friendly, Endo friendly, Otherkin/Therian/Godkin/Divinekin friendly, Minority friendly, and so on. Religious people and spiritual people are welcome as long as they don't proselytize. Antitheists are welcome as well, as long as they can tolerate other atheists, apatheists and agnostics. Religious/spiritual/divine socialists/communists are allowed here as long as they don't proselytize as well. We stand for socialism and communism within science c
Pagan Communist Bloc Icon
Political | Beliefs
Welcome to the Pagan Communist Bloc! We are a pagan communist, pagan socialist and pagan leftist server focused on unite pagans and polytheists who are socialist, communist and leftist, and vice-versa. We are also dedicated on the study and discussion of pagan socialism, pagan communism, and pagan leftism, and create a safe space for pagan socialists, pagan communists, and pagan leftists on the Internet. We are also: - LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC friendly; - Otherkin friendly and Divinekin friendly; - Neurodivergent friendly; - System friendly and Endo friendly; - Anti-Capitalist; - Anti-Fascist; - Anti-Neoliberal; - Anti-NATO; - Anti-US; - World Communist; - Socialist World Federalist; - Socialist World Republican; - Against right-wing ideologies; - Anti-Anti-Communist; - Pro-all pagan and polytheistic religions; - Pro-AES, Pro-USSR, Pro-RSFSR, Pro-Ukrainian SSR, Pro-Comintern, Pro-Socialist World Republic, Pro-Marxism-Leninism, Pro-Trotskyism, Pro-Warsaw Pact, and Pro-Second October Revol
haru 春 Icon
Gaming | Anime | Social
anime ⨯ gaming ⨯ art ⨯ social 🌸 24/7 active server 🌸 chill & laid back 🌸 500 emojis 🌸 nitro giveaways 🌸 join us for fun times (੭ ˊ^ˋ)੭ ♡
haru 春 Discord Server Banner
haru 春 Icon
Gaming | Anime | Social
anime ⨯ gaming ⨯ art ⨯ social 🌸 24/7 active server 🌸 chill & laid back 🌸 500 emojis 🌸 nitro giveaways 🌸 join us for fun times (੭ ˊ^ˋ)੭ ♡
Atheist SSR Icon
Community | Political
Welcome to the Atheist Socialist Soviet Republic (Atheist SSR)! We are a Discord server focused on atheists on the left and build a strong atheist leftist, socialist and communist community. We are also focused on create a leftist, socialist and communist space inside science communication as well. We are LGBTQIA+ friendly, BIPOC friendly, Otherkin friendly, Divinekin friendly, System friendly, Endo friendly, and so on! Agnostics, apatheists and the like are also welcome. Religious people, spiritual people, divine people and theists as a whole are also welcome.
Wij Friesland Icon
Community | Political
Wij Friesland is de eerste onafhankelijke media website van Friesland. Actueel en ongecensureerd nieuws vanuit het vaderland. Sluit je bij ons aan en samen werken we aan een eigen en onafhankelijk Fries platform. Je vindt ons op
Better Future Program (BFP) Icon
Community | Political
Better Future Program, Inc. (BFP) is a 501(c)(3) youth-run nonprofit headquarter in New Orleans, Louisiana, indigenously known as Bulbancha on Chahta Yakni and Chitimacha land. Our mission is to globally expand peer-led political education, support, and imagination for marginalized youth. Whether you're a volunteer or a visitor, join our server today to interact with youth activist from around the globe!
Political | Community
Welcome to the United North Atlantic Antifascists and Anticapitalists - UNAAFAC! We are a Discord server focused on build a strong anti-fascist and anti-capitalist movement within the countries from the North Atlantic (Europe and North America) but mainly focused on NATO member countries. We are pro-socialism, pro-communism, pro-Marxism, pro-leftism, pro-progressivism, pro-LGTBQIA+, pro-Otherkin, pro-Therian, pro-Divinekin, pro-Drug, pro-Abortion, pro-Religion, pro-Spirituality, pro-Divinity, pro-AES, pro-Marxism-Leninism, and so on! We also advocate for the creation of Socialist Republics all over the North Atlantic countries and the creation of our lovely North Atlantic Commune, and then the creation of our precious Socialist World Republic/Federation. Join us today, let's fight the fascism and capitalism within the North Atlantic countries!
