Commands Overview:

/feedback – Got feedback or need help? Use this command to reach out! /help – View a list of all available commands. /invite – Invite the bot to your own server. Bot Features: This bot is your all-in-one solution, designed to handle a variety of server needs, including:

YouTube & Twitch Notifications – Never miss a stream or video!

Tickets System – Effortless support with a custom ticket system.

Suggestions – Gather feedback and ideas from your community.

Leveling System – Track and reward member activity.

Anti-Spam – Keep your server clean with automated anti-spam protection.

Auto Role – Assign roles automatically to new members.

Welcome & Leave Messages – Greet newcomers and bid farewell in style.

Member Counter – Show off your server’s growing numbers with real-time stats.

Leaderboards – Highlight the most active members in your community.

...and more features are added every day!