Trader Capital LLC Icon
Investing | Crypto
We're better than Wall Street Bible. With over +10K members Trader Capital is the #1 stock / options server that provides alerts, strategies, ideas, and news for everyone! •📅 Daily Alerts •🎤 Live Trading •💰 $1 million+ in member profits •📚 Live Classes
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Trader Capital LLC Discord Server Banner
Trader Capital LLC Icon
Investing | Crypto
We're better than Wall Street Bible. With over +10K members Trader Capital is the #1 stock / options server that provides alerts, strategies, ideas, and news for everyone! •📅 Daily Alerts •🎤 Live Trading •💰 $1 million+ in member profits •📚 Live Classes
problematic house portal Icon
Writing | Just Chatting
server 4 ppl who dgaf others ^_^ also when joining pls read the shit in verify I spent time on that ;-; join or I'll rape u!! O//o
Role-Playing | Community
In the horrid, corrupted workings of the bastard himself, Sisyphus, you, unfortunately, have fallen prey to his hands and shall learn the true workings of Sisyphus. Your arrival was not by chance, but by personal choice by Sisyphus himself. This lab, specifically created for the study of gods that roam our very earth and hide amongst our very own flesh, has been passed down to the very hands of Sisyphus. Unlike the helping hands of his staff, Sisyphus uses the lab as a personal playground; conducting fights, brutalizing many subjects, OR STAFF, to the point their just giblets of the person they once were, and so much more. This is all in the works to find the one and only, Nosoi, Death Almighty. Despite not being a true god, the living virus has made countless people suffer, which makes Sisyphus keen on knowing his ways and possibly eradicating him himself. Your goal is to find our the truth, or possibly escape this damned place. If there even IS a way out.
Embargo Labs Icon
Role-Playing | Military
Hello and welcome to Embargo Labs~! I am the beloved Co-Founder General Kennedy Peterson and we brought you here to undergo a few experiments before we deem you ready for the battlefield~! Hope you enjoy your stay~…’ As stated before, this is a LAB ROLEPLAY. If you are uncomfortable with themes of violence, FICTIONAL gore and war please do not join. LGBTQIA+ Friendly, Therian/Otherkin Friendly, DID System Friendly, Anti-Proship/Comship, Anti-Bigotry or Harassment We hope you enjoy your stay here!