🚩☭ Cominform 2.0 ☭🚩 Icon
Political | Community
We are an initiative aimed at organizing and helping to create anti-revisionist communist organizations in the Western world and beyond. At the same time, we want to concentrate our activities and the network of tactical alliances in the fight against the bourgeois system and liberalism.
Sejmowa Polityka Icon
Political | Social
🏛️📜 ZAPROSZENIE DO SERWERA "SEJMOWA POLITYKA" 🗳️🤝 👋 Drodzy entuzjaści polityki i ci, którzy chcieliby zgłębić jej tajniki! Zapraszamy Was do naszego wyjątkowego serwera Discord pod nazwą "Sejmowa Polityka"! 🏛️ Czekają tu na Was fascynujące możliwości, by stać się prawdziwymi politycznymi wirtuozami! Chcielibyście wcielić się w rolę posła, pracować nad ustawami, głosować nad nimi i nawet rządzić jako premier lub wicemarszałek sejmu? To miejsce spełni Wasze marzenia! 🗳️🤩 Co Was czeka na "Sejmowej Polityce"? 🎉 🤝 Tworzenie klubów i kół politycznych: Zbierzcie podobnie myślących i załóżcie swoje unikalne grupy polityczne, by razem kształtować przyszłość kraju. 📜 Współtworzenie ustaw: Przedstawcie swoje projekty ustaw, które będą miały wpływ na życie wirtualnych obywateli. Wasza kreatywność warta jest złota! 🗳️ Głosowanie i wybieranie rządu: Posłowie będą mieli okazję wyrazić swoje zdanie, a także brać udział w wyborach, które wyznaczą skład rzą
★I  ☭ 𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗅𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗎𝗅 𝖱 Icon
Political | Military
--------{ Bun venit in Parlamentul Rebublici Sovietica Romnia (PRSR)}--------- Servus Tovaras ACesta este un server deciat Communistilor si celor care sunt interesanti in domeniul rus etc.. . Cautam staf si membri seriosi care le place Communisnul . Ce mai astepti Da-io o Incercare Nu mai sta!
Pixelro Icon
Gaming | Political
Official server for / R/Place
True Marxism-Leninism Icon
Political | Social
This is a true Marxism-Leninism server. Made only for Marxist-Leninists, Socialists and Communists; no social democrats, radlibs, soclibs, or any other form of rightism or centrism are allowed here. We follow the true mainline ways of Marxism-Leninism not the idiotic Internet versions nor the opportunistic-revisionistlc-liquidationistic versions of it people keep coming up with. LGBTQIA+ people, religious people, spiritual people, divine people, theists, Otherkins, Therians, Divinekins, Starseeds, Psychics, Plural-System people, Endo people, and the like are welcome here as long as they are actual Marxist-Leninists, Socialists and Communists. No wokeism and no idpol are welcome here.
Political | Beliefs
Are yuo proud of being European? Then join us! It is time to choose yuor Discord Server, European man.
