ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
The ultimate Gamer Hideout Icon
Just Chatting | Social
Psst- you hey you! Yeah, you!! Are you looking for a cool and inclusive community where you can be yourself and talk about your coolest interests, hobbies, hyper fixations and more as well as waste your time with some super neat bots?? If so you have found the right place! There's not one but TWO super cool (and nerdy) owners here waiting to greet you!! This is a safe space for all to be themselves and make new friends with common interests you can talk to some super awesome sauce people who are excited to meet YOU!! We also host vice president elections every two months sooo you may have a chance to win admin roles for a couple months!!!!! So what are you waiting for come on and meet some awesome people!!! We also hop into vc and play video games (mainly Roblox) as well :3. So come on make new friends and memories! (P.S. Once we reach 100 members you will get an "OG member" role you can show off with pride!) (P.P.S. Yes that is my cat in the picture we give her lots of love her here)
Temple of Niris Icon
Gaming | Anime
What is this and who am I? My name is Nic (or Niris if we game together) and I started this Discord as another distribution channel for my Destiny infographics, but I also wanted to have a place to chat about dope stuff w/ dope humans!
Cycle and Dredge Icon
Gaming | Tabletop
The official Discord of the Cycle and Dredge podcast network. All gaming, all geekdom, all the time!
Autodidact/Nerd University Icon
Education | Community
This is an education server dedicated to autodidacts, nerds or just anyone with a passion for learning. We have channels as well as resources for pretty much anything from math, science, languages, humanities and more. If something is missing, you can always request it. You can come here to help each other learn and collaborate or just have fun with academics.
The Realm Icon
Hobbies | Social
A discord community for general discussion of the genre of Fantasy; movies, literature, television, TTRpg, LARP, and more. We are a growing active community looking to discover new titles, discuss our favorite franchises, and make friends with people who share our interests! * Custom Emojis * Friendly Staff * World Building * LFG * Franchise specific channels * Member created content welcome! * DnD * Magic The Gathering, and more!
25+ Nerds Icon
Community | Social
We are an older group of nerds who enjoy to shitpost, chat about anything, and discuss our favorite interests! We discuss tech, games, sex, family, and everything in between.
The Nicelanders Icon
Community | Growth
A community for people that enjoy gaming, content creation, general nerdism and personal growth.
Marching Band Memes & Cults Icon
Music | Memes
We are big group of nerdy friends that love and enjoy marching band as well as other things that are similar to marching band. Come join us! We are welcoming anyone no matter their sex, race, or gender! We would love to have you as a member!
Coding Shitpost Zentrale Icon
Programming | Technology
Deutscher Server für diverse programmier- und nerd Themen. Language-Bashing, shitposting und Autismus stehen an der Tagesordnung. Jeder ist willkommen da jede Programmiersprache gleichermaßen diskreditiert wird!
SactownNerds Icon
Community | Entertainment
We are a friendly sacramento/norcal based server. We are primarily located in Sacramento, and have members from all around norcal. 18+ is preferred. All discussions are welcome, but members are expected to behave themselves.
Clube dos Nerds Icon
Education | Entertainment
Clube dos Nerds é um servidor do Discord que consiste em um grupo para alunos ou não-alunos se ajudarem, tanto em tarefas ou até para descutir sobre assuntos nos quais você gosta, entre e saiba mais!
Basement Nerds Icon
Gaming | Community
A haven for all fellow basement dwelling nerds who are looking for a place to meet,game and hang out with like-minded gamers. No matter who you are or what species you are,All is welcome!
Elysium (18) Icon
Community | Social | Memes
A fun social server for you to chill and make friends. If you're looking for cool people to shoot the shit with, then hello and welcome to Elysium! I wrote this while I was on the toilet
Elysium (18) Discord Server Banner
Elysium (18) Icon
Community | Social | Memes
A fun social server for you to chill and make friends. If you're looking for cool people to shoot the shit with, then hello and welcome to Elysium! I wrote this while I was on the toilet
KS Gaming Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
KS GAMING (former NOFEAR GAMING) is a Gaming Clan founded in EUROPE in May 2020. We welcome open talented members from EUROPE in WILDRIFT. We aiming to be among the best gaming clans in the world. You will have free access to graphic and social content just by playing and having fun with what will become your family. We provide a very healthy and funny enviroment for players at all ages, and the server provides major benefits. We want people with NO TOXIC behaviour. Willing to commite to our BIG project. Alwais looking for: ➡Gfx designers ➡Discord booster and Moderators -COMP TEAM FOR WILDRIFT REQUIRES A TRYOUT -WR PLAYERS CAN JOIN AS COMMUNITY You can alwais join as part of our wildrift community! Hope to see you soon! #KSonTOP
Community | Hobbies
<A bit about use> Military hang out is for military lovers an nerds to come together and embrace what they love and have a good time. We host holiday events, meet up events and much much more cozymuffins and I cozyace will be happy to help if anything.
