Welcome to the Vis Island Discord!

In order to create a safe and fun environment for everyone, like every other discord server, we need some rules! These won't be too hard to follow, most of them just require some common sense.

Rule #1 - No spamming

This should be self-explanatory. Nobody wants the flood to be flooded by random messages. Examples of spam include pings, repeated phrases, or generally anything that's sent in a high quantity over a small amount of time.

Rule #2 - Be kind

We want this server to be free of any harassment, so remember to treat others like how you want to be treated. If you see any harassment taking place, or are a victim of it, please tell a staff member as soon as possible and we will deal with it.

Rule #3 - No advertising without permission

If you wanna share an invite with someone, please do it in DMs unless you have explicit permission from a staff member.

Rule #4 - No NSFW outside of their respective channels

Rule #5 - Try to keep things in their respective channels

Posting a meme in #vis_discussion or discussing an anime for a short amount of time isn't going to get you banned or anything, but if you're gonna do it for an extended period of time (more than a couple minutes), please go to the respective channels.

Rule #6 - Follow Discord's Terms of Service