Beliefs | Political
Welcome to the Pagan Revivalist Socialist Front - PRSF! We are a Pagan Socialist and Pagan Revivalist server focused on build a stronger Pagan Socialist community online. We are revivalists, we encourage our members to make new beliefs and new traditions regarding pagan socialist and pagan communism. We are also focused on fulfill the goals of the former Pagan Communist Pact - PCP community. We are LGBTQIA+ friendly, Otherkin-Therian-Divinekin-Godkin and more friendly, Plural-System-Endogenic friendly, and so on! Keep in mind we support USSR, PRC, AES, BRICS, Multipolarity, World Socialism, World Communism, Socialist World Federalism, Socialist World Republicanism, and so on. So keep that in mind before joining our serves. Recontructionists are welcome, except archeological literalists and historical literalists. +16 only
True ML Revival Icon
Political | Community
We are a true Marxist-Leninist Discord server focused on revive Marxism-Leninism to the 21st Century and to the 2020s and to the next decades to come. We are a server only for Marxist-Leninists, Socialists, and Communists. No radlibs, soclibs, socdems, fascists, right-wingers, neoliberals, ancaps, and the like are welcome here. We fully stand for LGBTQIA+ rights, BIPOC rights, Otherkin-Therian-Plural-System-Endogenic-Divinekin-Mythical-Supernatural-Starseed-Medium-Psychic rights, and for religious pluralism and for spiritual pluralism and divine pluralism. We seek to revive true Marxism-Leninism for the 21st Century and for the 2020s and next decades to come, mainly focused on Soviet/Council Democracy, Socialist Democracy, People's Democracy, Worker's Democracy, People's Self-Determination, World Revolution, World Communism, Cooperative Ownership, Collectivized Agriculture, Left-Technocracy, Left-Scientocracy, and so on.
Furry Valley Icon
Furry | Community
Hey there! We're Furry Valley, the future of the furry fandom and one of the longest-standing furry communities around! ? We host a network of servers and channels including Discord, Minecraft and Telegram! What'cha waiting for? Come join our family today!
Furry Valley Discord Server Banner
Furry Valley Icon
Furry | Community
Hey there! We're Furry Valley, the future of the furry fandom and one of the longest-standing furry communities around! ? We host a network of servers and channels including Discord, Minecraft and Telegram! What'cha waiting for? Come join our family today!
Only For The Riches Icon
Business | Political
This Server Is A Group Of Rich Men Only No Broke People its also for men who want to become rich to be in this server u need to have £100 to spare otherwise don't waste your time joining this is a cult of business men, not discord broke kids
White Ruthenia Icon
Political | Art
This is a pixelplanet server for the country of White Belarus (Ruthenia) Come and join Ruthenia! PPF
PixelTurk Icon
Gaming | Political
Pixel oyunları ile mi ilgileniyorsunuz? O zaman burası tam size göre, seni de aramızda görmek istiyoruz!
İtalyTR Icon
Gaming | Political
İtaly Turkish,italy,italy,sicily,italy,muslimitaly . italy
RutheniaPixel Icon
Political | Social
RutheniaPixel - official server of Ruthenia in and Join us!👋 Glory to Ruthenia✊
Netherlands | PPF Icon
Political | Photography
This server is for netherlands ppf This server is for netherlands ppf This server is for netherlands ppf
CyprusPPF Icon
Political | Gaming
Server for Cyprus in PixelPlanet.Fun
Kingdom of Edessa PPF Icon
Gaming | Political
Kingdom of Edessa is a kingdom in the game Pixel Planet Fun. Our goal is to bring Christianity to the Middle East. Come join us in this journey!
