Bem-vindo ao nosso servidor de Discord de Factions, o epicentro da estratégia, conquista e colaboração no vasto mundo do Minecraft. Se você é um mestre na arte da guerra, um líder astuto ou um jogador ávido em busca de aventuras emocionantes, este é o lugar ideal para você.
Welcome to The Minecraft Retreat, we are a new discord server which was made due to PlayStation ruining communities, however we will accept any platform.
This is a discord to find people to play Minecraft with.
Join today! we got all the things you could want: bots, active players and of course Minecraft!
LightCrafts goal is to bring multiplayer to Xbox and switch where they have no add server button only join realm. If your looking for a realm like this join LightCraft discord so we can invite you!
you tired of pricy servers? we have the cheapest Hosting for
Rust servers
ARK Servers
Counter-Strike: Global offensive
Garrys Mod
Team Fortress 2
Minecraft and VPS
we have 24/7 support!