Pizza Delicious Club Icon
Community | Entertainment
Welcome to Pizza Delicious Club! An agglomeration of forums to talk about the hottest technology topics of the moment, and also niches that are hard to find. can't find what you're looking for? start a new group and have fun with your friends! for the more fanatical, we also have an NFT pizza that gives you access to some VIP functions. The token has incorporated the invitation link to discord, where the token's possession will be verified through collab.land,
the starting price is 0.02 ETH. The maximum supply will be 4999 tokens. It will be possible to buy one of our tokens on our site, accessible through discord. No more tokens will be printed.
Pigfarts Legacy Icon
Community | Gaming
We're a Hogwarts themed server for nerds. We have a house cup and would love for some new friends to join :). We're inclusive and accepting of anyone friendly and we have movie and game nights, come join and expand our community <3
Adult Anime Icon
Anime | Art
Not a hentai server. Legitimately just adults who enjoy anime/manga. Weebs allowed.
Hobbies | Crafts
A server where we are trying to meet cool people with various interests be it art, sciences, books, movies, rock collection, rock climbing, computer science, engineering, astronomy or any other niche topics you want to geek about, you and are welcomed here!!! Flex all you want whatever you want!!! Nerds are fun people ig??
Interconnected Hearts Icon
Community | Hobbies
Interconnected Hearts! We have only one goal that we want to reach. It's to find a way to discover self and make relations while being true self! We want to help people to connect together and form relations, be a center hub for many little hearts that gonna gather there and share own small piece of own world! We can provide you: * Helping materials for self-growth * A center to meet people alike you with new introduction system! * Creating an unique atmosphere that will be focused on individualism and advocating people to stay true to themselves * New system to deal with conflicts ( productive way ) * Best attempts to make you feel be understood * Many more like typology systems such as MBTI! We will be happy to meet you there! Come in and share with us your personal world!
Darkside Icon
Community | Anime
───────・✧ 🥀 Darkside Community ⸝⸝ 💀 ❯❯ 𝐒omos uma comunidade social interativa e amigável. Nosso servidor possui uma temática visual dark/sombria, e foi criado para entretenimento à qualquer público da comunidade Discord; desde Gamers e Otakus, à Bookstan's e nerds Cinéfilos! Aqui você encontrará tudo o que um servidor geek/nerd pode lhe oferecer. 🎀 ─ Temos EVENTOS e ATRAÇÕES incríveis e únicas; 🎁 ─ SORTEIOS diários, PATROCÍNIOS e premiações fantásticas; 💣 ─ Vários CHATS e FÓRUNS temáticos para você interagir; 🩸 ─ Vantagens exclusivas para VIPS e BOOSTERS; 🕸️ ─ Vagas em toda a STAFF; 🫀 ─ PARCERIAS sempre abertas; 🕷️ ─ CATEGORIAS voltadas à Livros, Games, Filmes, Arte/Design e Bots de Mine-games; 🥀 ❯❯ 𝐕enha já fazer parte da comunidade Darkside. Saiba que você será muito bem recebido!
Cocoa Bean Squad Icon
Anime | Gaming
Fun place to chill and relax with friends, a friendly community that loves having fun and chatting. Watch parties and gaming sessions pretty often
Taverna Icon
Social | Memes
Bem-vindo à Taverna! Uma comunidade exclusiva para adultos, cheia de pessoas incríveis e interesses diversos. Participe de canais temáticos, eventos divertidos e chats ao vivo. Ambiente acolhedor, respeitoso e sempre animado para novas amizades!