Ooze Icon
Political | Education
Safe for work, civil, and open minded. The server goal is to provide a place where everyone can come together to propose their ideas, debate others, and grow in our understanding
Hungary PM Icon
Political | Entertainment
Server about entertainment in the game that is free Pixel Map (PM) join this and help us be one of the best anyone would help Soo yeah
Deutsche einheit Icon
Sports | Political
Deutsche Einheit Owner: La_PaLuJo Information: Wir sind ein konservativer Politik server. Unsere haupt und einzige Sprache ist Deutsch. Wir sind ein neuer Server im Aufbau, sprich jetzt verteilen wir noch höhere Rollen. -Wir haben ein zweiseitiges Rollensystem, einmal für den Server mit Berechtigungen und einmal "ingame", welche man durch Herrausforderungen erhalten kann. -Wir haben außerdem Rollen wie "Poltiker". Mit dieser kümmert man sich um Partnerschaften oder generell Diplomatie mit anderen Server. -Und noch vieles mehr wie Sport, Lesen, Wandern, Einfach reden,... -Falls wir deine Interesse erweckt haben, kannnst du gerne über den link unten joinen. Kriterien für das joinen: -Du bist Deutscher, Österreicher oder haste solche Wurzeln -Du bist Politik und/oder Geschichte interessiert -Aktiv -Älter wie 13
PM Albania Icon
Offical Pix Map Server Of Albania 🇦🇱 PixMap is the New Pixel Website Created by @al_Hakimi and @Hypeent
Sims Creator Collective Icon
Gaming | Growth | Community
**Welcome to Sims Creative Collective Discord Server!** Join us for self-promotion, Sims bots, roleplay, and making friends. Showcase your creations and connect with fellow Simmers. Promote your content, engage in roleplay, and enjoy community-driven events. A friendly and inclusive space for all!
Sims Creator Collective Discord Server Banner
Sims Creator Collective Icon
Gaming | Growth | Community
**Welcome to Sims Creative Collective Discord Server!** Join us for self-promotion, Sims bots, roleplay, and making friends. Showcase your creations and connect with fellow Simmers. Promote your content, engage in roleplay, and enjoy community-driven events. A friendly and inclusive space for all!
PixMap Bosnia Icon
The Official PixMap Server Of Bosnia And Herzegovina 🇧🇦 PixMap Is The New Pixel Website Created on the 25th of August Hqdzici Is The Website's Admin Of PixMap Bosnia
Kingdom of Morocco Icon
Political | Military
Join the Kingdom of Morocco's at now! 🎨🇲🇦 #Morocco #CanvasPixel
Eternul Schizofrenic INC Icon
Political | Entertainment
Eternul Schizofrenic Factory of Aryan Soldiers. Togheter we will fight for Hyperborea, the paradise.
Conservatives of Canada Icon
Conservatives of Canada We are the discord server of the Conservative Party of Canada, however we are not affiliated by them. We have a great community of people to talk to and everyone is welcome, So why don’t you stop by?
Cassubia Icon
Gaming | Political
Kashubian official server. We're autonomous Kashubia and we work with Poland <3<3 uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, idk?
CANZUK Worldwide Icon
Political | Community
CANZUK is a proposal that seeks to increase cooperation between Canada, Australia, New Zealand the UK, including, but not limited to free trade and free movement of people. CANZUK Worldwide is a server dedicated to bringing the peoples of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK together for unity and political discussion. We also have fun roles and a progression system that encourages engagement and fosters a sense of community. Join the server if you're interested in meeting and talking to like-minded CANZUK supporters.
Ordensstaat Toulouse - PPF Icon
Political | Gaming
- - State Ordensstaat Toulouse - PPF - Fun and activities - Bots - Join us and conquer lots of land in the pixelplanet world -,339,-9032,11
Greece CPN Icon
Political | Gaming
Join the Greek Community of a Pixel Game called on Google. Join to help Greece!!!
American Life🇺🇸 Icon
Role-Playing | Political
"Preparem-se para uma viagem única de volta ao ano 2000 e para uma emocionante jornada de RPG! Que todos tenham um ótimo RP e que nossas aventuras nos levem a lugares incríveis e desafios inesquecíveis. Divirtam-se!" 🎲✨
We evil here we morgoth in here we ANGBAND. this shit aint for the faint of heart. in this house
Communist Internet Safe Haven Icon
Political | Community
The Communist Internet Safe Haven (CISH) is a Communist group that seeks to create a safe haven for Communists, Socialists, Marxists, Democratic Socialists, Tankies, and everyone who fall into these categories online, without the risks of metting anti-communists, anti-socialists, anti-Marxists, anti-tankies, anti-leftists, and/or getting banned just for disagreeing with Ukraine, the US, the EU, NATO, NAFO, Israel, Kosovo, Taiwan, South Korea, Capitalism, Neoliberalism, and the like. We are also seeking to create an Internet space for socialists and communists to cope online due the high pression that is to be a socialist/communist and anti-US/EU/NATO/NAFO/Ukraine online. We are LGBTQIA+ friendly, BIPOC friendly, Otherkin-Therian friendly, Divinekin friendly, Religion friendly, Spirituality friendly, and so on.
