rainfall is a fast, new, multi-purpose bot dedicated to enhancing your experience.
General Commands
$help - Show this message
$prefix [prefix] - Set a new prefix for the server
$invite - Invite the bot to another server
$support - Support server for raccoon
Moderation Commands
$banwordlist - Show a list of banned words for the server
$banword [word1, word2, ...] - Ban specific words from the server
$unbanword [word1, word2, ...] - Unban specific words from the server
$ban [user_id] - Ban a user by ID
$kick [@user] - Kick a mentioned user
$timeout [@user] [time] - Timeout a mentioned user for a specified time
$purge [amount] - Delete a specified amount of messages
$banrecent [time] - Ban members in certain timeframe.
$kickrecent [time] - Kick members in certain timeframe.