Role-Playing | Gaming
"Roleplayers of Laurelin" is a Discord server dedicated to discussing, organizing, and initiating story-based roleplay on Laurelin, the official roleplay server of "The Lord of the Rings Online".
"Roleplayers" hosts a number of novel features that seek to facilitate and incentivize in-game RP, including our LFRP ("Looking for Roleplay") Board, in which members can host or attend sessions of RP in exchange for unique server roles and rewards, and our monthly roleplay prompts, which encourage members to host events in diverse locations or attempt novel character and story concepts for a chance at in-game rewards.
Ultimately, the purpose of "Roleplayers" is, as its name suggests, to serve the roleplayers of Laurelin. Since its inception in August 2024, the server has been massively successful in this effort; we have hosted over 100 sessions of RP in locations as diverse as Erebor, Gondor, Mirkwood, and even Umbar.
So, come, join us, and RP in LOTRO! We look forward to welcoming you!