MongoliaPPF Icon
Political | Community
Very good ppf for cool guys xd lol idk what to say tbh hi join ppf all coool albania xdl coool albania xdl coool albania xd
Play Minicraft Free 2 Play Icon
Gaming | Community
In Minicraft Plus your goal is to defeat the evil Air Wizard high above. However, to defeat him you will need to adventure deep into caves to find resources, craft items, and build your arsenal. Here is a short guide on how to play.
Play Minicraft Free 2 Play Discord Server Banner
Play Minicraft Free 2 Play Icon
Gaming | Community
In Minicraft Plus your goal is to defeat the evil Air Wizard high above. However, to defeat him you will need to adventure deep into caves to find resources, craft items, and build your arsenal. Here is a short guide on how to play.
Deussprimus Icon
Political | Military
Official Discord of the "Kingdom of Deussprimus" in "". We are a friendly server with little activity (because the most active ones on the canvaspixel don't talk on the server lol) in addition to having people who have great missions
Anti-NATO Left Icon
Political | Social
We are the Anti-NATO Left! Our goal is to strengh the Anti-NATO Left community online, but not just that, we also seek to build an actual Anti-War Left that united both, Anti-NATO, Anti-US, Anti-EU, Anti-Ukraine, and Anti-Russia with Socialism and Communism inside the Left-wing Community as a way to keep actual socialism and actual communism still alive during these war times between Russia and Ukraine and between Russia and NATO. We stand for World Communism, Socialist World Republicanism, and for Socialist World Federalism. As well as we are very anti-capitalistic and very anti-neoliberal. No racism, xenophobia, LGBTQIA+phobia, Otherkinphobia, Pluralphobia, Systemphobia, Divinekinphobia, Therianphobia, Queerphobia, Antitheism, Misotheism, Deicidism, and the like are allowed here as well. Feel free to join if you are an actual Anti-War Leftist and you are done with getting banned from literally everywhere online just for do not support US/EU/NATO/Ukraine/Russia Unconditionally!
Adamstan Icon
Gaming | Political
A nation in We are looking for active members and all of that stuff ❗We are not communists in real life, only in game❗
Mystic Politics Icon
Mystic Politics - place for interesting political discussions. Join us and share your political views.
Slimia Icon
Gaming | Political
Republic of Slimia, nation in Croatia. Looking for allies and active members. We are not gonna give up on our country. Join to help us!
Alcek Bulgaria Icon
Gaming | Political
The Swiss Noble Republic Icon
Community | Political
The Swiss Noble Republic is a Mock-Government of a Monarchist Switzerland, with an Economy, Military, and other things that people will like!
Adjaracanvas Icon
Gaming | Political
A adjaracanvas official server for people to play and enjoy
Lady Liberty 2.0 Icon
Political | Community
We created Lady Liberty to form a community of friends who are critical thinking individuals that value Liberty, Justice and Freedom for All. A community for news and research where we can learn and discern fact from fiction amongst one another.
mazoviacp Icon
canvas pixel server
Countries Roleplay Icon
Role-Playing | Political
Welcome! This server is one made for nation roleplay fans,in which you can chose your country and roleplay what actions happen in your country. Have fun :)
Military | Political
Piksel art online sunucusu kktc kuruyoruz anlamı kuzey kıbrıs türk cumhuriyeti Türkiye cumhuriyeti tarafında yönetiliyor