Control Center bot update

Major system:

We have implemented a new blacklist system. This is not to mess around with anyone. This is for exploiters and related. If you get blacklisted you will not be able to use any of the bot's cmds. All commands were migrated to this new system, this is what delayed the update.

🤖 Additions:

  • Added /role-all command, this will role everyone in a server with the selected role.
  • Added /members command to display how many members have a role, if the value/option is blank it will display the server member count.
  • Added a new /say command
  • New !test command to check your status whether you are blacklisted from using our bot or not.
  • Added a new blacklist system.

⚒️ Bug Fixes & Improvements:

  • status-page command response is now a embed.
  • Fixed /slowmode command not working.
  • Deprecated '!help' command.
  • Minor bug fixes & improvements