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Investing | Financial | Community
Best Discord Trading Server for Stocks, Options, Forex and Crypto! Top analysts on Discord giving you daily trade ideas, insights and education helping you succeed.
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Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Best Discord Trading Server for Stocks, Options, Forex and Crypto! Top analysts on Discord giving you daily trade ideas, insights and education helping you succeed.
☆ RCTA / ECTA ! Icon
Science | Social
Hello we're a RCTA / ECTA server, our main focus here is RCTA and ECTA, and how they work and helping each other when we need it, we have wide channels, constant updates, and maybe in the future some events! We are completely non-toxic, Igbtqia+ friendly, free of discrimination. We are enlightened to have you here !
Rcta baiters Icon
Anime | Social
**RCTA Baiters** ·︎ ♡︎ ⁂︎ , ♩︎**__SFW__** + `*nontoxic*` { 🎀 } —︎ { 🧴 } ‘︎ ♬︎ **__11+__** ιllιlı. `FUN EVENTS!! RCTA Antis `[☾★ ] ·︎ { 🌷 } Rcta is not valid ☆彡 ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪☆彡ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Social | Community
a safe, non toxic high security RCTA server! we have nice staff , non bait members & a accepting community! come over to RCTA cafe! we are happy to help<3
Outcast Cove ✨ Icon
Community | Social
We a safe space on Discord for RCTAs (race change to another), ECTAs (ethnicity change to another) and MUDs (medically unrecognized disorders), IRLs/DAs (delusional attachment), otherkin and DID systems of all origins.