On Sunday, 13. September 2020 we are hosting a League of Legends Summoners Rift 5v5 tournament at 6 pm CEST. To make sure that the games arent too one-sided, the tournament will be split up into tier 1 (diamond +) and tier 2 (iron – platinum) brackets. You can only sign up as a full team. The deadline to sign up is Friday, 11. September 2020. :alarm_clock:
General rules and information.
- To sign up for the tournament the team leader needs to contact a Mod or an Admin.
- Smurf-Accounts and freshly bought accounts are not allowed.
- Each team is allowed to have one substitute that must be signed in aswell.
- Placeholders are allowed if needed but must be communicated with a Mod/Admin and the enemy team.
- Once the game is over, send a screenshot of the postgame lobby to a Mod or an Admin to show us the results of the game.
- The finals will be a Best of 3.
- The general rules of the server apply to the tournament on discord and ingame
Rewards. :moneybag:
- The two winning teams will be each gifted 50 Euros worth of RP. The money will be split into 10 Euros for each player and gifted within 24 to 48 hours.
- The winners can choose a custom role which will be displayed above the Challenger role for 2 weeks.