Mathematics help and discussion server that is also centered around Vital Sine, a youtube channel that produces mathematics videos and educational content.
having a bit of trouble with your assignments/homework? why not go ahead and join a server that'll assist you with just that? meet lots of people, chat, and help/get help! we're looking forward to seeing you at our tea time study!
Join us to get FREE homework help, enjoy studying with your peers, and make new friends from all over the world! :) P.S. We are looking for more tutors!
✎┊ Get free study help from a community of passionate tutors
✎┊ Get recognized for helping students from all over the world
✎┊ Study Rooms to help you stay focused and achieve your goals
✎┊ Meet and network with other college students globally
✎┊ Random giveaways and rewarded activities
time doesn't exist
you want to prove it
ok... join our community and let's talk about it
a club for all physics enthusiasts
regardless of their level of expertise
we also have tutorials and daily voice chats
and also work on some projects
Fastest growing homework help server on Discord. We are very inclusive to all users who are of diverse demographics. This server is strictly moderated to ensure the environment is conducive for learning.
Powered by r/HomeworkHelp Moderators team.
A place for students to pay tutors to do their homework, finish online exams, write essays, and complete other assignments. All topics and all grade levels are welcome! You can submit your requests for history papers, calculus homework, programming assignments, and buy essays for any subject safely
This is an education server dedicated to autodidacts, nerds or just anyone with a passion for learning. We have channels as well as resources for pretty much anything from math, science, languages, humanities and more. If something is missing, you can always request it. You can come here to help each other learn and collaborate or just have fun with academics.